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Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 4:40:14 PM
Mohamed Gani, My dear friend. Be thankful that you live somwhere were the laws are so strict. Here I'm afraid, when one commits a serious crime & goes to jail for it. They are likely to leave jail with a lot of degree's & a business, because of the training they receive with their punishment. Not all of course, most just go back to a life of crime, as it is easier to attack some defenseless family, than get a job & earn their money leagaly. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 4:58:17 PM
This is scary reading my friend. There is just ONE thing to do - move to where I live without closing the doors when we go to sleep :-) Brrrrrr... American crime/others crimes scares me, and I feel so deep for all those who lives with this hanging over them all days long. "If god made this people - why did he let the devil be their teacher at school / of crime" - a prayer said some time. I do not have the answeres. Good forum this my friend - take care of Your family and Yourself.
Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 5:09:05 PM
Arild my friend. It is not just America where this happens, but at least we still have the right to protect ourselves, (in most places). Before I left the UK, Crimes where a leathal weapon was used was rising dramatically, & no one but the armed forces & the police are allowed to own firearms anymore, except shotguns for hunting, & the regulations you had to go through to keep one of those was getting so ridiculous, that I eventually turned mine in as it was almost impossible to abide by the law, in owning one. I had handed in my other firearms earlier, when the laws where changed & all licensed gun owners had to voluntarily hand over their guns. That only left guns in the hands of the criminal, because they never had, or could get a licence in the first place. I know everyone thinks that America is a violent place, & in some places it is, but at least we can defend ourselves, & the criminals know that & normally think twice before breaking in, especially if you have a NRA bumper sticker (National Rifle Association). Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
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Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 5:54:34 PM
Hi Anthony, Thank you for the invite and the wealth of information. I am not one for firearms myself but I see no harm in other forms of self defense devices. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
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Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 6:03:49 PM
Anthony, I've had someone attempt to burglarized my home. I had a home security system installed prior to this incident happening so I was awakened to a shrill type siren in the middle of the night. The security alarm went to the police station and the phone was ringing as the police were knocking on the front door. It had rained earlier that evening so the footprints all around the home were very visible. That was enough of a drama for me! I don't know what I would have done if I had come face-to-face with that intruder. I believe we should have the right to 'bear arms' to protect ourselves. Have a blessed and successful day! Your friend, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners

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