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Re: Emotional Abuse/The Rearranging of One's Mind
9/20/2005 8:19:36 AM
Emotional abuse doesn't have to be a spousal abuse thing. This can also be done by family members by running them down, making them feel inferior. Older relatives are most often guilty of this with children telling them things like do you realize how stupid you are? are why dont you grow up? or you will never amount to anything, or why do you want to do that? you know you will fail at it! These remarks can cause kids to have long term emotional problems, learning disorders and a feeling of low self esteam! Thought I would interject my 50 cents worth of thought here! :>) Bill
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Re: Emotional Abuse/The Rearranging of One's Mind
9/25/2005 2:26:22 PM
It is vary informative. Thank You.

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