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Marion Tucker

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/9/2005 11:54:33 PM
Hello Kathy, Thank you for your prayers and the offer of posting a forum. I think that would be an excellent idea if Shelly approves. The more prayers and thoughts we can get the better. Personal message her and ask if it is okay with her. As that is what I did before posting here. God Bless You! Marion
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Marion Tucker

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/10/2005 12:05:47 AM
Hi Jeffrey, Thanks for coming by. I did put up a link to Dawn's post in my forum (under the prayer) on where to send money. God Bless! Marion
Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Marion Tucker

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/10/2005 12:10:38 AM
Hi Nan, Thank you for praying with us. It is much appreciated! God Bless! Marion
Highest Paying Business Network In The World! NEW REVOLUTIONARY ANTI-AGING BREAKTHROUGH!!! NO MORE PILLS OR JUICE, just spray nutrients in your mouth!
Janise Collins

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/10/2005 12:28:23 AM
Marion, I would like to add my pray to your pray on behalf of Shelly Hargis and her family. Dear Lord God, You have heard the prayer of your saints on behalf of Shelly Hargis and her family. Lord, in the precious name of Jesus I pray for healing for Shelly from the top of her head to the soles of her feet. I pray that a reversal be granted for medical cards and benefits on behalf of Shelly and her hard working husband. Lord, open the doors of employment for Shelly immediately. Finally, Lord I pray that you perform a financial miracle concerning Shelly's hot water and heat bill. Father God, I pray a hedge of protection around this family both physically, spiritually and financially. Bless this family everyday in everyway. I ask this all in the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN! Your friend in Christ, Classic Corners "Nothing is impossible when you dream" The DreamTeam
Hope to meet you soon! Regards, Classic Corners
Michael Caron

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Re: Please Help Me Pray For Shelly Hargis And Her Family
10/10/2005 12:34:49 AM
Hi Marion, Shelly has been my friend from the beginning. She is a sweetheart and I definetely join you in prayer. Although this won't help much however she may be able to get a fuel budget that would help her. In Indianapolis, if you are having trouble with utilities you can opt for a budget plan meanuning that you would pay the same each month for how ever long it takes to rectify the situation. I believe it is true Nation Wide that if a family of four makes $250.00 a month before taxes, supposedly they have enough to pay their bills. I believe this was drawn up in 1936, but the government does not have time to update their findings. Also, on most bills, if you pay 10% of what you owe each year, the authorities are suppose to work with you. The only problem with this is that you have to make at least 100 phone calls to connect with the one person that you need. It is also true what Shelly has said about making money on the internet. Very few of us can make a living at it, but we try. Shelly, you are a sweetheart and I know that advice is cheap, but please hang in there. At the end of this month I will know how I stand financialy. I will not make a promise that I can't keep, however I can, and I will pray. Those that don't know Shelly are missing out on having a fantastic friend. She has always been there for everyone, so please be there for her. I do have a challenge and a proposal. Some of us at one time have been where Shelly is right now. This is my proposal. From now, until January 1st, 2006, for every item that I sell on my three sites, I will hold back 20% from each sale. That 20% will go to Shelly to do whatever she wants with it. If you have been on my sites you know that I have offered to hold back 10% for Epilepsy, however this is more important. Will anyone else make the same offer so that we can help this Sweetheart? Please? God Bless you Marion, and you as well Shelly Mike http://leapfrogmike Please sign my guestbooks. Remember, when you sign a guestbook, you leave your URL Free Advertising!! Let's give Shelly a Big Christmas!!
Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.

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