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Dave Cottrell
12/14/2006 10:59:03 PM
After many months in this community I have witnessed a man of genuine business ethics, a keen approach to various subjects and a wonderful person that is so helping to many. I am honored to know this man and to say we are associates. Dave, many blessing to you and your family and thank you for all you have given to AdlandPro and it's members.
Dave Cottrell
3/31/2007 5:42:05 AM
Dave :) A Big 10 out of 10 for you! Thank you for being a wonderful sweet friend, and a very helpful and supportive person with great advice for all. Keep up the Great work you do in this Community. God bless, Donna :)
Dave Cottrell
12/3/2007 5:11:50 AM
Online Travel And Cruise Service Rushing Travel Agent 24-7 online booking service for all your travel needs P.O.Box 715 Fort Gaines,Ga 39851 office: 1-800-757-5450 phone: 229-768-2231 fax: 229-768-2837 wed page: Email: Shirley Rushing
Bob and Shirley**** **** **** ****Join Free
Dave Young

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Dave Cottrell
8/24/2008 12:33:58 AM
Hi Dave, Hope all is going well and thanks for doing such an awesome job. Take care
Dave Cottrell

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Dave Cottrell
8/24/2008 12:33:58 AM
Thanks Dave! It's always a pleasure to hear from you! You take care, too. God bless.

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