Here is a message I received in reply to a comment made on a video. I found it quite interesting, worth discerning and investigating if you have an interest.
People have been trying to say the time of Revelation is here for centuries, eons even. Most have been wrong because we are now living in a time where people are fearful of world happenings and seeking something to hang on to. I suggest you believe in yourself and those close to you. Do no harm. Try to be kind wwhenever possible. Prepare for the worst and know the best is yet to come.
From the Mountain, Book VIII
Chapter Six
"No More Roses"
"My Beloved Child, hearken unto Me.
I am your Father in Heaven, yea
Jehovah, Most High God."
"My Father, I have a question for
"Yes, My Little One, I know your question and it has merit. You ask why I refer to Myself as Jehovah when I commune with you and others call Me Yahweh. Some call me Yahovah, or Yahvah and this is confusing for many. My Child, it is a problem of language. It is a problem of semantics. It is a problem of translation across languages and many make grand accusations, one against another, for not using My correct name; but I tell you, My Child, that all are facsimiles. They are all close, but not My real name, but a semblance of My name. Therefore, I accept all; for I look at, I read and understand the intents of hearts. I will not deny you; for you do not speak My name correctly. I speak to you as you know me; and you, My Child, know Me as Jehovah. Therefore, I address Myself to you as Jehovah. To another, I may call Myself Yahweh, or Yahovah; but I know the hearts and the intents of hearts. My Spirit imbues those, who seek Me with a sincere heart and I respond accordingly. But, I do not respond to Allah, Mohammed, Buddha, or to any number of names of pagan gods. I am the God of Israel and as many of you, in the House of Israel are cut off from your roots, from your heritage, I know that confusion and misinformation have arisen. Yet I know those, who come to Me through My Son, and I will not turn a deaf ear to you, even though you may mispronounce My name. My heart leaps with joy and shouts with love as I behold each of you come to Me through My Son; for My love for each of you is never-ending. Now, My Child, let us proceed with Part IV of Book VIII."
"Oh, my Father, I do not know what is at the door for this world, but I sense something dreadful in the spirit. I feel like evil is escalating at such a great rate and we are only experiencing a small lull. Yet, what seems as a lull is only a time of re-grouping for the evil ones. It is a time wherein they are planning to add fuel to the fire, so to speak."
"My Child, you have sensed correctly. During this lull, many are slipping back into a deeper slumber; but the wolves are advancing on many fronts."
Third Message from our Saviour
"A False Rapture, An Alien Invasion,
The Skies the World Over well erupt with UFOs"
WWW.PROPHECIES.ORG Book 12 Chapter 78
others who had dreams and visions of the same thing:
Daly news of Worldwide Christian persecution (escalating)
[Revelations from God]
Out of Body Experiences and Revelations of Heaven and Hell
Revelations from Jesus Christ
(The Heavens Opened. Over 100 visitations to Heaven were given to Anna Roundtree by God, and she has written her experiences in a book. A voice recording from the book is available in the link below)
Message from Jesus Christ
I love and I care for you - June 23, 2011
Revealing God's Treasure - Noah's Ark
Revealing God's Treasure - Ark of the Covenant
Revealing God's Treasure - Mt. Sinai
Revealing God's Treasure - Red Sea Crossing
Revealing God's Treasure - Sodom & Gomorrah
Mohammed's soul/spirit in Hell tormented speaks through a Korean woman:
[REVEALING HEAVEN - Heaven was revealed to Kat Kerr and she has transcribed it in book volumes. The following are Digital copies]
The following prayer of repentance was given by The Spirit of God and told a prophetess of His to publish it. Pray this prayer with all your heart, with earnestness and sincerity. Our Lord Jesus and Father in Heaven will hear your prayers. Begin anew to live for God and He will bless you mightily.
Sinner's Prayer
Beloved Father in Heaven and Precious Lord Jesus, I stand before You, naked and ashamed; for I have willfully disobeyed Your commands. Like a rabid dog, I have chased after the vanities of this world. I have filled my mind with endless chatter and piled my plate high with the gluttonies of this world. Oh, Lord and God, I am blind to Your truths; for through my own rebellion I have cut myself off from your Spirit of Truth. I am like a ship without an anchor and I am continually pounded by the adversities of life.
My Lord and God, I am so ashamed of what I have become. Truly, I am selfish and greedy, always focusing on myself and my own needs and desires, while shutting out the needs of others. My life is full of lies and deceit. I have been lying to myself and others for years, but the worst part of all is that I have been lying to You. Too long, I have coveted what is of the world and I have lusted after the worldly. Beloved Lord and God, the weight of these sins is heavy upon my soul and I struggle with an great inner darkness; for my heart is empty and longing to be filled with your loving Spirit. Without You, I am forever lost and bound to suffer great anguish and despair, continually seeking, but never filled, continually running, but never getting anywhere. My Lord and God, I am tired of living this way and I long to be held in your arms and filled with your lovingkindness and peace and joy.
Precious Jesus, Your loving grace is my continual hope. Plant my feet upon your solid Rock of Salvation and show me The Way home. Fill me with your truth; give me Life and give me Light. Do not forsake me and leave me to the dogs. I know that I am an errant sheep and I beg You to bring me back into Your fold. Fence me round about with your protective hedge, lest I be forever lost and passed over for my heavenly rewards. Be gracious unto me; for I am a sinner and unworthy to come unto your table. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me through Your precious blood. Circumcise my heart and baptize me in your Precious Spirit. Give me hope, Lord Jesus; for I am cut off from the Source of all Hope. Give me peace, Lord Jesus; for I only know confusion. Give me lovingkindess and Joy; for I only know selfishness and despair. Do for me what I cannot possibly do for myself. Forgive me my sins, Lord Jesus and take my burdens; for I am broken from the weight of them. Where I have had no gratitude, fill me with gratitude that each day may be a celebration of thanks to you Lord and to the Most High God Jehovah!
Father in Heaven, for my newfound Life, I give You the thanks, the praise and the glory. You, alone are Most High! You, alone, sent Your Precious Son Jesus to atone for the sins of the world. Blessed is Your Holy Name forever and ever!
21-12-2012 God has revealed this at Book 8 Chapter 16. Thank you.