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Dave Cottrell
4/20/2017 10:08:09 AM
Hello, Dave. I am happy that you are on ADLANDPRO. sorry to hear about the lime disease. I am glad, however, to hear that you are on the road to recovery. You have been a member since 1999 and that speaks to your commitment and longevity in the industry. I find it great that you are a pastor and leading the flock of our Lord and being a good Steward of the Gospel. thanks for being a associate
Frustrated by low results in your marketing efforts? Can't Get Momentum started? Don't blame yourself, It's not your fault
Ralph White

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Dave Cottrell
1/14/2018 5:22:15 AM
POSITIVE ENERGY QUOTE- “With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer
I challenge you to visit this website. Make $78-$900 per day You will even get a free vacation for trying the program
RE: Dave Cottrell
1/18/2018 11:19:34 PM

Nous recherchons des personnes fiables avec des projets rentables allant de 500.000 à d'Euros, avec lesquels nous pourrions travailler dans la transparence et investir dans la réalisation de leur projet quel que soit le domaine d'activité. Toute personne intéressée par cette offre doit voyager pour des raisons de transparence et pour la signature d'un protocole d'accord avant tout déboursement de fonds.
Note: Si vous avez besoin de financement pour votre propre projet ou pour un prêt individuel, nous sommes prêts à vous soutenir. Écrivez seulement à notre adresse.
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Majid D

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Dave Cottrell
9/12/2018 6:10:33 AM
FASTEST WAY TO EARN FREE BITCOIN GUARANTEED!!! UP to $30,000 a month! : Earn 1 Bitcoin per month with cryptobrowser (Google Chrome) : Toturial: uploaded: Group: