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Melvin James

38 Posts
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What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/9/2009 3:38:27 PM
Tell your friends what you think, is the economy turning around, have you seen any difference where you live, Sound Off! Your friends wants to hear from all parts of the country. Here in Albany, GA, no signs of a recovery or a turn around, plants still closing, local economy virtually at a stand still.
Mark Gibson

236 Posts
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Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/9/2009 4:16:59 PM
Melvin, Thanks for allowing us the option to speak our minds. I live in NE Oklahoma. During the election this past year we okies were the only state that voted for McCain/Palin in every county of the state. WE saw right through Obama. I said that he was talking about CHANGE but didn't explain his terms of change very well and when he did we now KNOW that he was a typical politician -- LIER. Anyway here is Oklahoma our unemployment rate is hovering right around 10% which is the highest it has ever been that I know of & I am 46 years old. I own a traditional business (actually 2 now) and we have seen our business drop off when it comes to my first business but our second one is talking off very well. It is all about showing people how we can guarantee them at least 8% savings on their electrical bill for 12 years residentially and 5 years commercially. Our last sell has saved them 30% on their electric bill and that is their numbers not ours. Then of course I am affiliated with a couple of networking companies online. SendOutCards (SOC) is the best opportunity that I have ever been affiliated with in over 8 years. I have been with them since April 2007 and LOVE IT. IF you want to watch a 10 minute film that will explain SOC then just watch this film then contact me at Well I guess I better stop their for I could really vent more about the economy and our great President Obama (LOL). Regards, Mark Gibson
To YOUR success, Mark Gibson
Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/9/2009 4:24:55 PM

The money didn't disappear, but some of it is just changing hands.

The only rich people I've heard of who went broke are the ones who were overpaid to begin with, and did not prepare for change.

Apparently, they thought the way things were is the way they were always going to be. But that's not the case, because economic cycles have always gone up and down.

Be encouraged, because now is an opportunity to help some of those dollars convert from the haves to the have-nots.

Do you have something that people with money want to pay for?

My ugly website makes you better in MLM in 2 minutes. Seriously.
Re: What's your Opinion of the Economy?
8/9/2009 4:38:51 PM

Before I get into the topic, just a quick "Thanks" for doing what I couldn't - connecting me to your forum.

The economy huh? If I were a working stiff, I would have to say "It Sucks!". However, having retired back in '99 from EDS (Electronic Data Systems, Ross Perot's old company that he sold to GM) and is now owned by HP, I'm pretty well set.

I have a small pension. My wife and I both draw SS. I have the VA for all my medical needs (and, oh by the way, despite what some folks say - the VA has been an excellent source of medical service when needed).

My Internet based business is only just beginning, but the payoffs down the road should allow me to retire again if I want to do so. But quite frankly, I'm havin' more fun than a 63 year old fella ought to be having. No, I'm not out on a big yacht sailing off the coast of Nice, France. But I did have a darned nice little fishing boat for a while. Gave it to my son last year. And no, I don't own a big fancy home. We live in a two-bedroom apartment and drive a nine year old mini-van up here in N. Texas about half way between Dallas and the Oklahoma state line.

As for how the economy is treating others, it is a damned shame what it's done to some folks. Other folks are the "reason" the economy is the way it is. Trouble is that there are a lot of them that ought to be in jail that aren't, in my humble opinion.

Any discussion on the economy usually comes down to which side of the political fence you're sitting on. People ask me if I'm a Obama-lover or am I wonderfully intelligent person who hates "what he's done to us".  The question itself is insulting, so I seldom choose to answer it directly. Ah yes, that must mean I like him.  And your point is?

I can usually distance myself from all the hate mongers on both sides of the economic and political spectrum by simply saying that I am a left-handed, right-winged, non-denominational independent who votes for the person, not the party.  Ole Rush Limbaugh would call me one of those "damned fence sitters" with complete disgust in his voice.  I've always felt that it's a lot easier to see both sides of an issue from atop the fence, rather than having my vision obscured by it.

The foregoing statements are merely Random Thoughts from a Wandering Mind.  That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.


William (Bill) Littlehales M2E Mentor Idea Development Communications Management pers. email -
Re: What your Opinion of the Economy?
8/9/2009 5:09:07 PM
Same here in Florida. Jobs are minimal and most are minimum wage. The cost of food is getting to be outrageous and well we all know the story of gas. Real Estate Sales here are virtually non-existant. If anyone knows where there would be a job opening for a starving Architect please let me know. Suzanne Slaton
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