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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/18/2011 8:55:02 PM
This video of Nathan Monk redressing the city council about a person/s being removed from the room for questioning and reminding the council of the 1st amendments - before his time to speak was up, he was told he was out of order and police came up to remove him. The judge did not like being 'told off'!!
He held his ground for the 58 or so seconds and I think he was able to leave under his own steam and was not removed or arrested, however I am not absolutely sure as it the video stopped.

I admire Nathan for standing up for the 1st amendment and it is just 'in your face' tyranny when people can't.

Father Nathan Monk tells the City Council, "We have the right to redress our government without fear of being arrested," and is nearly arrested.

Flag of Peter Fogel

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/19/2011 6:16:33 AM
Hello Amanda,

There you go again assuming I don't 'comprehend' that in addition to the Islamic agenda for world domination there are the Elite/Illuminati in the picture as well. Perhaps you forgot that we discussed this in the past and I'm not only cognizant of the dangers of the Elites I also said they are working in concert with the Islamic world. So I must ask are your assumptions a case of short term memory or convenience?

I choose to make the Islamic threat the main concern and the major issue of my threads even though some of my threads touch on the influence the elites have on the present administration and are pulling the strings and one in particular is the puppet master. Namely George Soros.

Consider this Amanda, who do you think is controlling the UN with their 56 member countries in addition to the Palestinian Authority the 57th? The UN led by the OIC will be the cause for the loss of American's first amendment rights and the right to bear arms and many
other freedoms that are the inalienable right of the American people. The fight for that is also within America with all the Muslim Brotherhood front organizations like CAIR, ISNA and many many others. That is a form of Jihad along with litigation jihad that will cause you to lose your rights without a drop of blood being shed. Add to that the constant threat of jihadi terrorism home grown and imported and we're in serious trouble. All with the assistance of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein whose Islamic agenda is now completely transparent or should be to all.

My 'comprehension' is quite good Amanda and the fact that I think the Islamic/Muslim issue is a greater danger to humanity just means that we disagree on that point. The Elite/Illuminati are a danger but as I told you quite a few times the Elite/Illuminati are the new kids on the block and as many as have been killed by their deeds they pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions killed throughout the centuries by Islam and it's going on till this day.

Yes, God created all human beings and unfortunately some prefer the way of evil taught them from the cradle and brainwashed them with their supposed prophet the Big Mo and the book he authored.

We are all endowed with both good and bad in our total beings but we have the ability to choose between right and wrong. But when you're taught right is wrong and wrong is right from the cradle you have a serious problem. That in a nutshell is what the Koran teaches. Killing infidels is good. Treating women like chattel is good. Honor killings and beating women and children is good. Hanging gays is good. Shall I continue with the list Amanda?

You choose to fixate on Satan but as I told you in the past call it what you wish for me it's pure evil and what they are being taught and in many cases brainwashed with is evil. As I said God endowed us with the ability to choose between right and wrong. According the Koran Muslims haven't got that choice since their every action is planned for them and written in the book the big mo wrote.

Since there are plenty of threads dealing with the Elites/Illuminati and only a few dealing with the Islamic threat to the world as we know it, I'll continue with my posts and direction and you with yours.

Something for you to think about. Have you ever wondered why your favorite source Alex Jones disregards the Islamic threat almost completely? I have and ind it very strange for a supposed reliable source to almost totally ignore this issue.



Hello Peter,

Unfortunately you have not comprehended that the Muslims are not the only danger to humanity.

Yes I agree the Muslims come out and declare what they are going to do, which is far better to actually see your enemy and have a better chance at defending yourself.

The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan etc was to move the Muslims out of their countries to relocate and stir up the 'radicals' in retaliation against us. While the Elites stand back and congratulate themselves...

We are all human beings Peter, We were all created by our Heavenly Father who made Adam then Eve from his rib...and you have to come to realise that we have ALL being manipulated to bring out our 'savage sides'

Please ponder - Did God really make Muslims to be this savage, or do you think that Satan has got in there to stir things up because Satan is the driving force behind the Global Elites, they worship Satan.

The Global Elite on the other hand have been killing off the masses by False Flag events to murder via wars, famines, a few - hundreds - thousands or millions..
They have been soft killing humans with poisons, toxins in our food, air, water and through our skin (what you wear and topically soaps, deodorants etc) especially targeting the American population for decades and they have stepped up their assault in other more creative ways like the Chem Trails, vaccines, GMOs. The population have been unaware of these soft killings, mind control, brain washings - that have been deliberately and methodically performed upon us. We are all sick from some disease or another, I do not think there is one person who does not have some ailment.

This is a Spiritual war Satanical against Gods people


Hey Jim,

It's definitely not an either or situation and the major reason for that is obvious from this video and many others like it. They have no problems telling you to your face exactly what they have planned for all us infidels. I've said many times that they say what they mean and mean what they say.

All you have to do is listen to them and if you have any sense you'll understand that the time to fight this scourge is now and any time wasted is to the detriment to the western way of life. This is a fight for our lives and Eurabia is a fact that can't be denied and the USI (United States of Islam) is their next step in their global plan and agenda.



It is not either or Amanda,

They have teamed up together with the oligarchs against the rest of us infidels and will have no problem in succeeding if we don't wake up soon. Anyone enlightened should be able to see it.


Well I guess we go pick out our coffin - because if the Global Elite doesn't get us ...then the Muslims will..

It's no secret any longer they come to destroy us, wake up! In this sense jihad is war.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/19/2011 8:31:50 PM
Hello Peter,

I felt that I was just 'spinning my wheels' on your forum because you choose to gloss over what is happening here and yet you brought the thread from your forum over to Jims to start over here. Then proceed to shout at me with your big fonts, although I hope it was the editor as we have seen various sizes appear before.

I do disagree, I feel you don't seem to comprehend what I am trying to say. I feel you do not seem to understand I am concerned about what is happening right 'here now' in America the country I choose to live with my American husband with the people that I love as much as my own birth country New Zealand.

These are my main concerns at present which I have said before:
(I chose this randomly off the search engine. I do not know the author. It was the menu that covers the topics that concern me, that the majority has and is happening now here)
And the many past False Flags and still to happen possibly next year to really shut that gate!

If the majority of the American people do not wake up and start non complying in groups (not riots) the gate will be shut against us and US will fall - America is the main country because it has been the biggest engine in the world, and all other countries like NZ, Australia, Canada etc will follow easily because they do not have gun protection laws to stand against Tyranny.
I am worried about my family living in Britain, Australia and New Zealand whom are being fed the propaganda and also still asleep or do not realise how close the gate is to shutting.

Israel to my knowledge has not been dumbed down in this way you know who your enemy is and I am not without compassion or worry for you and my fellow Jewish family under God, Peter. Here in the States it is full force attack from all sides. There is such a lot going on over here that I am so bogged down and I have to fight off desperation and take mental deep breaths and hang on tightly to Jesus in prayer before I melt.

Yes I am also aware that the Muslims leaders are part of the Global Elite, George Soros and co they have gone into every country forming the 4 UN countries for their New World Order take over. I am also aware all the 'letter' organizations e.g. FBI, CIA etc are not Federal Government but are agencies outside of the law.

I am aware that the Global warming and taxes proposed upon us for Co2 emission gases etc and over population is a scam and their design is to lower the temperature by 2 degrees which would kill off plant life and thereby humanity. (search Lord Christopher Monkton, Copenhagen meetings) The world is not over populated just badly managed and there should not be famine in any countries and also food crops are badly managed as some farmers in the States are paid not to plant - and very probably elsewhere too although I do not know this for sure..

Yes I am aware that the pretender B Hussein is merely a puppet and front person to be blamed the same as all previous Presidents because there is about 14 layers above the Presidency.

I also at this time apologise and rescind, my support to Ron Paul will be a vote. He is the only candidate who has not changed his views on supporting the Constitution. Should voting be stolen like the past two president elections (Bush last term and Obama) I have to have trust in my fellow men we will do the right thing and flood the White-house, senators and every other avenue available to protest because most people now know that there has been huge fraudulent actions. Signatures, voters scared away from voting etc

I brought another article into your thread recently about the LDS food bank, I was not aware that it was pulled off until a day or so after - you doubted me and the source and virtually call me a liar because you do not like Alex Jones that I listen to. We are at logger heads and nothing I write is received as discussion but disagreement now. It was OK while I agreed with you but now that I am bringing concerns in a different angle - we are split.

You asked in another thread to me, why I did not start my own thread - there are already many threads on ALP about the destruction of the world, why start another.


Hello Amanda,

There you go again assuming I don't 'comprehend' that in addition to the Islamic agenda for world domination there are the Elite/Illuminati in the picture as well. Perhaps you forgot that we discussed this in the past and I'm not only cognizant of the dangers of the Elites I also said they are working in concert with the Islamic world. So I must ask are your assumptions a case of short term memory or convenience?

I choose to make the Islamic threat the main concern and the major issue of my threads even though some of my threads touch on the influence the elites have on the present administration and are pulling the strings and one in particular is the puppet master. Namely George Soros.

Consider this Amanda, who do you think is controlling the UN with their 56 member countries in addition to the Palestinian Authority the 57th? The UN led by the OIC will be the cause for the loss of American's first amendment rights and the right to bear arms and many
other freedoms that are the inalienable right of the American people. The fight for that is also within America with all the Muslim Brotherhood front organizations like CAIR, ISNA and many many others. That is a form of Jihad along with litigation jihad that will cause you to lose your rights without a drop of blood being shed. Add to that the constant threat of jihadi terrorism home grown and imported and we're in serious trouble. All with the assistance of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein whose Islamic agenda is now completely transparent or should be to all.

My 'comprehension' is quite good Amanda and the fact that I think the Islamic/Muslim issue is a greater danger to humanity just means that we disagree on that point. The Elite/Illuminati are a danger but as I told you quite a few times the Elite/Illuminati are the new kids on the block and as many as have been killed by their deeds they pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions killed throughout the centuries by Islam and it's going on till this day.

Yes, God created all human beings and unfortunately some prefer the way of evil taught them from the cradle and brainwashed them with their supposed prophet the Big Mo and the book he authored.

We are all endowed with both good and bad in our total beings but we have the ability to choose between right and wrong. But when you're taught right is wrong and wrong is right from the cradle you have a serious problem. That in a nutshell is what the Koran teaches. Killing infidels is good. Treating women like chattel is good. Honor killings and beating women and children is good. Hanging gays is good. Shall I continue with the list Amanda?

You choose to fixate on Satan but as I told you in the past call it what you wish for me it's pure evil and what they are being taught and in many cases brainwashed with is evil. As I said God endowed us with the ability to choose between right and wrong. According the Koran Muslims haven't got that choice since their every action is planned for them and written in the book the big mo wrote.

Since there are plenty of threads dealing with the Elites/Illuminati and only a few dealing with the Islamic threat to the world as we know it, I'll continue with my posts and direction and you with yours.

Something for you to think about. Have you ever wondered why your favorite source Alex Jones disregards the Islamic threat almost completely? I have and ind it very strange for a supposed reliable source to almost totally ignore this issue.



Hello Peter,

Unfortunately you have not comprehended that the Muslims are not the only danger to humanity.

Yes I agree the Muslims come out and declare what they are going to do, which is far better to actually see your enemy and have a better chance at defending yourself.

The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan etc was to move the Muslims out of their countries to relocate and stir up the 'radicals' in retaliation against us. While the Elites stand back and congratulate themselves...

We are all human beings Peter, We were all created by our Heavenly Father who made Adam then Eve from his rib...and you have to come to realise that we have ALL being manipulated to bring out our 'savage sides'

Please ponder - Did God really make Muslims to be this savage, or do you think that Satan has got in there to stir things up because Satan is the driving force behind the Global Elites, they worship Satan.

The Global Elite on the other hand have been killing off the masses by False Flag events to murder via wars, famines, a few - hundreds - thousands or millions..
They have been soft killing humans with poisons, toxins in our food, air, water and through our skin (what you wear and topically soaps, deodorants etc) especially targeting the American population for decades and they have stepped up their assault in other more creative ways like the Chem Trails, vaccines, GMOs. The population have been unaware of these soft killings, mind control, brain washings - that have been deliberately and methodically performed upon us. We are all sick from some disease or another, I do not think there is one person who does not have some ailment.

This is a Spiritual war Satanical against Gods people


Hey Jim,

It's definitely not an either or situation and the major reason for that is obvious from this video and many others like it. They have no problems telling you to your face exactly what they have planned for all us infidels. I've said many times that they say what they mean and mean what they say.

All you have to do is listen to them and if you have any sense you'll understand that the time to fight this scourge is now and any time wasted is to the detriment to the western way of life. This is a fight for our lives and Eurabia is a fact that can't be denied and the USI (United States of Islam) is their next step in their global plan and agenda.



It is not either or Amanda,

They have teamed up together with the oligarchs against the rest of us infidels and will have no problem in succeeding if we don't wake up soon. Anyone enlightened should be able to see it.


Well I guess we go pick out our coffin - because if the Global Elite doesn't get us ...then the Muslims will..

It's no secret any longer they come to destroy us, wake up! In this sense jihad is war.



Flag of Peter Fogel

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/20/2011 3:25:05 AM
Hello Amanda,

First of all, I used the same size fonts I always do and on my screen they look the same as always. If It's different on yours then it's an editor issue and not "shouting" at you.

That said, I didn't bring my thread here but responded to posts in this thread. It is you who are changing the topic of the thread (note name of thread) and trying to force feed your Satanic/Spiritual philosophies into the discussion here as you did in my thread in which they were off topic as they are here.

Sorry but you were spinning your wheels and you still are since you fail to understand that I accept the Elite/Illuminati as a given but not as the most dangerous threats we're facing.

I won't respond to the majority of your post since it's totally irrelevant to the discussion. I will bring to your attention that I posted extensively in the past about Lord Monckton and supported his views . All you have to do is read through my threads.

We're not at loggerheads about facts but about conspiracy theories that are suppositions, innuendos,he said she said, maybes etc. and that is what your favorite source of information Alex Jones is expert at. Everything for him is a false flag operations and everything is a conspiracy. No big surprise then that Ron Paul's been such a welcome guest there since they're two peas from the same pod. And that includes their opinions on Jihad, Shariah and so much more. For your 'favorite' those issues don't exist and that Amanda isn't a false flag but a fact.

Now I never called you a liar but told you why I can't accept your source. When you said you heard the interview live and that was supposed to be the icing on the cake I simply asked if you were aware that that interview was removed by Alex Jones ..... you never responded to that.

I don't look for agreement in my threads and if you can bring facts that contradict any comments or articles I posted I'm more then glad to discuss it. Even when you go of topic I'll discuss it up to a point where I believe we're repeating ourselves ad nauseum and from that point I'll simply ignore the posts and continue with the topic of the thread.

It's your right to support Ron Paul as you see fit. I never believed for a second that you weren't. You then claimed you're supporting him only to "scare" others was so ridiculous a statement that I was surprised you even said it to begin with especially when all your posts in other threads were in full support of him. My opinion hasn't changed either and when the final candidate is chosen to run against B Hussein I'll support anyone except Ron Paul.

Yep, you're 100% correct there are many threads dealing with conspiracy theories and also the Elite/Illuminati but with what you consider your vast knowledge on the subject I'm sure you can contribute additional directions that aren't being covered there. Like the Satanic/spiritual/occult aspect of it that you so believe in.

So, if you consider us as "split" cos I don't share your concerns or agree with your sources so be it. I've never hesitated to express my views in the past and will continue to do so in the future. As I said in my thread your participation is always welcome but whether you participate or not is your decision not mine.



Hello Peter,

I felt that I was just 'spinning my wheels' on your forum because you choose to gloss over what is happening here and yet you brought the thread from your forum over to Jims to start over here. Then proceed to shout at me with your big fonts, although I hope it was the editor as we have seen various sizes appear before.

I do disagree, I feel you don't seem to comprehend what I am trying to say. I feel you do not seem to understand I am concerned about what is happening right 'here now' in America the country I choose to live with my American husband with the people that I love as much as my own birth country New Zealand.

These are my main concerns at present which I have said before:
(I chose this randomly off the search engine. I do not know the author. It was the menu that covers the topics that concern me, that the majority has and is happening now here)
And the many past False Flags and still to happen possibly next year to really shut that gate!

If the majority of the American people do not wake up and start non complying in groups (not riots) the gate will be shut against us and US will fall - America is the main country because it has been the biggest engine in the world, and all other countries like NZ, Australia, Canada etc will follow easily because they do not have gun protection laws to stand against Tyranny.
I am worried about my family living in Britain, Australia and New Zealand whom are being fed the propaganda and also still asleep or do not realise how close the gate is to shutting.

Israel to my knowledge has not been dumbed down in this way you know who your enemy is and I am not without compassion or worry for you and my fellow Jewish family under God, Peter. Here in the States it is full force attack from all sides. There is such a lot going on over here that I am so bogged down and I have to fight off desperation and take mental deep breaths and hang on tightly to Jesus in prayer before I melt.

Yes I am also aware that the Muslims leaders are part of the Global Elite, George Soros and co they have gone into every country forming the 4 UN countries for their New World Order take over. I am also aware all the 'letter' organizations e.g. FBI, CIA etc are not Federal Government but are agencies outside of the law.

I am aware that the Global warming and taxes proposed upon us for Co2 emission gases etc and over population is a scam and their design is to lower the temperature by 2 degrees which would kill off plant life and thereby humanity. (search Lord Christopher Monkton, Copenhagen meetings) The world is not over populated just badly managed and there should not be famine in any countries and also food crops are badly managed as some farmers in the States are paid not to plant - and very probably elsewhere too although I do not know this for sure..

Yes I am aware that the pretender B Hussein is merely a puppet and front person to be blamed the same as all previous Presidents because there is about 14 layers above the Presidency.

I also at this time apologise and rescind, my support to Ron Paul will be a vote. He is the only candidate who has not changed his views on supporting the Constitution. Should voting be stolen like the past two president elections (Bush last term and Obama) I have to have trust in my fellow men we will do the right thing and flood the White-house, senators and every other avenue available to protest because most people now know that there has been huge fraudulent actions. Signatures, voters scared away from voting etc

I brought another article into your thread recently about the LDS food bank, I was not aware that it was pulled off until a day or so after - you doubted me and the source and virtually call me a liar because you do not like Alex Jones that I listen to. We are at logger heads and nothing I write is received as discussion but disagreement now. It was OK while I agreed with you but now that I am bringing concerns in a different angle - we are split.

You asked in another thread to me, why I did not start my own thread - there are already many threads on ALP about the destruction of the world, why start another.


Hello Amanda,

There you go again assuming I don't 'comprehend' that in addition to the Islamic agenda for world domination there are the Elite/Illuminati in the picture as well. Perhaps you forgot that we discussed this in the past and I'm not only cognizant of the dangers of the Elites I also said they are working in concert with the Islamic world. So I must ask are your assumptions a case of short term memory or convenience?

I choose to make the Islamic threat the main concern and the major issue of my threads even though some of my threads touch on the influence the elites have on the present administration and are pulling the strings and one in particular is the puppet master. Namely George Soros.

Consider this Amanda, who do you think is controlling the UN with their 56 member countries in addition to the Palestinian Authority the 57th? The UN led by the OIC will be the cause for the loss of American's first amendment rights and the right to bear arms and many
other freedoms that are the inalienable right of the American people. The fight for that is also within America with all the Muslim Brotherhood front organizations like CAIR, ISNA and many many others. That is a form of Jihad along with litigation jihad that will cause you to lose your rights without a drop of blood being shed. Add to that the constant threat of jihadi terrorism home grown and imported and we're in serious trouble. All with the assistance of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein whose Islamic agenda is now completely transparent or should be to all.

My 'comprehension' is quite good Amanda and the fact that I think the Islamic/Muslim issue is a greater danger to humanity just means that we disagree on that point. The Elite/Illuminati are a danger but as I told you quite a few times the Elite/Illuminati are the new kids on the block and as many as have been killed by their deeds they pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions killed throughout the centuries by Islam and it's going on till this day.

Yes, God created all human beings and unfortunately some prefer the way of evil taught them from the cradle and brainwashed them with their supposed prophet the Big Mo and the book he authored.

We are all endowed with both good and bad in our total beings but we have the ability to choose between right and wrong. But when you're taught right is wrong and wrong is right from the cradle you have a serious problem. That in a nutshell is what the Koran teaches. Killing infidels is good. Treating women like chattel is good. Honor killings and beating women and children is good. Hanging gays is good. Shall I continue with the list Amanda?

You choose to fixate on Satan but as I told you in the past call it what you wish for me it's pure evil and what they are being taught and in many cases brainwashed with is evil. As I said God endowed us with the ability to choose between right and wrong. According the Koran Muslims haven't got that choice since their every action is planned for them and written in the book the big mo wrote.

Since there are plenty of threads dealing with the Elites/Illuminati and only a few dealing with the Islamic threat to the world as we know it, I'll continue with my posts and direction and you with yours.

Something for you to think about. Have you ever wondered why your favorite source Alex Jones disregards the Islamic threat almost completely? I have and ind it very strange for a supposed reliable source to almost totally ignore this issue.



Hello Peter,

Unfortunately you have not comprehended that the Muslims are not the only danger to humanity.

Yes I agree the Muslims come out and declare what they are going to do, which is far better to actually see your enemy and have a better chance at defending yourself.

The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan etc was to move the Muslims out of their countries to relocate and stir up the 'radicals' in retaliation against us. While the Elites stand back and congratulate themselves...

We are all human beings Peter, We were all created by our Heavenly Father who made Adam then Eve from his rib...and you have to come to realise that we have ALL being manipulated to bring out our 'savage sides'

Please ponder - Did God really make Muslims to be this savage, or do you think that Satan has got in there to stir things up because Satan is the driving force behind the Global Elites, they worship Satan.

The Global Elite on the other hand have been killing off the masses by False Flag events to murder via wars, famines, a few - hundreds - thousands or millions..
They have been soft killing humans with poisons, toxins in our food, air, water and through our skin (what you wear and topically soaps, deodorants etc) especially targeting the American population for decades and they have stepped up their assault in other more creative ways like the Chem Trails, vaccines, GMOs. The population have been unaware of these soft killings, mind control, brain washings - that have been deliberately and methodically performed upon us. We are all sick from some disease or another, I do not think there is one person who does not have some ailment.

This is a Spiritual war Satanical against Gods people


Hey Jim,

It's definitely not an either or situation and the major reason for that is obvious from this video and many others like it. They have no problems telling you to your face exactly what they have planned for all us infidels. I've said many times that they say what they mean and mean what they say.

All you have to do is listen to them and if you have any sense you'll understand that the time to fight this scourge is now and any time wasted is to the detriment to the western way of life. This is a fight for our lives and Eurabia is a fact that can't be denied and the USI (United States of Islam) is their next step in their global plan and agenda.



It is not either or Amanda,

They have teamed up together with the oligarchs against the rest of us infidels and will have no problem in succeeding if we don't wake up soon. Anyone enlightened should be able to see it.


Well I guess we go pick out our coffin - because if the Global Elite doesn't get us ...then the Muslims will..

It's no secret any longer they come to destroy us, wake up! In this sense jihad is war.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

Flag of 2587 Posts
Flag of Invite Me as a Friend
Top 100 Poster
Person Of The Week
RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/21/2011 4:02:49 PM
Hello Peter,

I am responding that I read your response.

I want to put together a list with more link support with my thoughts from different sources - this will take me some time to edit them into more cohesive order.

I will probably have to write it to my own thread, because even though I try not to change the topic of members threads - I guess I have done this and you have rightly pointed this out.

I apologise Jim and Peter for going off topic because I know this can be distracting.


Hello Amanda,

First of all, I used the same size fonts I always do and on my screen they look the same as always. If It's different on yours then it's an editor issue and not "shouting" at you.

That said, I didn't bring my thread here but responded to posts in this thread. It is you who are changing the topic of the thread (note name of thread) and trying to force feed your Satanic/Spiritual philosophies into the discussion here as you did in my thread in which they were off topic as they are here.

Sorry but you were spinning your wheels and you still are since you fail to understand that I accept the Elite/Illuminati as a given but not as the most dangerous threats we're facing.

I won't respond to the majority of your post since it's totally irrelevant to the discussion. I will bring to your attention that I posted extensively in the past about Lord Monckton and supported his views . All you have to do is read through my threads.

We're not at loggerheads about facts but about conspiracy theories that are suppositions, innuendos,he said she said, maybes etc. and that is what your favorite source of information Alex Jones is expert at. Everything for him is a false flag operations and everything is a conspiracy. No big surprise then that Ron Paul's been such a welcome guest there since they're two peas from the same pod. And that includes their opinions on Jihad, Shariah and so much more. For your 'favorite' those issues don't exist and that Amanda isn't a false flag but a fact.

Now I never called you a liar but told you why I can't accept your source. When you said you heard the interview live and that was supposed to be the icing on the cake I simply asked if you were aware that that interview was removed by Alex Jones ..... you never responded to that.

I don't look for agreement in my threads and if you can bring facts that contradict any comments or articles I posted I'm more then glad to discuss it. Even when you go of topic I'll discuss it up to a point where I believe we're repeating ourselves ad nauseum and from that point I'll simply ignore the posts and continue with the topic of the thread.

It's your right to support Ron Paul as you see fit. I never believed for a second that you weren't. You then claimed you're supporting him only to "scare" others was so ridiculous a statement that I was surprised you even said it to begin with especially when all your posts in other threads were in full support of him. My opinion hasn't changed either and when the final candidate is chosen to run against B Hussein I'll support anyone except Ron Paul.

Yep, you're 100% correct there are many threads dealing with conspiracy theories and also the Elite/Illuminati but with what you consider your vast knowledge on the subject I'm sure you can contribute additional directions that aren't being covered there. Like the Satanic/spiritual/occult aspect of it that you so believe in.

So, if you consider us as "split" cos I don't share your concerns or agree with your sources so be it. I've never hesitated to express my views in the past and will continue to do so in the future. As I said in my thread your participation is always welcome but whether you participate or not is your decision not mine.



Hello Peter,

I felt that I was just 'spinning my wheels' on your forum because you choose to gloss over what is happening here and yet you brought the thread from your forum over to Jims to start over here. Then proceed to shout at me with your big fonts, although I hope it was the editor as we have seen various sizes appear before.

I do disagree, I feel you don't seem to comprehend what I am trying to say. I feel you do not seem to understand I am concerned about what is happening right 'here now' in America the country I choose to live with my American husband with the people that I love as much as my own birth country New Zealand.

These are my main concerns at present which I have said before:
(I chose this randomly off the search engine. I do not know the author. It was the menu that covers the topics that concern me, that the majority has and is happening now here)
And the many past False Flags and still to happen possibly next year to really shut that gate!

If the majority of the American people do not wake up and start non complying in groups (not riots) the gate will be shut against us and US will fall - America is the main country because it has been the biggest engine in the world, and all other countries like NZ, Australia, Canada etc will follow easily because they do not have gun protection laws to stand against Tyranny.
I am worried about my family living in Britain, Australia and New Zealand whom are being fed the propaganda and also still asleep or do not realise how close the gate is to shutting.

Israel to my knowledge has not been dumbed down in this way you know who your enemy is and I am not without compassion or worry for you and my fellow Jewish family under God, Peter. Here in the States it is full force attack from all sides. There is such a lot going on over here that I am so bogged down and I have to fight off desperation and take mental deep breaths and hang on tightly to Jesus in prayer before I melt.

Yes I am also aware that the Muslims leaders are part of the Global Elite, George Soros and co they have gone into every country forming the 4 UN countries for their New World Order take over. I am also aware all the 'letter' organizations e.g. FBI, CIA etc are not Federal Government but are agencies outside of the law.

I am aware that the Global warming and taxes proposed upon us for Co2 emission gases etc and over population is a scam and their design is to lower the temperature by 2 degrees which would kill off plant life and thereby humanity. (search Lord Christopher Monkton, Copenhagen meetings) The world is not over populated just badly managed and there should not be famine in any countries and also food crops are badly managed as some farmers in the States are paid not to plant - and very probably elsewhere too although I do not know this for sure..

Yes I am aware that the pretender B Hussein is merely a puppet and front person to be blamed the same as all previous Presidents because there is about 14 layers above the Presidency.

I also at this time apologise and rescind, my support to Ron Paul will be a vote. He is the only candidate who has not changed his views on supporting the Constitution. Should voting be stolen like the past two president elections (Bush last term and Obama) I have to have trust in my fellow men we will do the right thing and flood the White-house, senators and every other avenue available to protest because most people now know that there has been huge fraudulent actions. Signatures, voters scared away from voting etc

I brought another article into your thread recently about the LDS food bank, I was not aware that it was pulled off until a day or so after - you doubted me and the source and virtually call me a liar because you do not like Alex Jones that I listen to. We are at logger heads and nothing I write is received as discussion but disagreement now. It was OK while I agreed with you but now that I am bringing concerns in a different angle - we are split.

You asked in another thread to me, why I did not start my own thread - there are already many threads on ALP about the destruction of the world, why start another.


Hello Amanda,

There you go again assuming I don't 'comprehend' that in addition to the Islamic agenda for world domination there are the Elite/Illuminati in the picture as well. Perhaps you forgot that we discussed this in the past and I'm not only cognizant of the dangers of the Elites I also said they are working in concert with the Islamic world. So I must ask are your assumptions a case of short term memory or convenience?

I choose to make the Islamic threat the main concern and the major issue of my threads even though some of my threads touch on the influence the elites have on the present administration and are pulling the strings and one in particular is the puppet master. Namely George Soros.

Consider this Amanda, who do you think is controlling the UN with their 56 member countries in addition to the Palestinian Authority the 57th? The UN led by the OIC will be the cause for the loss of American's first amendment rights and the right to bear arms and many
other freedoms that are the inalienable right of the American people. The fight for that is also within America with all the Muslim Brotherhood front organizations like CAIR, ISNA and many many others. That is a form of Jihad along with litigation jihad that will cause you to lose your rights without a drop of blood being shed. Add to that the constant threat of jihadi terrorism home grown and imported and we're in serious trouble. All with the assistance of the fraud and great pretender B Hussein whose Islamic agenda is now completely transparent or should be to all.

My 'comprehension' is quite good Amanda and the fact that I think the Islamic/Muslim issue is a greater danger to humanity just means that we disagree on that point. The Elite/Illuminati are a danger but as I told you quite a few times the Elite/Illuminati are the new kids on the block and as many as have been killed by their deeds they pale in comparison to the hundreds of millions killed throughout the centuries by Islam and it's going on till this day.

Yes, God created all human beings and unfortunately some prefer the way of evil taught them from the cradle and brainwashed them with their supposed prophet the Big Mo and the book he authored.

We are all endowed with both good and bad in our total beings but we have the ability to choose between right and wrong. But when you're taught right is wrong and wrong is right from the cradle you have a serious problem. That in a nutshell is what the Koran teaches. Killing infidels is good. Treating women like chattel is good. Honor killings and beating women and children is good. Hanging gays is good. Shall I continue with the list Amanda?

You choose to fixate on Satan but as I told you in the past call it what you wish for me it's pure evil and what they are being taught and in many cases brainwashed with is evil. As I said God endowed us with the ability to choose between right and wrong. According the Koran Muslims haven't got that choice since their every action is planned for them and written in the book the big mo wrote.

Since there are plenty of threads dealing with the Elites/Illuminati and only a few dealing with the Islamic threat to the world as we know it, I'll continue with my posts and direction and you with yours.

Something for you to think about. Have you ever wondered why your favorite source Alex Jones disregards the Islamic threat almost completely? I have and ind it very strange for a supposed reliable source to almost totally ignore this issue.



Hello Peter,

Unfortunately you have not comprehended that the Muslims are not the only danger to humanity.

Yes I agree the Muslims come out and declare what they are going to do, which is far better to actually see your enemy and have a better chance at defending yourself.

The wars in Iraq, Afghanistan etc was to move the Muslims out of their countries to relocate and stir up the 'radicals' in retaliation against us. While the Elites stand back and congratulate themselves...

We are all human beings Peter, We were all created by our Heavenly Father who made Adam then Eve from his rib...and you have to come to realise that we have ALL being manipulated to bring out our 'savage sides'

Please ponder - Did God really make Muslims to be this savage, or do you think that Satan has got in there to stir things up because Satan is the driving force behind the Global Elites, they worship Satan.

The Global Elite on the other hand have been killing off the masses by False Flag events to murder via wars, famines, a few - hundreds - thousands or millions..
They have been soft killing humans with poisons, toxins in our food, air, water and through our skin (what you wear and topically soaps, deodorants etc) especially targeting the American population for decades and they have stepped up their assault in other more creative ways like the Chem Trails, vaccines, GMOs. The population have been unaware of these soft killings, mind control, brain washings - that have been deliberately and methodically performed upon us. We are all sick from some disease or another, I do not think there is one person who does not have some ailment.

This is a Spiritual war Satanical against Gods people


Hey Jim,

It's definitely not an either or situation and the major reason for that is obvious from this video and many others like it. They have no problems telling you to your face exactly what they have planned for all us infidels. I've said many times that they say what they mean and mean what they say.

All you have to do is listen to them and if you have any sense you'll understand that the time to fight this scourge is now and any time wasted is to the detriment to the western way of life. This is a fight for our lives and Eurabia is a fact that can't be denied and the USI (United States of Islam) is their next step in their global plan and agenda.



It is not either or Amanda,

They have teamed up together with the oligarchs against the rest of us infidels and will have no problem in succeeding if we don't wake up soon. Anyone enlightened should be able to see it.


Well I guess we go pick out our coffin - because if the Global Elite doesn't get us ...then the Muslims will..

It's no secret any longer they come to destroy us, wake up! In this sense jihad is war.




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