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Edward Robinson

45 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 10:23:24 AM
Linda, Way to go!your an inspiration to us all.what a lady,we look forward to a continued process.Many thanks for assisting with your great ideas. Respectfully, Edward Robinson url-http;// url-
Edward Robinson
Linda Caroll
2/23/2006 10:23:24 AM
Thank you for the rating, Edward... and thank you for joining in at my forums, too. It's all the people that visit that make it what it is.
Cheri Merz

1258 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
Linda Caroll
3/5/2006 9:34:05 PM
This is long overdue... Linda, thank you, thank you, thank you for cutting through the nonsense and guiding your faithful flock toward real accomplishment on the web. I appreciate the time you take to find interesting and informative subjects, as well as the engaging way you post them. Most of all, I'm grateful for your friendship. I just hope that someday I can do as much for you as you have done for me--doubtful, but we can always hope, right?
Linda Caroll
3/5/2006 9:34:05 PM
Hi Cheri... Thank you so much, and you're very welcome. As for doing as much back, I have no doubt at all. When my clients succeed - I succeed. It's wonderfully symbiotic how that works. : ) Linda
Linda Caroll
3/14/2006 10:46:19 PM
Enough said.

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