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Linda Caroll
11/27/2005 2:40:06 AM
Linda practises what she preaches. She has a knack for writing and providing helpful information. Her experience gives her the source material which she can relate with confidence. She is also friendly. I am joining every thread in her Forums not to miss anything. She sets a wonderful example for those of us with les experience to follow.
LeBaron Washington

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Linda Caroll
12/7/2005 12:32:15 PM
Hi, Linda, LeBaron here. Thank you for correcting me by deleting my post from your forum. At first, I was a little upset. But then I thought why should I allow her action/choice to upset me. I read your article on politeness in which you were highly critical of others short comings/choices. I didn't agree with everything you said, but then I realized that you have a right to your opinions/choices. They're what basically makes you different. And I respect that. That's why I gave you a thumbs up, to acknowledge my right to be different, too, even though you couldn't accept it.
Linda Caroll
12/7/2005 12:32:15 PM
Hi LeBaron; I'm glad you didn't take any offense because none was intended. As an advisor, I work very hard to keep my forum helpful to readers and especially to new members that seek out advisors for direction. Almost every day I delete at least one post and invite the member to join us, and remind them to put their ads/urls/etc in their sig file instead of the post. Many return. Some do not. I hope you will. I like your willingness to accept different opinions graciously. : ) Linda
Dave Cottrell

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Linda Caroll
1/11/2006 12:48:01 AM
Linda's forums are tremendously interesting, informative, and mentally stimulating. It is a real pleasure to read every post and see the thoughtful, provocative and sometimes humorous replies and answers to replies. Thank you for inviting me to your forums, Linda! They really do brighten my day, and often give me new ideas or a fresh angle to work with. God bless, Dave
Linda Caroll
1/11/2006 12:48:01 AM
How ever did I miss this rating? I get rated a 10 and called provocative - and I totally miss that? lol. Kidding. Seriously, though, thanks for stopping in at my forums. Your posts are always worth reading at least twice. : )

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