Hi Alice,
The main thing we are working on as a group right now is our list of strengths that each member brings to this group effort and our group is coming up with a mission statement. My understanding is that each group is supposed to be working on these things initially. Once each group sends the mission statement they have come up with, then we can get the final mission statement using the ideas that all of the teams have sent to Dr. King so that he & the board will be able to make the final draft. Maybe my group is moving slower than the other groups, but I don't think so from what I've heard. If so, I apologize for not understanding our assignments better so that I could relay this better to my group.
You have brought up some great questions & I have asked my group to review them and be thinking of their answers. I imagine that the best way to get interaction on these, is again through each group, but this will be something I will be working on in the next couple of days. We must realize that a company from ground zero to everything in place, will take a bit of time. I know that each question must be addressed, but to me there are some questions that must be answered right away & some that can wait a slight bit longer.
My group had a conference call on Thursday evening, we are having another one Monday evening, & I spent much of the day on Sunday talking with or emailing my group and making corrections in some of the basic information. Having the holidays has slowed the process a bit for people, but like you I feel that we need to do all that we can to get moving. I have thought about your questions & will post or email my answers as soon as possible.
Thanks for the post,
Group #11, team leader