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Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/24/2009 6:18:15 PM

In pursuit of excellence!

We are so very lucky to have such brilliant teachers among us.

Why do other folk continue to invent the wheel? With the very best of forum exchanges on the web we should be generating massive numbers of visitors.

We have fantastic resources at Adland but many don't even get a foothold into forumland. Why? Perhaps they will tell us?

It is my intention to invite the most successful forum owners to tell us why they consider that their forum works and expands.

New folk coming to Adland need to know that the best way to get known is through forums.

Very good and successful attempts are being made by some dedicated Adlanders to involve new members. We need to support them.

WARNING: We intend to uncover the hidden secrets of successful forum writing. Invitations are on their way as you read this.

 Look and learn.

P.S. Since I launched this forum Carla has started one for Newbies to help them with their first forum. Go help her help others.

Sir Roger

image_castle008-1.gif image by romacmail
Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/24/2009 6:22:02 PM

Sorry folks,

What a brilliant start.

For some reason I cannot get the Forum leader to display properly.

I copied it and pasted it as a post reply and it works.

Any ideas as to why?

Good stuff coming.

image_castle008-1.gif image by romacmail
Flag of Myrna Ferguson

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/24/2009 6:55:01 PM
Hi Roger,

Thanks for the invitation.

Forums: I think one thing is the subject line, and if people enjoy that subject.  Like mine is Native Americans, but there are a lot of people that are not interested in their culture, so they don't bother with the forum.

Look at Alain's forum on meeting people from other countries, if people are interested in the country then, they come in and invite folks.

I started telling some new people if you want to make good friends on ALP go to different forums and post, get your name out there and you will be surprised how many folks will invite you to be friends.

One thing that bothers me about new people is the PM letters, I do not pay any attention to them, I delete them, that is a real turn off to me.  First, be my friend, be interested in my ideas and site, and then I will look at your site and ideas, don't bombard me with your stuff.

This is my take on this, but I also think "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.".

Here is a castle for you.

Flag of Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/24/2009 7:00:31 PM

Hi Roger,

Are we allowed to reply or is there more?

Today I was also thinking how we at Adlandpro make bonds of worldwide friendships that I haven't heard happening at other online networking sites.  I don't hear people saying "I made several great friends from Myspace or Facebook or Direct Matches" you?  BUT we do hear it all the time at Adlandpro.

I think the main reason more people don't take the time to create forums is they have the online horse-race mentality of constantly running from one thing to the next, looking for the magic bean of great income or whatever it is they think will dramatically improve their life, instantly.  Also, people expect others to ENTERTAIN THEM or provide something FOR THEM, instead of asking themselves what they can offer to other people.  They don't realize the time and efforts they GIVE will come back to them tenfold or more.

About creating a forum, if it's non-advertising, make sure visitors know that, and as the owner, keep it clear of ads, don't let the ads stay there because then more people will post ads thinking it's okay.

People who want to start a forum should look around and think of something unique and popular to many people, not just interesting to the forum owner themself, or at least a unique way of presenting something that's already being done.




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