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Drbob Siegman

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Re: The Most Vital Thing In Life
9/13/2005 7:45:53 AM
Hi Dearheart, Beautiful write up. I personally think, the problem lies in that we tend to act in an agressive manner when in a position like this which simply creates a loser-loser situation. Now the answer is not in the opposite either, which would be a totally passive reactions. I belive the answer lies in being 'assertive' Standing up for your rights but being diplomatic and non-threating. In fact being assertive is what my forum post today is all about. If you care to see it, you'll find it at, Thanks Kathy for sharing
Carla Carey

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Re: The Most Vital Thing In Life
9/13/2005 7:50:13 AM
THANKS For the forum , Kathy this is very true! God bless you always!
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey
Re: The Most Vital Thing In Life
9/13/2005 9:01:53 AM
Kathy: Great stuff. Keep them coming. We need it. Someone said God gave us two ears and only one tongue so we could listen twice as much as we speak!! Oh if only... Wayne Ellis
Gene Tinney

468 Posts
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Re: The Most Vital Thing In Life
9/13/2005 9:59:33 AM
hi Kathy,thanks for the beautiful words your friend Gene
Devasish Gupta

1804 Posts
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Re: The Most Vital Thing In Life
9/13/2005 10:01:04 AM
Hi, ------------------------------------------ (Hey Kathy! You're gonna be healthy and well soon...) :-) ------------------------------------------ I read somewhere, someone said... "A Peaceful and Quite mind cannot be perplexed." Yours, Devasish

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