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Your Friendship at Adland Community
10/30/2005 4:30:24 AM
I wanted to set this forum up and invite each of you to come here and interact with me as I am so greatful for the acceptance that I have been extended here in this awesome family at adland. I want each of you to know that I don't remember when I have seen a community that was so caring and that really made you feel as welcome as I have encountered here. Each of your friendships is so special to me. I stand ready at anytime to help any of you in what ever way I can. Never hesitate to call on me and if it is in my power I shall do all I can to help. I also wanted this to be a place in this forum where we could all just get to know each other for those that may not have started to seek friendships that are new here but are on my friends list. It takes a while to really feel out the community and all it really is about and I will help any of you that wants me to and if I don't know the answer I am sure those that have been here longest will surely know but I will get you an answer. With Warmest Regards To My New Found Family and Friends Respectfully I Remain
T.E.A.M. H.O.P.E. Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Other People Everyday If You Want Something Different Then You Must Do Something Different. Http:// Meet You On Top, Dr King
Re: Your Friendship at Adland Community
10/30/2005 4:40:10 AM
Hi Dr David, This was a great ide, this friendship forum. Hope we will be lots of people "talking" here. Keep on having a great weekend! Best Regards Madde goes MLM! Great!!!! Casino and Poker online.
Varmest Regards Madde - Swedish What you decide today, changes your tomorrow
Re: Your Friendship at Adland Community
10/30/2005 5:02:40 AM
Hi Dr. David, Thanks for the invite. This is a great community and it is good people like yourself that make it so wonderful. Hope you the most of success. Bruce Nelson North Carolina USA
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Re: Your Friendship at Adland Community
10/30/2005 5:05:32 AM
Hi Dr David. Yes I totally agree with you. This is an awesome community. I'm still new here and I am still looking things over and figuring things out. I havent quite figured out how to do the forums yet, seems like I am doing them wrong but I will get it. I want to thank everyone that have been my friends. You guys are an awesome bunch of people. Maybe we could post a little something about ourselves, to get to know each other better. To know we are all just more than websites. Well again thank you and have a great day everybody!!!1 Michelle Powell
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Re: Your Friendship at Adland Community
10/30/2005 5:17:38 AM
You are sooooo spot on Dr David. I've 'tested' other networking sites and NONE of them cater for chit chat. Seems they're more into making money than anything else. Here at adland I get a good laugh from those who post jokes, helpful hints for all sorts of things (not just biz) and a whole range of other things that "real life" friends often talk about, both the serious and not so serious. Being a mother of 3 teenage girls I have even shared how common their behaviour is to those on the other side of the globe! Looks like you've figured the forums out a lot quicker than I did :-) Linda

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