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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 12:05:22 AM
Hey there Barbara,

Now those are some interesting pictures.  A hen sitting on kittens and another one on a puppy.  Very maternal. Evidently it didn't matter which species!  Those are great pictures. 

Now, the ones of the mama duck and the baby on its back & the goose and her chicks....those are so sweet.  I just love seeing them.   I think it's a duck and a goose anyway.  Am I right?

Loved all of these!  Thanks for posting.

Cheryl :-) "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 12:13:32 AM
Hi again Barb,

That's so nice to post pictures of your mom.  I'm glad you did and that you got to spend your birthday with her. 

Thank you for letting us know about her stroke.  Please keep us updated.  She's in my prayers already, & so are you.

I sure love that view from the deck that you and your mom are on.  Is it a view of the Sound?

Cheryl "browse our current properties" "check out our real estate blog" "online bibles, books, music, more"
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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 12:43:30 AM
Thank you Cheryl.  I love those pictures!  :)  I read that chickens are very intelligent.  I have read that the African Grey parrot has the intelligence of a 5 year old child and the emotions of a 2 year old child.

((youtube id="sYk-wE18BTo"))((/youtube))

Yes you are right.  Goose and her chicks.  And mama duck with baby duck on his back. 

Love and big hugs.

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 12:48:26 AM
Hi Cheryl thank you for being interested in my Mom and for your prayers.  I went to the hospital this afternoon and she was talking OK and feeling better than she did earlier in the day.  They will keep her there for a day or 2.  The doctor said she probably had a mini stroke.  It was slight.  I noticed one side of her face was not working as much as the other.  But the doctor is going to give her physical therapy perscription.  That will be good for her legs.  Maybe she will be able to walk again.  I will let you know.

Love and big hugs.

Barb :)

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Re: Unique or Interesting Pictures...Post Your Comments And Share Your Interesting Pics Too!
7/29/2009 5:27:15 AM
Hello all,

Would you ever do this? I surely wouldn't!



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