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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/11/2009 11:48:02 PM


Thank you for bringing your views.

I certainly will not be arguing with either you or Peter over the way that terrorism has affected your lives and in turn your views. I FULLY understand.

I am not naive. I really don't pretend to be Ghandi or Mother Theresa etc. and I don't claim to have the answers. What I do have is hope.

The human race continues to make the same mistakes.

It fails to recognise that every empire has it's day and is ALWAYS eclipsed. It fails to remember that the war to end wars did not do that. It fails to act upon it's knowledge that corruption and greed always threaten the most stable of regimes or republics. On a personal scale I have seen business partnerships between family members and best friends split up because of greed, imbalance of input, deceit, and downright dishonesty, something that they would have assured me could never happen. So what hope for countries and groups of countries.?

Why do we always put the horse before the cart when we know that it doesn't work?

The European Union is a prime example. Britain joined this union because it had to accept that it's power and influence had changed and that with it's loss of empire it faced being sidelined. Our natural friends outside of the empire were countries where despite our past difficulties our shared cultural and ethnic similarities make a bond, however, even in times of easy travel etc. the USA, for example, is too far away for everyday trade on everything.

THE MISTAKE made upon joining most conglomerates of nations is that we join together and then try to stress our differences afterword's. There was a memorable example of this when, a few years ago, The European Union suddenly announced that Britain could not call Ice Cream "Ice Cream". They said that there was insufficient cream therefore it would have to be called something like "Iced confectionery".

We won but at stupid cost to our finances.

What should have happened generally, in the first place is this:

Nations should have sat down and said "What do we ALL agree upon?" Every country should have then said "We believe this or that" and then ask "Is that acceptable?" If not then the matter should have stayed outside of the union until some agreement could be made.

Over simplified? Yes of course, but an example .

MY POINT IS THIS. Teach children to celebrate differences but teach them that the future lies in knowing our sameness. Questions like "Do you believe in a God?" "Could this be the same God that I believe in?" If the answer is no then agree that on that matter and respect the other persons view but don't compromise eithers views unless more common ground occurs through integration.

I love change, not always, but usually and I accept it, but, to have fundamental change thrust upon you because you are the minority is no more right that saying you have to change to accomodate this minority or that.

Your paragraph:

Look, I am not saying that all of them are the same. Some may have been induced to those inhuman acts by the wrong, inhuman acts that they or their folk suffered first. Some may have not committed atrocities themselves but just collaborated with their beastly leaders in perpetrating the most horrible onslaughts against innocent people, even children. Some may in fact regret having collaborated.

This is important. Many of those bombers and murderers were first unhappy with what they had or hadn't and made easy targets of themselves for recruiting. We need to engage the ordinary man more in our samenesses, make friends on that basis and then find ways of drawing differences together.

I hope that this is not too long.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/12/2009 6:17:23 PM

Dear Roger,

I of course agree on everything you say. Also, I don't think that you are naive. And if there is a person in the world that can be said to have the answers, I believe it is you.

What I don't have is much hope regarding humanity. As you say, the human kind continues to make the same mistakes. Still worse, along my life I have seen such a deterioration of all things of real value, and at the same time such an increase of everything that can endanger the future of our planet and our own survival, that I have lost all faith in man. Sad to say, Man is no longer a species that you can trust on any account - except on our continuing to go down on the ladder of real civilization.

Yes, despite the scientists' past claims about a golden technological future in our planet, despite the futurologists' predictions of a world without diseases by the year 2000 and of everlasting life shortly afterwards, what I have seen, rather than an era of immense progress as depicted by the technocrats, is a progression into chasm in every sense. Nowadays, I only trust God to correct and save us from ourselves before it is too late.

This doesn't mean that I don't see the merit and the great potential that iniciatives like this one of yours may have. It is my firm believe that you were inspired by God from the start when you conceived and created this thread. Some institutions of course also have enormous merit in that they can alleviate the suffering of the poor and of other people who are suffering from the injustice of the current world's status quo. They could even make things improve in a general sense and not only in their particular fields of action. I consider all these activities to be manifestations of the love of God for his children.

Actually, I am not a complete pessimistic. Even if it is really hard to admit that things must get worse before God's intervention can occur, as I believe in fact to be the case, I do believe that these dreadful last stages both represent the worst and the best of times within the course of the world's ages. Because as with everything that has to do with cosmic cycles and ages, everything must come full circle so that cleansing be complete.

This is not readily apparent until we realize that the faster we get through the atrocities that we may have yet to undergo, the faster we will arrive at our golden, glorious destination.


Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Pauline Raina

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/14/2009 2:02:45 PM

Dear Roger,

With interest I have read posts here, and your replies.

I commend you for feeling burdened to make a difference....I am with you on this all the way!

It is the easiest thing to fill our hearts and minds with hate....for what ever reason. But being a Christian I have to go back to the good Book that says in Mathew 5:46 46For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?"

I believe it is possible to hate the sin not the sinner, a Gandhian quote which carries much truth in it.

I have lost family to terrorism, most of my childhood went praying for my father's safe return from the frontiers during the Chinese war in the early sixties. I have seen riots and violence between Hindu and Muslims ...utterly senseless....have lost dear Christian friends to fanatic Hindu fundamentalists in a northern state. But hating anyone because of all of this to me is senseless, infact I am filled with deep compassion for their lostness and pray for them ! To me that is what we are required to do as only God in his mercy could bring about a change to their lives. And so I continue to pray for those whose lives, minds and hearts are hateful beyond reason. That one day they will realize the futileness of HATE and begin to see the fruitfullness of LOVE and be blessed by it.

Just my thoughts !



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/14/2009 10:21:55 PM


Thank you for your thoughts.

I think the Ghandi quote to be inspirational.

Yes, it is as you say.

There is a point where a crossover occurs. My forgiveness does not make me a saint, but, I feel nearer to the truth for it.

I cannot condemn others for their views when they have such close contact with the harsh realities of politics and religion, it would be futile to use just words to attempt change, however, your spirit and belief give me even more hope for the future.


Luka Babic

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/15/2009 9:33:48 PM

Dear Roger,

With interest I have read posts here, and your replies.

I commend you for feeling burdened to make a difference....I am with you on this all the way!

It is the easiest thing to fill our hearts and minds with hate....for what ever reason. But being a Christian I have to go back to the good Book that says in Mathew 5:46 46For if you love those who love you, what reward can you have? Do not even the tax collectors do that?"

I believe it is possible to hate the sin not the sinner, a Gandhian quote which carries much truth in it.

I have lost family to terrorism, most of my childhood went praying for my father's safe return from the frontiers during the Chinese war in the early sixties. I have seen riots and violence between Hindu and Muslims ...utterly senseless....have lost dear Christian friends to fanatic Hindu fundamentalists in a northern state. But hating anyone because of all of this to me is senseless, infact I am filled with deep compassion for their lostness and pray for them ! To me that is what we are required to do as only God in his mercy could bring about a change to their lives. And so I continue to pray for those whose lives, minds and hearts are hateful beyond reason. That one day they will realize the futileness of HATE and begin to see the fruitfullness of LOVE and be blessed by it.

Just my thoughts !



OH SIR! What a topic!
I read it earlier, but couldn`t grab time to come to post.
I quoted Pauline, there are a many points in which I agree with Sri Luis Miguel, but one on whom I am (as always) specially proud are you!


Terrorists maybe would like to disappear, BUT THEN - WHAT WOULD PEOPLE LIKE PETER DO, IF THEY DISAPPEAR ? Who will serve their RIGHTEOUSNESS? No, they need terrorists. I didn`t read all Peter`s words, just because I can`t trust him anything anymore. Do not like to make a new issue, but after accusing Pauline for taking bribe, and continuing to be here after all that, I AM READY TO BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE WHOM HE CALLS TERRORISTS, ARE ANGELS.
So, if Peter said there1s no chance for the changes, I REALLY BELIEVE THEY ARE RIGHT HERE, IN FRONT OF OUR NOSE, but we still do not like to see it.

My dear Sir, I am heartfelt, and time I dedicate to this community asks not to be considered an ostrich, keeping my head into the send.

When man terribly lies, without OFFERING EVEN AN APOLOGY (and without providing the proves for insinuation) I FEEL FREE TO EXPECT FROM HIM TO STOP PREACHING AROUND, specially about so sensitive and sacred theme, as PEACE should be.

Luka Babic, young peacemaker