Melvin, thank you for the forum!
Kal, William, yes, it was the therapeutic goal
of my post :-)
Rudy, from 20 years, every next 4 years I did
nearly scientific communications with my authorities and executives, to
recognize the new attitude, and to find the answer :”Am I a resident, or I am
dead”. The answers were been unsatisfied.
So, in July 2008, in my complaint (in
connection with my ownership rights, over a small land, transformed, for 38
years, only in my rights to pay tax duties and administrative
fees), I wrote, that there is no Santa Claus for a State. I found the same thought in your post.
From July 2009, we have
new state executives and political presentation in the authorities, for the
next 4 years.
THANKS for reading my post. HAVE A NICE WEEKEND:-)