Okay...TODAY, July 31st, is the last day of this photo contest. The next week's contest will be posted with a new picture on August 1st. You can still post new pictures today, but also send me your vote of this first time for the contest. Send me a pm with your vote for now. In the future we will have a way set up on the forum for you to vote for your pick of the week. The PRIZE is going to be 10,000 impressions each week.
will credit the winner's account. The votes should be made by the end
of each contest date & for this first time, please private message
me with your vote. Today's the day to get your vote in!
Remember the criteria when you are casting your vote: Unique, Unusual, Interesting.
Each week will begin a new photo
contest and on the 1st day of each new contest the winner from the week
before will be made known. Thanks to everyone who has participated in
our picture forum. This has been fun and I look forward to more unusual
Good luck everyone & keep those great pics coming!
Cheryl :-)