I have been studying Islam for a year(I am a retired Catholic priest). God, and I mean God, help us all. The Koran and Islam give all the details of your way of life. That way of life, including Sharia Law, are eternal. In other words Islam is locked into the Seventh Century; it is “frozen” in time.
The Catholic Church’s Teachings, on the contrary, are fixed…but many of our “rules” change, for example, in Canada we can now eat meat on Fridays! Christ did not lay down a “manual for living” in all its detail, because He didn’t have the time to do so according to Islam. Mohammed did so in the Koran.
Christ gave to humanity Faith, Hope and Love. These virtues imply actions toward God and our neighbour. No rules about washing pots and pans or diet and such. Christianity leaves such details to the Church; the rules(details) must change from time to time by their very nature.
The Ten Commandments cannot be rescinded because they are rooted in and essential to our humanity. “Disciplinary Laws” as Catholics call them, are made according to the needs of Catholics at a given time in history.
They must change; not so, our human nature and our human rights. So, Mohammed is not the “Last Prophet”. This so-called “Last Prophet” has “paralized” a whole “religion” and its adherents into stagnation and, worse, into a twisted, inhuman culture.
The test of a true religion: “Grace(God) does not destroy nature but perfect it,” (St. Thomas Aquinas, Thirteenth Century A.D.). To quote an iconic song, “When will they ever learn…?” or Isaiah chapter 58, verse 6, “Let the oppressed go free.”, meaning of course the people of Islam.
President Kennedy quoted this verse from the prophet Isaiah in his “Inaugural Address”. Communism & Islam indeed are to be compared, not contrasted. Did Kennedy have only Communism on his mind in that memorable Inaugural Address back on January 20th of 1961?
Winston Churchill had already written that slavery would not disappear from the planet until Islam was no longer a force in the world. C.S. Lewis described Islam as “the religion of outrage”. ‘nough said!
Yep, 'nough said.