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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/25/2009 9:39:35 PM
Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/26/2009 5:15:55 AM


Great graphic.

Yep, That's what we're about here. If we aim for excellence in our lives we have to achieve great things.

Onward and upward.


These ladies are discussing their latest medieval banquet forum.


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Sir Roger

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/28/2009 11:40:15 PM

Good morning Sir Roger :) ,

Thanks for forcing me to shake my, still sleepy, early morning brain. Later I won`t be online, and don`t wish to miss to post here for nothing in this world.

Our Just perfect John came with Queens English. Now it`s time for it`s extremely opposition - for my pretty beggar`s English. (Maybe a part of truth is "hidden" within the language we use :) ).

I read all those valuable posts and I agree with Myrna, Kathleen and John. My own opinion is that THE RULE IS : there`s no rules.

Sometimes it is the subject line what attracts visitors (and posters). Sometimes it`s forum owner`s personal charisma . Sometimes it`s seriousness of the subject, and another time it`s fun we can find somewhere.

I personally post at each forum WHERE I FEEL CALLED (don`t need to be invited). If I am in rush (as I always am) ... I`d rather miss to post anything then to post "just like that". So, the rush may be one of important actors in our communicating around.

Also, I can be dead tired, if any of my favorite people started a new forum, I`D FIND that reserve energy and strength to show my appreciation and support, and to post.

And third, if anyone NEW here starts the forum, I`d also give my best to promote the forum and to post there.

Now what I can realize is one expression what shows up as most important for my posts: "MY FAVORITE PEOPLE".

That`s how the things works with me.

Thanks again.





Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/29/2009 2:26:30 PM


Your early morning post is being replied to after a long busy day.

Lovely, as always, to hear from you in your best beggars English.

Yes, some great stuff is coming from people on this subject.

I think that some people use different strategies for keeping up with new postings and others don't know how to do it at all. I think that this causes some people to give up. When forum gets to about 12 pages people seem to loose their way.

Wonderful forums like yours SUDDENLY stop. Why?

I was running a forum with Sheila and then suddenly........................ nothing.

I want to know why this happens.

Anyway, have a lovely week. The weather here in the UK is VERY hot. I think that we will break records.

Sir Roger

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Flag of Peter Fogel

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/29/2009 4:09:13 PM
Hello Roger,

Interesting topic and unfortunately there is no clear answer to your questions.

The subject or topic of the forum or thread has to or should be important to the forum owner. I've never believed that one has to sit down and think about a topic that others might find interesting but first and foremost it has to interest and excite the forum owner. If you search for topics that may interest others and not you then the forum in my opinion is doomed to fail. Owner involvement, interest, excitement and in some cases obsession is and should be the most important factor in deciding on topic and subject matter.

With out a doubt many of us post in forums that interest us and in some cases where the forum owner is a friend that you want to support. But the rah rah forums are becoming passe and downright boring but if you check you'll find that they are the most popular and I'm not convinced many post and visit them cause they are so "interesting" but out of a sense of obligation.

The funny thing is that at one time I was very concerned if there were no responses in a forum thread but after a while I understood that readership in many cases is just as important as participation. If people show an interest and read what you post that in essence means that they either find it interesting and agree or disagree but for some reason or other won't reply or aren't willing to express their views publicly. I've experienced that in the past and in the present and receive many emails and skype messages in response to my posts.

So my answer to you in regard to the forum you started with Sheila is if people stopped posting but are still reading keep on posting new material. Interaction is very important but not totally necessary. If you have a message to convey do it and don't always expect a reply or conversation to supplement your posts.

I'd much rather have readership then a few inane responses without content or substance and I'm sure you know what I mean.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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