Greetings, dear friends,
Sometimes it becomes necessary to speak out on issues, whether it gets me in trouble on not! lol! Please note that you will never find me afraid to share what I believe to be the truth, nor will I fear the response.
Yes, I am proud to be a friend of the USA, and have absolutely no reason not to be. Those who today seem to do nothing but bash the US are either working from ulterior motives, or more likely in many cases, sadly misinformed and/or listening to the wrong people.
The fact is, I do a lot of research, have studied a lot of history, and do not simply post a lot of uninformed information in the hopes that some of it is true.
Many people on these forums have found one member of Adlandpro to be quite confrontational, but is ANYONE paying ANY attention to what he is saying? Has anyone read his forums? I, for one, while having a very different style, have also done my research and can tell you that he KNOWS what he's talking about, and people should be paying attention. I can confirm that while I don't agree with him on everything he believes, the information he has been posting on various forums, including his own, is ACCURATE!
Visit Neil's forums and you WILL find facts. Remember, these are FACTS, not opinions or beliefs. Beware if you are getting YOUR information from the mainstream news media or those who would like to see the US fall flat. Check out the information and stick to the facts.
God bless,