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For Rudy
11/6/2005 1:13:07 AM
Hey Rudy; ==================== Part 2 is a creative way to make the time you spend productive. On the other hand, it looks like you could spend more time on the keyboard than having a life. ==================== Well, that's the funny thing. It could be either - but then again, it could be neither, too. This is one of those areas where there are almost as many different results as there are people. For example; ... some people spend a lot of time online, but don't make any money and don't care. ... some people spend a lot of time online, don't make any money and are frustrated by that. ... some people spend a little time online and make a little money ... some people spend a little time online and make a lot of money. I could keep adding to that list for a long long time - but you get the idea. The point of part two is this; There's a learning curve in any financial venture except winning a lottery. When you get a new job, there's a learning curve. When you start a new business, there's a learning curve. It's very frustrating to be trying to crawl, drag and scrape one's self up the learning curve when we don't even care that much about what we're doing. But if you take something you enjoy - then the learning isn't so painful because you at least enjoy what you're doing. One of the biggest mistakes that I see people make time and time again is selling stuff that they have no heart for. They're selling it because they hear it makes good money. But without the heart, they can't convince anyone to buy. So, for them, it doesn't make good money. So they move on to another thing that they hear makes good money. And the cycle goes over and over and over again ad nauseum. ===================== I can easily have a life and show off Amsoil at the same time. Some examples might be construction contractor connections, race track, Maytag repairman, the dentist, church bus, neighbor with a boat and business card draw at a restaurant. ===================== Yup. That you can. Know why? Because you truly believe in what you're doing and it shows. I've never had a conversation with you yet where Amsoil didn't come up. And that tells me you're doing something that's right for you. Same thing with me. Just try have a conversation with me where marketing doesn't come up. Just try. Ask Peter. LOL. The same thing applies the minute people start selling something they have their heart in. It's not so much that it ties them to their keyboard... that's their call. Each person will spend as much time online as they choose. But it will invade their life. So they can do what they do and "have a life" Let's say someone loves making quilts and quilting. So they dump the domain names and the traffic programs and the whizz bang programs that aren't making them any money anyway. Or just put them on hiatus. And they start a quilting site or blog. You think they're not going to mention it at every quilting store they go to? And to their friends? And weave it into the fabric of their lives? Sure they are. Because they are actually doing something they like. See? : ) Linda P.S. I completely agree on the "disdain for the type of business that realistically does not have a product other than a web site that is presented as the product and costs a chunk of change that you hope you will not be left holding the bag" comment. 200%
Kim Nelson

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Re: Since no one likes being first...
11/7/2005 9:27:29 PM
Hi Linda Ok I am new but i will get in on it why not Interests are: Famialy especialy my grand daughte Music (mostly country and some new stuff) Dogs,cats,...just about any animal going Outdoors (witch i can't do to much of any more) Internet (learning the business part) fishing swiming ( when i am able to) And just life as a whole Ok yes and coffee lol And now i enjoy Adland Have A great day!!
Have A Fantastic Day!!
Kim Nelson

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Re: Since no one likes being first...
11/7/2005 9:30:19 PM
Oops sorry but i did forget cooking since that is what my trade is. Thanks Kim
Have A Fantastic Day!!
Re: Since no one likes being first...
11/7/2005 9:40:24 PM
Hi Kim! ===================== Oops sorry but i did forget cooking since that is what my trade is. ===================== Mmmm. Cooking. Something I like to enjoy but don't do much of myself. How is it your trade? Do you cook for a restaurant? Teach cooking? If you click on this link I have a thread for everyone to introduce themselves. Do come there and tell us about you! : ) Linda
Kim Nelson

12 Posts
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Re: Since no one likes being first...
11/7/2005 10:01:09 PM
Hi Linda Yes have cooked in many restaurants and managed as well but now i am unable to do it anymore. So i am just search online for something to do to fill in my time because i hate not working and being on disability. So now my sister has her own restaurant so i help her out when i can you know little tricks here and there and i guess i will teach my grand daughter as well when she get older the same as i did my daughter. Thanks Again Kim
Have A Fantastic Day!!