I am not out to divide anything or anyone. The due diligence you spoke about was in reference to learning and understanding more before presenting it to friends or associates so let's not confuse the issue.
I am not out to cause doubt I, as you, and many others I am sure, have read the threads and I am sure you will agree that I have only stated that others are asking questions and looking for answers. That was all I was pointing out.
My thoughts about the time being at 5PM were putting a lot of peoples best interests in the fore front, family.
I asked a simple question about perhaps posting the plan so that all the teams could take the rest of the week to discuss them in the team threads. That was in everyones best interest in giving them all the time to make sense of how to work in their respective teams to move forward.
I have not stated that you have cost anyone any money, so I see no point in referencing that at this time. I have, as you stated, been somewhat skeptical, but I see no reference I have made that was condeming of you, the person in any way.
As you say all are free to leave or withdraw at anytime, they are only asking what they are a member of so they can make an informed decision.
I can sense that my presence makes you soemwhat uncomfortable, so I will withdraw from the group and let it go at that.
Now in doing so I would like to leave everyone with this thought in regards to
Skepticism or Scepticism and what it can mean:
Philosophical skepticism - a philosophical position in which people choose critically to examine whether the knowledge and perceptions that they have are actually true, and whether or not one can ever be said to have absolutely true knowledge;
Skpeticism was shared by the likes of Isaac Asimov, Martin Gardner, James Randi, Carl Sagan, Michael Shermer and Harry Houdini. It is not a bad thing, just watch the televison show Myth Busters, as it full of skepticism, it is what makes the show work. It however does not seem to fit in here.