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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 1:57:45 PM
Stephanie, Thank you again for your support. I just wish it had not be my recomenndation that made you 'stumble', but I'm glad that we could bring you this before you 'tumbled' to far. Your security friend in Las Vegas.
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 2:16:40 PM
Wow this blows my mind. Could comeone please explain to me why everyone is so excited about something that is so secret and no one knows what the business is going to be and who the owner is and who is going to run the show? What if it was something that you did not agree to promote? What if it was some sleazy sex site or even drugs. (Sure that is probably far fetched, but think about it.) There are ways to determine if a business is legitimate or not. I think there are a few out there that still make it look like they will pass the inspection, but why do people sign up for something that they know nothing about? They could just as easily sign up for something that they know everything about and it could be a legal business. They don't want to know, that's why. They can't find what they are looking for so they hope that if they close their eyes and wish upon a star something just might "poof" and become a great business. Some people are so desirous of the next get rich quick business and up to date they have not been able to make any money; that they will jump at anything. Why would you invite some of your acquaintances to join something you know nothing about? If some people are so great at signing up people, they could have had a great business that actually pays them if they had chosen a legal business. One of the reasons is most likely because it is free, promises the world, promises that you need to do nothing, or it is very cheap to get started. People, you are smart enough to see ALL these other legal businesses that are available. Do your school work. I am sorry if I have stepped on some toes. But, being a senior citizen, maybe that gives me a little bit of priviledge to help the younger generation to wake up and think wisely. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Nan Do your research -
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Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 2:21:14 PM
Anthony and everyone else! Here are a few rules of thumb I apply when investigating a program. As everyone knows MLM is not my thing, so I steer right away from those. But, I am willing and can sell a product. Things that trigger the "stay away" button: If I have to read more than 3 paragraphs before getting any information on the program or product. Some introduction is okay and necessary, but not a whole page! Loads of testimonials and no information about the program or how it works. Testimonials don't mean didley! Anyone can write anything and sign a name to it. No information until I give up my email address. I sure don't want a series of pushy sales letters coming to my inbox (delete). Tell me about the product or program and then if I am interested, I'll give you my email address. The words "multi-level", "matrix", "randomizer", "refer". Refer is okay for affiliate programs, but not in conjunction with MLM, or matrix. Anything that seems like hype - "Make $1000 in 3 hours!". You know that isn't going to happen with even the best MLMer out there. Those are my own little triggers. I know there are some good multi-level programs and people are making money off of them. I am just no good at that sort of thing and don't like doing them. I also don't have the money to waste on these type of programs, either. Katherine McCrea
Kate McCrea Black Cat Originals Will Bring Your Fashion Vision To Life!
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 2:22:18 PM
Anthony, I will have to aplaud you for your honesty, and admitting that you made a mistake. It takes a person of high quality to do this. I would like to make a few comments if you will allow an old man to do so. Doing your due diligence! Over the years 24 in network marketing and 8 years marketing online, I have learned to investigate organizations before I join and promote them. Always check to see who the perperators of the program is, what other programs they have been involved in and what happened to the programs. What you are learning at the present time is the fact that there are people that make their living using start up companies that do not last very long. This is why it is important to choose a company that has a long term relationship with their customers and business partners. If you are going to create a strong residual income, you have to have a company of integrity and stability, that will consistantly pay you the fairest compensation possible. What makes me very sad is how people are inticed into these programs through the "Hype", "Smoke and Mirrors" that is presented to them.
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Re: Secret Launch. Now we know it's a SCAM!
11/13/2005 2:23:27 PM
Thanks Anthony for the heads up. I didn't join as I don't do pre-launches. It is bad enough with the programs that go under too quickly after it becomes saturated. Plus not enough info was given for me to make a decision. When I saw the launch date go and the date extended last week, I said to myself uh-Oh. I joined 12dailypro last week, programs such as these may not last, but I will not put anything in that I cannot afford to lose, it is like gambling and are high risk. If I get my initial investment back I consider it a win.
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