Hello To All of You
Well now that the Fire Drill is over and I am still not sure who that culprit was that pulled that alarm switch ( as I look at my feet fidgeting with drenched clothing)
You can bet That won't happen again soon!!
I would like to say Thanks To all of the groups inside this awesome team for your progress to this point through the fog.
Please prepare for a meeting of the Board and Team leaders live this Friday at 5:pm EST
I will need your decisions prior to that time of those selections so we may meet.
I will get the conference room ready and send that to you prior to that time.
The one thing, I would like to say is this is an adventure, We will and are making history right here and now at Adland.
I know that it was hard to take anything on faith and I know with all that is going around it is wise to be super cautious.
What I am doing is not hyping or trying to be mysterious but rather bringing together all of you in a systematic way to then present the total concept of this adventure.
What I have asked will allow for an orderly progression that the team must have to come to life.
The reason for the groups was for better focus and greater lines of communication and deeper insight in the journey as it progresses. It allows for a greater voice of the whole when you do it like this. It also allows for a better decison making process.
Please report in this forum your decisons by team number so we may get down to the thing everyone wants most.
With Warmest Regards
Dedicated I Remain