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Jill Bachman

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Jill Bachman
5/8/2007 12:02:37 AM
Hi Neil, Thank you so much for your positive comments. I really appreciate your friendship. We have had a great time getting to know each other better, and I am so glad, You are such an inspiration, and you add so much value and good cheer to Adland. I am proud to be your friend. :-) Hugs, Jill
Barb Doyle

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Jill Bachman
7/19/2007 9:18:55 PM
Hi Jill, Just stopped by to say hi. I hope all is well with you. I appreciate your friendship. Never forget how awesome you are. You are a friend of mine and definitely deserve a 10. I'm here to help you in anyway that I can. Have a great day! Peace, Health and Prosperity, Barb Doyle, Sc. This could be the answer to your prayers.
Jill Bachman

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Jill Bachman
7/19/2007 9:18:55 PM
Hi Barb, Bless you for such a nice message. I equally appreciate your special friendship and I so admire all you do for Adlandpro. It is an honor to be your friend. Hugs, Jill
Sunder Thadani

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Jill Bachman
9/9/2007 7:49:14 PM
It is not only attitude, but right attitude is everything. Since life is a preception, the right attitude counts a lot. [Gandhigiri -to make people happy, is vogue today, as it is besed on non-voilence, and still in fashion in original shape, since Mahatma Gandhi started in 1931, asking Britishers to leave India, peacefully and without any voilence. India still survives as the greatest democracy on earth, and all religions are flourishing today. Best Wishes! Sunder Thadani. [Your Friend in India]
Jill Bachman

8860 Posts
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Jill Bachman
9/9/2007 7:49:14 PM
Dear Sunder Thank you for your beautiful and meaningful message. I am so sorry for the delay in responding, but I never received a notification. Bless you my wonderful new India friend.....I look forward to getting to know you better. Happy New Year, Jill

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