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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 9:40:13 AM
This is fun Cheryl.
I have pictures but can't figure out how to get them from one place to the other.
So until I do I'll just look and enjoy!

Kathleen-I sense a theme here, everything ends with a food reference-hmmmmmmmmmmmm!
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/30/2009 12:01:25 AM
Hi There Barb,

Thanks for the YouTube video.  You are welcome to post a video, but I'm sorry to say that it can't be included in the judging, since this thread was set up for still pictures or photos.  I loved the it though & I'm glad you posted it.  That parrot was amazing!  So very smart.  Alex will be missed by everyone.  Such a wonderful story.  I had heard that parrots can live a long time.  I wonder how large it's vocabulary was?  Very interesting.

Thanks too Barb for your response about my bird questions.

Also, I'm glad that your mom is doing better & that the stroke was minor.  Still, a stroke is nothing to take lightly & I will continue to pray for her.

Take care and I appreciate your support of this forum.

As we reach the end of this week, please private msg me and tell me which picture you are voting for as the most interesting or most unique.  Keep those posts coming, & on August 1st, I'll kick it off with a new picture and a new prize.  It may take a time or two to get the hang of how this will be done, but I know it'll be it's already been!

Blessings to you and your mom,

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/30/2009 12:39:18 AM
Hi Dimitra,

OMG that's not only a unique's unbelievable. Don't even want to think what could happen if the snake decided it was hungry.  They only eat every 2 or 3 months though I think.  The moral would be not to bath with the snake on the day it decides it's time to look for food! :-0

I think it's a reticulated python & I just read that the largest one that was ever known about grew to 33 feet in length and weighed 350 lbs or so. 

I'm glad that we don't bath with snakes where I come from...aren't you?

Thanks for posting.  If you will pm me with your vote of the picture you think is the most unique by the end of the month.  We have two more days to go...& then we will see what the prize is that Bogdan is giving to the winner!

I will be posting a new start of the next contest on Aug. 1st.  I don't know if you can top that one Dimitra...but I look forward to what you'll find.

Take care & blessings to you.

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/30/2009 12:51:07 AM
Hey there Joyce...

I'm glad you're coming by and enjoying looking at the pics.  Here's what you do for transferring the picture you want to post.

You need to first have an online site that you can post a picture on & then copy and paste that picture on your adland post.  If you've set up an album at Adland you can use that I've been told to transfer images to and then copy and paste them in a forum post.  I use my blog in this same way, so either one would be fine, the key is the photo can't be taken directly from your desktop or files on your computer.  You have to copy from an online site and then post it to the forum.  If that made sense?  I hope so.  Below I try to tell you specifically what I do.

I find a photo I want to use on one of the online sites like Photobucket, &  then select the picture and click "save as" to my desktop.  I go to my blog and copy the picture into a new post there...then I copy and paste that once I've saved it on my blog.  I can then select "copy" & I paste it in Adland to whatever forum I'm posting on.

I didn't know how to do it either until someone from Adland shared with me how to do it.  There may be an easier way but I haven't found it.

Maybe someone else can explain it better, but I hope this helped.

Great of you to come by here.  You can pm me if you still would like more info.  Also, pm me to vote on your pick for the first contest that ends on July 31.  I'll be posting the new photo that I've selected to kick off the new week on Aug. 1st.

Take care,
Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/30/2009 9:49:12 AM
Bonjour Cheryl,

Thank you for the invitation. I'm looking forward to participating.

Right now, I'm having a few technical challenges but I hope to join in very soon.

You are right; those tiny monkeys are so cute.

I'll be back.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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