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Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/12/2009 5:46:35 PM





Consider the following...

...If you make an "average" income in the U.S.
(a little over $30,000 per year), you're in the Top 10% of money earners... IN THE WORLD!

...If you sleep in your own house tonight... you have a blessing that most people in the world do not have... even if you're behind on the mortgage.

...If you drove a car today... ANY car... you did something that most people in the world did not do.

...If you can take ANY amount of money out of your pocket right now... even if it's just A FEW COINS... you just did something that most people IN THE WORLD cannot do.

...I have a good business that helps people like me lose weight because we have TOO MUCH to eat... while MILLIONS of people in the world... some right here in the U.S
... suffer from MALNUTRITION!

...While some people are posting on the internet about how their government shouldn't interfere with their healthcare... others just drew their last breath in places where there are NO doctors or medicine... and NO interference from their government.


Stop paying  them. Then you have the RIGHT to FREE food, clothing, shelter, AND healthcare... provided to you by the U.S. government... IN A U.S. PRISON.

And you won't even have to worry about the price of gas... because you won't need any.

On the other hand... WANT TO "GET RICH QUICK"???

If you will do these 3 things, then I PROMISE you will have as much money as you care to count. And you'll get it SO FAST, it will blow your mind:

1. Count your blessings.
2. Tell someone you love them.
3. Go to work!
(It's not just a RIGHT... it's a PRIVILEGE.)

For me, and the people in business WITH me... the economy's better than EVER!

Maybe we're the weird ones? I don't think so...

SERIOUSLY, try those 3 things... I DARE you.

If it doesn't work, let me know... and I will help you PERSONALLY... because I KNOW it works. And I can PROVE it!

Be blessed.
My ugly website makes you better in MLM in 2 minutes. Seriously.
Mark Gibson

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Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/12/2009 8:18:17 PM
Melvin, Again I need to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to speak my mind. You are right more people need to speak out. With the health care reform bill being pushed so hard by some of our government leaders that there have been Town Hall meetings where the normal USA citizens are speaking out against it it GREAT. I will admit that health care in the USA needs some fixing but the last thing we need is this bill to be past. Think abut this: WHY IS IT THAT THEY WANT TO PASS IT SO FAST. Because it is so screwed up for the normal citizen that we will be screwed so hard you better get your KY Jelly out for it is going to hurt. LOL I learned along time ago that if I held back what I thought it only hurts me but if I speak my mind and I hurt some ones feelings I am sorry for that but I am not sorry for what I say. I Speak my mind and you take me for what I am or you hate me. I really don't care which for more people agree with me then don't. Again GOD BLESS AMERICA!! Your friend, Mark Gibson
To YOUR success, Mark Gibson
Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/18/2009 4:15:38 PM


I am so impressed that you have attracted here a whole load of folk who care and who are not the BIG POSTERS on forums here.

Many have read but not left replies here. I wish they would. I like your healthy discussions.

I will NEVER insult your country but I point out that what is happening there is happening in one way or another elsewhere.

I am a proud British subject, however, I am first a member of this wonderful planet's population and proud of our achievements.




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