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Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 3:46:14 PM
Jeannie, Thanks for looking at our Store. Most people do not realise what a range of products we actually do have. Apart from the stun guns' tasers' peper sprays etc. There are personal alarms, electronic child alarms, (A Good seller) Voice changers for your phone, house hold alarm systems, video camers for homes, security locks, self defense video's & books. In fact, make out your Christmas wish list now, for all the family. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 3:47:38 PM
Dave, Glad you liked it. I hope you got some good tips from it for you to use. your security minded friend in Las Vegas.
Flag of Beverly Armstrong

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Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 4:15:06 PM
This says it all for me Anthony: An Interesting Perspective If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of 2112 deaths, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000. The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000. That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in our Nation's Capitol, which has some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation, than you are in Iraq. Conclusion: We should immediately pull out of Washington D.C. ____________________________________________ It would be funny if it were not so tragically accurate! I live close to Detroit michigan and believe you me it make Washington D.C. look tame! The city I live in Battle Creek is affectionately called "Little Detroit". ____________________________________________ The problem in America today is "Hypnotic Press", we are told how unsafe Iraq and other areas of the globe are and most people have NO idea that their own country, their own backyard is one of the most dangerous places on the globe! We are TOLD we are safe and so we believe it! Until someone rapes, robs or kills us that is! GREAT post Anthony! :)
Beverly Armstrong NC., Health & Website Consultant, Trainer, Writer & Entreprenuer, Network Marketing & Tutorials
Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 4:15:28 PM
My Dear Friend ! Thank you for your very detailed information on "Safety and Security". Very much impressed and ofcourse, very useful information. I am residing in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, where the Crime Rates are very very low....because, the law is very tough here. Thank you for your valuable information. Thanking you, once again. With lots of Love and Affection ! Your Ever Loving Friend, Mohamed Khadar Gani.
Re: Are we really safe?
10/13/2005 4:35:59 PM
Beverly, Thank you for those statistics. You are so correct, the average American thinks that everywhere else in the world is unsafe, or so they have been told, by the media. They are told not to travel abroad, or if they do, to take precautions. The thing is, the press never tell them how safe it is NOT! in their own neighbourhoods. Another thing as your statistics show, is it not strange, well not strange, stupid really. That Washington, (where you are not leagally allowed to own a firearm to protect yourself,) is one of the most likely places, where you will be shot by criminals breaking into your home, because they know you cannot have a gun there for your family's protection. Does that not sort of give you the idea that the NRA are right in fighting all these people who want to get rid of the 2nd Ammendment. So, all those Americans who are not allowed to own a firearm for protection, in the city or State where they live. Get a stun gun, pepper spray, or better still a Taser. Your security minded friend in Las Vegas.

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