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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/25/2009 7:03:10 PM
image_castle008-1.gif image by romacmail



I was half way through a reply when I saw Rinna's picture pop up. I have missed her so I broke off to send her a message.

Yes, your points are good.

Some indeed want entertaining, some need deep spiritual or moral discussion as they get this nowhere else. My worry is why, despite popularity, a forum goes dead.

The forum that I was running with Sheila was so well supported and we tried to expand the therapies for depression and stress but suddenly another forum comes along, everyone goes there and the original forum is dead in the water.

How do we avoid this?

Do you think that a lot of people don't know how to find the latest posting?

When you get a forum as deservedly popular as Sam Sundays is it really takes a lot of keeping up with.

Thanks for your input.

It's appreciated.

Sir Roger



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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/25/2009 7:10:13 PM


Thank you for dropping by.

It's always lovely to see you here.

I've brought you a medieval bird, hope you like it? It's a Dodo like me.

Free Picture From Alice in Wonderland of Alice and the Dodo Bird

Alice doesn't look impressed

Stories are great because we can read, relate abnd resapond. Great suggestion. Thank you.

I shall be starting new threads for different suggestions/ideas.

Sir Roger

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.Hi Myrna
6/25/2009 7:14:57 PM


Great to see you here. You are always welcome and please feel free to ask questions.

What would you like most to see in a forum?

Do you have a favourite?

There are lots of good businesses out there. The secret is in how it works and what resources do you need.

Please stay in touch with this forum.

Do you know how to find the latest post on a forum?

Sir Roger

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/25/2009 7:20:16 PM


You help to make everyones forums more attractive.

Thank you for the makeover.


Chanel lipstick

Sir Roger

Flag of Roger Macdivitt .

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Re: The best of the best is what we want.
6/25/2009 7:30:26 PM

Hi John,

Queens English ok.

I'm English, well Irish some way back but I like to use my u's as well. I sometimes humour (should that be humor?) my American cousins with color.

The reason I had problems with the first forum post was that in the new forum posting box it wouldn't accept the graphic etc. but if I copied it I could post it as a reply, weird.

Some of the greatest forums get deserted by folk leaving just a core of friends who talk between themselves usually off subject.

How do we keep a forum fresh?

Thanks for calling in.

Sir Roger


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