Statistics show.
Five out of six Americans will be victims of violent crime during their lifetime! Don't wait until it's to late to think about your safety. If you don't buy one from us at least buy a self defense weapon from somewhere, there are plenty of good sites to choose from.
Buy a Self-Defense weapon
so you Don't Need It.
Learn how to use a self-defense product to improve your state of awareness. Be
more aware of what is going on around you, and you won't need to carry a weapon.
Become a bad target for violent crime. Imagine yourself walking along holding a gun - you are looking out for bad guys.
You are in a heightened state of awareness and ready for anything. You expect someone to jump out at you from behind any and every, car, tree, and door.
If you were to walk around in a heightened state of awareness all of the time, do you think that your ability to react positively to an attacker would improve?
Of course it would!
Now, if after a while, you decide to stop walking around with your gun, would your heightened state of awareness stop being with you too?
Of course not!
You have learned a new skill, a skill that will go everywhere you go. So, realize that if you become more aware of what is going
on around you, you won't need a weapon or feel that you need one.
Statistically, a person who carries a weapon
for self-defense is attacked less than a person who does not carry one.
Because a weapon causes a person to think differently: "I'm on guard, I've got this weapon, and I'm prepared to use it!"
An attacker relies heavily on the element of surprise - he wants to catch you off guard. If you are aware of what is going on around you, you will make life very difficult for an attacker. Also, alert people look more
confident. Attackers prefer not to attack confident people because they are more likely to fight back - he might get
Conclusion If you decide to get a
self-defense product, use it to improve your state of awareness. You will look more confident and become a bad target for violent crime in the process.
The positive affect this has on you will last a lot longer than the self-defense product you bought.
How would you Stop an Attacker Starting on You?
Begin by taking a few moments to look at the way you walk when you are in public. Do you walk with confidence?
Attackers don't like attacking confident people.
Because a confident person just might hit back - hurt the attacker.
Attackers don't mind hurting people; in fact it can be said that they even get great pleasure from it.
However, being the cowards that they are,
they can't stand the idea of themselves being hurt. So when they pick a victim, they always look for a person who is most likely going to panic and go to pieces. This makes it really easy to take control. Attacking a confident person would be a big mistake.
After attacking somebody who didn't fall apart at the seams, but instead hit back. After getting hurt, an attacker would consider that attack to have been a big mistake! He will then ask himself one important question before he
attacks someone else:
What went wrong?
He carefully selected his victim, believing that he/she was like a weak animal just waiting to be preyed upon - an easy target. Head down, shoulders down and rounded, body slumped forward, and walking slowly. Easy
prey are alone and in their own little world, with a look of shyness about
Perfect! In the wild, weak animals are selected and eaten by hungry predators simply because they're easy prey. Being weak makes them slower and less likely to put up much of a fight. The same is true for people in our so-called civilization.
Do not be a victim, we have all the top products for you & your familys protection, & the information on how to use them.
Your security minded friend in Las Vegas