Hi Peter, Just sitting here still basking in the after glow of the Elections. If Old Harry hadn't bought off all of the Casinos out there in Vegas, then we could have really been celebrating. Here's a couple of my favorites from Late Night TV... "The Carnival Cruise liner was disabled and drifted for two days without any power, thus earning the ship the nickname 'The Democratic Party.'" —Jay Leno "President Obama went to India, South Korea, then Japan. He's going to keep traveling until he finds his birth certificate." —David Letterman "Things are getting so bad for Obama, today a gay teenager made a video showing him that it gets better." —Bill Maher And my favorite among favorites... "President Obama's foreign trip has been such a disaster that people in Kenya are now claiming he has an American birth certificate." —Jay Leno   Have A Terrific Week My Friends, Phil