Hi Peter and friends. Peter it's great to see Jodi back from vacation and doing her NewsBusted videos. As you know they are one of my favorites. Here are a few "blonde" jokes I found in my cache. Enjoy. :) There were two blondes going to California for the summer, they are about two hours into the flight and the pilot gets on the intercom and says we just lost an engine but it's alright, we have three more but it will take us an hour longer. A half hour later he gets on the intercom again and says we just lost another engine but it's alright we have two more but it will take us another half hour though. One of the blondes says, "If we lose the two last engines we will be up here all day"
- What do you call a blonde with half a brain? - Gifted!!
What do you call 12 blonds in a freezer? Frosted flakes.
What do you call a blonde that dies her hair black ? Artificial Intelligence. What is it called when a blonde blows in another blonde's ear? Data transfer! :)