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Kathy Hamilton

13886 Posts
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Dave Cottrell
10/1/2005 9:42:39 AM
Hello, very nice site,very glad you are here,kathy martin Im adding to your rating,your very helpful and important to us at adlandpro,thanks for being so wonderful,kathy
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Dave Cottrell

2802 Posts
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Dave Cottrell
10/1/2005 9:42:39 AM
Thank you so much, Kathy. You are indeed a blessing! You made me feel welcome here right from the beginning. :) Dave
Dave Cottrell
10/8/2005 5:41:34 AM
You are a ten in my book my friend. Anyone that offers to help you right from the introduction deserves a ten. Thank you for the link exchange. Blessing to you my friend! JOHN
Dave Cottrell

2802 Posts
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Dave Cottrell
10/8/2005 5:41:34 AM
Thank YOU John - you have made me feel very welcome here!
Ricardo Alcaraz

203 Posts
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Dave Cottrell
10/8/2005 7:26:54 AM
Hello Dave, See? I'm now practicing what I just learned from you. You're the very 1st I gave a feedback to. And it's a good one. God bless! Ricardo