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Linda Caroll
9/27/2005 3:01:20 PM
Hi Angela Thank you so much for the rating. It's very appreciated and reading these is a constant reminder of why I do what I do. We're going to get that site of your hopping. You're such a great person that you deserve to be at the top. : )
Linda Caroll
10/5/2005 2:05:17 PM
Dear Linda, You don't know me yet, but hope we will become friends. I looked at your website & found it very informative. I shall bookmark your site so that I can read all the information when time permits. Best Wishes, Sweetgrame
Linda Caroll
10/5/2005 2:05:17 PM
Thank you for the nice rating, Roz... and from the messages we emailed, I can assure everyone that you are delightful to know!!
Linda Caroll
10/8/2005 11:21:46 PM
I don't think there is anything that you and Peter CAN'T do.
Linda Caroll
10/8/2005 11:21:46 PM
Hi Heather: Peter just told me I can reply to these. lol. I didn't even know. Thank you so much. My god your daughter is adorable. I saw the pic on your blog (finally) -- thank you so much for the nice rating. I shall go sew myself a superwoman cape now. It will come in handy for leaping tall buildings in a single bound. lol

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