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Cheri Merz

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Re: Tip: How to Create an Effective Sig File
11/29/2005 10:03:48 PM
Linda, Oh, PS. Meant to ask whether you advocate changing your sig now and then. Do you thing people will take notice and get curious if you change it? Or do you subscribe to the theory that someone has to see the SAME ad seven times before they respond to it? (Or however many times.) Cheri
Re: Tip: How to Create an Effective Sig File
11/29/2005 10:22:52 PM
Hi Cheri! ======================================== Oh, PS. Meant to ask whether you advocate changing your sig now and then. Do you thing people will take notice and get curious if you change it? Or do you subscribe to the theory that someone has to see the SAME ad seven times before they respond to it? (Or however many times.) ======================================== Would I be contradicting myself horribly if I said both? lol See, I understand the theories behind repetition. Repetition is how the human mind transfers information from short term memory to long term, and I do appreciate the merits of that. But, at the same time, there is one way to bypass the need for repetition. Have a peek at this. For you, it's about a 20 second read. lol (very short - less than 400 words) I think you'll enjoy it. Based on that (link above) - I personally like to change links to see what gets best response. : ) Linda P.S. Let me know what you think of that little tidbit. I would have posted it here, but I think the photo adds something to it.
Cheri Merz

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Re: Tip: How to Create an Effective Sig File
11/29/2005 10:42:35 PM
Linda, You're right, the photo (worth a thousand words, right?) adds a lot. The article is great, and knowing that you have articles for reprint is also very valuable. I've been reading a book by Kevin Hogan called The Science of Influence. What struck me about your article and the picture was that it bore out his explanation of one of the keys to influence, which is framing. You primed me to notice the picture first...a very effective one for anyone of my age because I remember it from the perspective of a young teen. My life is measured by "before" and "after" the Kennedy assassination and other defining events that are the examples for your point. Reference to it evokes emotion, which in turn creates a deeper impression of the information you are presenting with it. Masterful! Here's the rub: I now know how to recognize it. Who can teach me to create it? Is it possible to learn to apply this knowledge effectively, or is it an innate talent? Had I better just get together the investment I need to have you design my site? I shall meditate upon it... Cheri
Re: Tip: How to Create an Effective Sig File
11/29/2005 11:03:25 PM
Hi Cheri; ========================================= I've been reading a book by Kevin Hogan called The Science of Influence. What struck me about your article and the picture was that it bore out his explanation of one of the keys to influence, which is framing... ========================================= Is it a good read? (I haven't read it.) Another book to add to my "read this" list. lol Have you read Robert Cialdini's "Psychology of Influence" - it's not a bad read, too. Not everything in it will be new if you've studied any psychology at all, but a decent read nevertheless. ========================================= I now know how to recognize it. Who can teach me to create it? Is it possible to learn to apply this knowledge effectively, or is it an innate talent? ========================================= Yes, I believe it can be taught - and learned. The funny thing is that a lot of people that have the innate ability can't teach people to do what they do. I often suspect they don't really know what they're doing because it does come natural to them. That's why so many marketers can "sell" like crazy, but the people buying their stuff aren't making any money. Often, they don't even seem to see the bits they've left out. It's only through studying the mind and the psychology of response that we can start to put the pieces together to be able to teach it. I'm actually planning to take a stab at teaching it as it applies to business, design and the web. I've been writing (in spare and stolen moments) for eons. I'm planning to launch a tutorials site before the year ends, knock on wood. (I'm going to offer to test drive it on a small group of people before I do a grand scale launch, though.) I see so many people struggling, and if I can make even a small dent in that and help a few people get on track, I figure that's a pretty good goal to strive for. : ) Linda
Re: Tip: How to Create an Effective Sig File
11/29/2005 11:06:55 PM
Hi linda, I just clicked your link and read the article. It impacted me very strongly. It is an exceptional example of your talent for writing, at least. probably it reflects your awareness for strategy and others things as well. You practise what you teach. For me, your article provides confirmation that some of the ideas I have on the drawing board are good ones. Thanks for your terrific work. Larry

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