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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 3:12:33 PM
Hi Nan, my team, my friends. We are many and good friends here in Adland, and we where some people who did something that never have been done before - we made "The Security Team" when we found out that there had to be something with this system that ALL top-people talked so highly about and ads told us. We started this job when they was supposed to launch, after we have wondered for some days. Anthony, Dave, Peter and I (and 1 outsider) started digging. We got a launch-mail and 3 of us paid $29.95 to join. When we understood that this was a trial, and the money was for chat-info until 01.01.06, we started digging more. We found a lot of more info, as I have sent out by private mails to my team, and posted in my forum. Goal was to reach ALL before they paid too. Next step was to see how serious this could be, so we went for getting our money back - and I figured out that if we did that early, we could stop the persons behind early if we did not get them. None has done yet. Next info is THIS - what Anthony got from our Adland friend Leon, and if this is the true thing, as I believe it is now, we have done a job that never had been done if we did not worked so good and as friends in team. So I am honored to have teammembers as Anthony and Dave, plus our friends, onboard. If we not had done this work so quick as we did - all could have lost their money - and we did not allow that. So I hope we as team can continue this team and work together - security has never been done better. Thanks.. Best regards Arild
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 3:15:39 PM
Katherine. Excellant post my friend. I have been in Marketing for quite awhile & have been in right at the start of some very successful companys & some not quite successful ones. Not just online business but 'bricks & mortar' ones as well. Amway, Herbalife, Tupperware & others have made me quite a lot of money. Others such as NSA, WallCote wall systems & UK Aluminium Double Glazing have not. Likewise online business that have earned intial incomes, then disappered or were taken over by other company's & some companys that are still going strong today & earning us substantial incomes. Anyone who falls for the make $3,000 a day/week or month deserve to be caught. This one did not actually promise to make fortunes, it hinted at the possibility of being able to do so, with work & commitment. If there had been anyway of finding out who was behind the whole thing we would have, but like the advert said, it was all 'secret' & part of the build up. Yes, I did get caught, so did a lot of other 'guru's' & 'professionals', that is a risk we take to earn incomes. We were not going to let the people who signed up after us get caught before we could do more detailed research when it launched. This is what we have done & here are the findings for all to see. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 3:18:51 PM
Thanks Anthony I'm some glad i didn't waste my time promoting the Secret Launch.I fell for diamomd prosperty when that was a secret launch and swore i'll never promote any secret businesses if there not up front with there info serew them. It sounded so good at the time.When's the next flavor of the month going to start lol.Just Kidding Anthony.If it would of been something decent it had alot of attention what a shame. Happy Promoting Dennis
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 3:23:31 PM
Hi James & Billie. Thank you for your comments. We did try to find out everything about the people behind this opportunity. The secret part went as far as shrouding the owner very well. Without a name, it's hard to check up, I tried & have been working long hours to find more. I made known my reservations before the actuall launch as I could not find who was behind it, but as no money was asked for before the launch, I went along for the ride like 80,000 others did. Guru's & Professional Marketers alike did the same thing. We did build downlines, this is true, if this had been a worthwhile & sound business venture, they would be in place to make an income. We did not advise them to spend any money until we could check out the realiability & honesty of the people & company. We have now found out. Your security friend inLas Vegas.
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 3:27:23 PM
Thank you so much Tony and Arild, You guys have definitely done your due diligence for the benefit of all of us here at Adlandpro, and we THANK YOU! What a great community we have here. I love you all! Success, Jill