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Re: Blessed
12/8/2005 12:06:00 PM
Hello Susan, I am so sorry to hear that your daughter is so far away and you rarely see her. I know how you feel though because my oldest daughter lives in California and I am in NY. I have not seen her in quite some time. She is married with 3 children and I hate the fact that I am not able to be with her and my grandchildren. It is very heart wrenching when our kids are not with us! I am sorry to hear that you are alone. God will bring someone into your life when the time is right. My first marriage did not work out either. I just got remarried 3 years ago, after a few failed relationships, to a wonderful man that absolutely has been a blessing from God. I had just about given up on ever being with a good man and then he came into my life. So I know God has someone special in mind for you too! God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Re: Blessed
12/8/2005 12:20:46 PM
HI Sheila, Your daughter may be a slob, but I hope that you don't call her that to her face. Negative is only going to create more negative. I don't know what you have tried as far as discipline, but I recommend taking privileges away, grounding her to her room(which means no toys, no TV, no phone, no Nintendo, no nothing), not giving her any treats or buying her anything that she wants, until she can start doing what she needs to do! Let her know that she lives in the home and it is just as much her responsibility to help out and keep it clean as well. Reward her though when she does good...this will make her want to do what she should do. She needs positive reinforcement as well. Good Luck. Just keep the faith and have patience. God Bless You! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Re: Blessed
12/8/2005 12:26:08 PM
HI Gaylia, Great comments! I can't imagine my life being any different either! Right now, I only have my youngest son living home and he is 20 soon to be 21 years old. He has never lived away from home yet, and I am having a real hard time with thinking about him moving out one day! I don't want him to leave, and thank God he hasn't wanted to leave yet! God Bless You and Your Family! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
"The ALP & TGAMM Couple"
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Re: Blessed
12/8/2005 12:39:35 PM
HI Pam, I take my 3 grandchildren on weekends too most of the time! Sometimes, I may not feel up to it, and boy do they get upset! They are 8, 7 and 2 and they are such a joy to have around. My house gets wrecked while they are here, but who cares! Just to have them here is my greatest joy! Thanks so much for your post. God Bless You!
Marilyn L Martin
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