I think I posted on this topic once before, emotional abuse is often times unnoticed, it sometimes takes on a clandestine identity and slowly becomes the monster that swallowed Bayonne, meaning to say that in some cases the actual attack is extremely subtle.
There are many different reasons for emotional abuse; some are insecurity, feelings of inferiority by a life partner/spouse or even inadequacy. People tend to react to their feelings differently depending on their station in the relationship.
Basically it boils down to being able to identify the behavioral changes in your spouse/loved one and being able to voice or for the lack of a better word discuss any potential or current problems or emotions that triggered said changes. It is better to catch it in the beginning than to become the unwitting victim after the situation has blown out of proportion or has actually gone past the point of no return.
People need support for their emotions, and when we as people fail to notice the subtle changes it can and often times does get very ugly.
By no means am I an expert, I just had someone in my life once; who needed something that I was unaware of and before I realized it, it was already too late for us to correct these feelings that were harbored and allowed to fester to malignancy, the best way to deal with feelings are to bring them out into the conscience state and dissect them so that they do not consume us and our relationships.
I thank you Ms. Martin, first of all for including me in this forum, and secondly for allowing me to voice my small opinion, hopefully someone of us will be able to use that little bit of information?
Manuel D.