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Roger Macdivitt .

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The World Commonality Organisation
11/8/2009 1:20:55 AM

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The World Commonality Organisation


all lovers of unity

Read on

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/8/2009 1:30:15 AM

I am merely a privileged human being of planet earth. One among millions.

However, I HAVE A VOICE AND A PLATFORM - many don't.

I believe that all human beings share that right of equality.

Please help me to explore our common ground.

If I am cut, do I not bleed?

Roger Macdivitt

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/8/2009 10:04:22 AM

In the last few days, America felt the shock of their own troops under fire on their own soil.

In the last few days British troops were killed by another who had posed as a friend but proved therwise.



It is not so easy to SEE or FEEL the things that led these people to such inhuman acts.

This thought has nothing to do with forgiveness but more towards finding a solution.

We all throw that word LOVE around (and mean it) but put a price on it's head, usually of expectation. We love to see our love accepted but so often seek it in return.

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Consider this:

Could you be the nurse or doctor who has to treat and help that man who killed his colleagues? Somebody has to do that with compassion. It might lead to some eventual justice, but, it requires love at the time.

There will be enquiries but that will never establish if there might have been another way for that misguided person to obtain what they wanted.

What is it that we might (too horrible for some to consider) SHARE with those murdering individuals.

Was their call "It's not fair!"? It so often is.

Please take time to supress hatred and do what is needed by you to find common ground.

Let this forum be a beacon of peace an harmony.

Branka Babic

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/8/2009 11:23:14 AM

Stock Photo - international 
flags. fotosearch 
- search stock 
photos, pictures, 
images, and photo 

Consider this:

Could you be the nurse or doctor who has to treat and help that man who killed his colleagues? Somebody has to do that with compassion. It might lead to some eventual justice, but, it requires love at the time.

There will be enquiries but that will never establish if there might have been another way for that misguided person to obtain what they wanted.

What is it that we might (too horrible for some to consider) SHARE with those murdering individuals.

Was their call "It's not fair!"? It so often is.

Please take time to supress hatred and do what is needed by you to find common ground.

Let this forum be a beacon of peace an harmony.


Peter Fogel

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RE: The World Commonality Organisation
11/8/2009 12:08:30 PM

In the last few days, America felt the shock of their own troops under fire on their own soil.

In the last few days British troops were killed by another who had posed as a friend but proved otherwise.



It is not so easy to SEE or FEEL the things that led these people to such inhuman acts.

This thought has nothing to do with forgiveness but more towards finding a solution.

We all throw that word LOVE around (and mean it) but put a price on it's head, usually of expectation. We love to see our love accepted but so often seek it in return.

Stock Photo - international flags. fotosearch - search stock photos, pictures, images, and photo clipart

Consider this:

Could you be the nurse or doctor who has to treat and help that man who killed his colleagues? Somebody has to do that with compassion. It might lead to some eventual justice, but, it requires love at the time.

There will be enquiries but that will never establish if there might have been another way for that misguided person to obtain what they wanted.

What is it that we might (too horrible for some to consider) SHARE with those murdering individuals.

Was their call "It's not fair!"? It so often is.

Please take time to suppress hatred and do what is needed by you to find common ground.

Let this forum be a beacon of peace an harmony.

Hi Roger,

Interesting thread and idea but I have to disagree with having anything in common with a Jihadi terrorist.

Action taken cos of radical brain washing and propaganda is alien to me and I find no commonality with it. The teachings of Islam and especially radical Islam is alien to me and I have nothing in common with people that yearn for my death, yours and all us infidels. Read what this person's said and done in the past and you'll find that it was a planned action with dire consequences.

Now, many might disagree with me but an injured terrorist deserves medical treatment the same as any other individual does. In Israel our hospitals are filled with injured terrorists that receive the best treatment available.

Some might think and in a way rightly so that treating and bringing them back to health might in the long term be detrimental to the safety of the country but never the less they do receive the best of treatment.

Now in regard to the UN I can only say it's a house of shame, run and controlled by the worst offenders of human rights in the world. Again I have nothing in common with them.

That said, I will say that regardless of my abhorrence of all that Islam stands for many of my very good friends for many years are Arabs both Muslim and Christian. This is not a contradiction cos I can relate to the man with out having anything in common with his religious beliefs.


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7