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Phillip Black

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/26/2011 4:37:18 AM

Hi Peter,

Thought that you all might appreciate both of these...

Have A Great Weekend My Friends,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/26/2011 6:47:35 PM
Hello Friends,

Phil, your graphics are very timely as you'll see from the below videos. B Hussein's only working experience was as a community organizer and apparently he was quite adept at that job. At least he was good at something since he was a lousy state senator and an even worse US senator. As a president he's still the community organizer and unfortunately he's succeeding in bringing down the United States and turning her into a socialistic third world country.

As a community organizer he's coming out against the states and now Wisconsin and others are in his sights as the graphic shows.

These videos give an insight into what he deems important and his tactics in reaching his goals.



This one's actually quite revealing and leaves no doubts as to his loyalties.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/26/2011 6:58:59 PM
Peter, great videos and yes indeed Phil, your graphics are very timely! Thanks to both of you for sharing these. Here is just another example of how out of touch Obama is with the American people. I got this in my inbox because I subscribe to the World Net Daily.

See who likes Israel more than the Jews!
Survey shows Obama position at odds with most Americans

Posted: February 20, 2011
5:50 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WorldNetDaily

A new survey reveals literally hundreds of millions of Americans have a strong affinity for Israel and believe the U.S. should intervene if Israel is attacked by Iran.
The poll for WND by Wenzel Strategies also documents that Christians, especially those who describe themselves as born-again believers, largely hold stronger feelings regarding Israel than do Jews.
The poll, a telephone survey conducted Feb. 9-15 with a resulting margin of error of 3.37 percent, showed 3 in 4 Americans agree with the statement that "Israel is the No. 1 target for destruction of Islamic radicals in the Middle East."
Fifty-five percent confirmed they agree with the belief that Israel is a "flawed nation-state" but still remains "the apple of God's eye."
Nearly the same majority said while Israel seeks peace with its neighbors, "its neighbors are generally unwilling to agree to peace with Israel."
"This survey gives the unmistakable impression that, in yet another area, President Obama is out of step with the mindset of the American people," said the analysis from Wenzel Strategies' Fritz Wenzel. "This was a survey of all adults, which is a significantly more favorable audience for Obama than respondent samples of registered voters or likely voters, and yet American support for Israel far outstrips that shown by the Obama administration to date."
Obama's perspective on Israel was expected to come to head as early as this weekend, regarding a U.N. vote on a proposal to "condemn" Israel for its construction in the West Bank. The U.S. historically has opposed such political statements, but there were reports that this time, perhaps, the U.S. would abandon Israel.

"We are working with our partners in the Security Council, with our friends in the region, to find a consensus way forward that is consistent with our overall approach. There are a lot of rumors flying around and I'm not going to get into any specifics at this time," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said.

"A good example came just recently during the government crisis in Egypt, where the Obama administration was quick to push for the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, who had maintained a 30-year peace treaty with Israel. It is still unknown what the long-term fate of that landmark treaty will be, but it's future is highly unlikely to be more beneficial to Israel, yet Israel security is a top priority for the U.S. public," Wenzel's analysis said.

"Obama's inaction and inattentiveness to the Iranian nuclear weapons threat is another area in Middle East policy where he is at odds with Americans in general. This survey registers significant concern about Iranian threats against Israel and demonstrates an appetite for U.S. involvement to protect Israel in case of an imminent threat," he said.

The results of the 20-question assessment confirmed, too, that those who self-identify as born-again Christians have a powerful affinity for Israel.

To the question, "Agree or disagree: Israel is a flawed nation-state like others but remains, as the Bible says, the apple of God's eye," while 22.4 percent of those affiliating with the Jewish faith said they strongly agreed, 60 percent of those who identify as born-again Christian responded that they strongly agree. Another 21 percent said they somewhat agreed.

Other results:

  • About 80 percent of born-again Christians disagreed with the statement that Israel "is an aggressor nation," nearly the same as the 85 percent of Jews who held that opinion.

  • Fifty-eight percent of the Jews said they agreed with the statement that the U.S. does not provide enough moral support to Israel, but more than 62 percent of the born-again Christians held that view.

  • Thirty-nine percent of the Jews believe the U.S. is undermining Israel by pushing a Palestinian state, while almost 56 percent of the born-again Christians believe that.

  • Fifty-one percent of the Jews believe the U.S. should make support of Israel the primary plank in Middle East policy, but more than 72 percent of born-again Christians hold that perspective.

  • Some 22.4 percent of the Jews believe the U.S. will be judged by God according to the way it treats Israel, but 2 of 3 born-again Christians agreed with that statement.

  • While 55.2 percent of Jews believe Americans should be very concerned about Israel's national security, that figure was 71.1 percent for born-again Christians.

"The survey also shows most Americans believe Israel is under a continuing grave threat from Islamic radicals," the analysis said.

According to the survey, 75 percent of all respondents in the survey said they believe Israel is the top target of Islamic radicals. Eighty-six percent said they are at least somewhat concerned about Israel's national security – and 53 percent said they were "very concerned" about it.

Further, "71 percent said they believe the U.S. should support Israel if Israel engages in military action to counter a possible Iranian nuclear attack against Israel. And, while the U.S continues to wage two other heavy military actions in the region – Iraq and Afghanistan – 64 percent said they would favor using American military troops against Iran if Iran attempts a nuclear attack on Israel."

The report continued, "Even as Iraq remakes itself as a fledgling democracy and Egypt struggles to figure out what its government might look like after the fall of Hosni Mubarak, 62 percent of survey respondents said they agree Israel is the only true pro-Western ally of the United States in the region. Among Republicans, 70 percent said as much, as did 68 percent of political independents, but just 50 percent of Democrats agreed."

"There was striking partisan disagreement on the question of President Barack Obama' pressuring Israel to stop building or repairing Jewish homes in and around Jerusalem. While 61 percent of Democrats approved of Obama's stance, just 28 percent of Republicans felt the same way," the analysis said.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
WorldNetDaily (WND) is an American web site that publishes news and associated content from a U.S. conservative perspective. It was founded in May 1997 by Joseph Farah with the stated intentions of "exposing wrongdoing, corruption and abuse of power" and is headquartered in Washington, D.C.
WND provides news, editorials, commentaries, letters to the editor, forums and conducts a daily poll. Its editorial content has a diverse range of viewpoints, though predominantly from a right wing or conservative perspective.
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/2/2011 2:26:39 PM

Where superficial rules the day:

The Academy Awards White House

By Judi McLeod Monday, February 28, 2011
A Canada Free Press (CFP) columnist asked in passing over the weekend if I thought President Barack Obama is a Marxist, and if so “What kind?”

“The most anti-American, anti-freedom kind,” was my reply.

But does it really matter “what kind of Marxist” Obama is? What should really matter is that there is a president in the White House stealing individual rights and the freedom of his own people, not to mention the sincerely held hopes of all other little people affected by America’s place in the world.

Another Tea Party friend, working on a Power Point presentation, asked me what kind of president was Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Without wanting to tread on her feelings, I wanted to answer, “Who cares?”

With a president in the Oval Office whose mission it is to take down America, who has the luxury of time to go off stirring the bones of presidents past?

In a sense both these questions reflect what is wrong with the America of today and why so far there has been no significant success in taking America back.

It’s as if everyone’s tuned in to a different radio station. Focus is all over the map being drained by dozens of issues laid out by a mostly leftwing mainstream media while Newt Gingrich and Company seem stuck on stupid and glued to politically correct guidebooks.

Folk are spending too much time pondering the depths of Obama’s brand of Marxism and talking heads keep comparing him to presidents of the past.

Presidents of the past, both good or bad, were always the result of politics. Presidents are, after all, politicians of a breed increasingly not to be trusted. They make pretty speeches, cut ribbons, send strong words of reprimand to misbehaving despots, live high on the hog, and, by and large, don’t do diddly squat to improve the lives of the masses. The president of the current day is the product of a man-made mission, that mission being dumping the Constitution for a total reformation of the mighty United States of America.

While the leaders of Western countries are making a big play of civility, changing the lexicon in the wars raging on in Afghanistan and Iraq, we the people of their nations are at war, a war led by the joining up of radical Islam with International Socialists and forced upon us by treasonous leaders pushing all earthlings down the path of failed Socialism.

There have always been wars and there have always been the sanctimonious social justice activists jumping in to seize the moral high ground with loud claims that they have the only proven formula for peace in our lifetime.

The sanctimonious collect money and jump onto ships providing “humanitarian aid” to warring factions against Israel. The sanctimonious pretend that orchestrated uprisings all over the globe happened by spontaneity overnight. They make heroes out of a dime- a-dozen digital activists while their university trainees ridicule true heroes who took nine bullets protecting liberty and freedom.

People last week were asking how could Barack and Michelle dance the night away at the White House while anarchy had shut down democracy in Wisconsin, while American lives were still at risk in Libya?

It’s because they can, and do. The Transformation of America requires plenty of hoop shooting, golfing and ample time away from the scene of the crime for luxury vacations.

With their media running dogs, the community organizers in the White House get to control the news. The news is not that average people are struggling to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table during the Recession that community activists coax along, or that uprisings both at home and abroad are being orchestrated, the news is who won the Academy Award.

Why did the Obamas dance last Thursday night away while so many were suffering? The Marxist in the White House is surrounded by people who are telling him what he wants to hear. He doesn’t hear you! How could he when life where he is, is a bevy of parties with entertainers, Hollywood celebrities, and czars holding on decades later to a hippie dazed dream of the Bill Ayers/Code Pink-style Coming Revolution, greedy power mongering union thugs, wannabe emperors and empresses in tuxedos and tacky gowns.

The White House, once home of true life heroes like Thomas Jefferson is, in most respects, the everyday Academy Awards.

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh,, Drudge Report,, and Glenn Beck.

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
3/7/2011 6:27:15 PM
I remember asking dad about Castro when I was about 9 years old. I asked , "Is Castro a good guy or bad?" Dad said he couldn't tell!! This was about 1955. We were living in Louisiana at the time. Dad was in the army there.

Cuba was fairly close and in the news a lot. The Cubans were asking the same question! Ike was president.

This past July, we had the pleasure of sharing a summer barbecue with a refugee from Cuba. Our dinner conversation was starkly different than most.

This refugee came to the United States as a young boy in the early 1960s. His family was more fortunate than most as they were able to bring a suitcase and $100 when they fled Castro's newly formed revolutionary paradise.

Our dinner consisted of all-American fare: hamburgers, potato salad, watermelon and fresh ears of sweet corn. This is a menu shared with family and friends nationwide, while celebrating the birth of our beloved America on the Fourth of July.

We began with a simple discussion about our country and the direction it has taken since Barack Obama came to power. We shared the usual complaints about the sour economy and liberal social engineering emanating from the rulers in Washington .

But then he said it. The sentence came naturally. I assume it was unplanned. But it carried the weight of a freight train. "You know when Castro took power, none of us knew he was a Communist."

We sat stunned. He continued, "Yes, we all thought he was a patriot, a nationalist. Before the revolution he didn't sound like a radical."

The comparison at this point was easy, and I interjected, "You mean just like Barack Obama?"

He responded, "Yes, just like Barack Obama."

He continued, "We were all shocked as the government just continued to grab more power. First they said the revolution is over, so please turn in your guns. We all complied."

"I remember my uncle saying after it started, 'Castro will only nationalize some of the big industries, he will never come and take our family hardware store. 'But that is exactly what happened, Castro started with the sugar mills and the large industries, but they eventually came and knocked on the door of our family hardware store. My family had run this store for generations. They said we now own the hardware store, you work for us. And that nice, large four-bedroom home you own, it is now our property also, and you can move yourself and five children into two rooms of the house because others are moving in with you."

The lesson learned from this discussion is a lesson most Americans refuse to hear. Political leaders can lie about their agenda and once in office they can take totally unexpected turns.

If you had asked us three years ago if we thought General Motors would be nationalized, we would have never believed it. We could never contemplate a country where the rule of law, the most fundamental building block of a justice society would be evaporating just like it did in Castro's Cuba in the early 1960s.

But the news of injustice keeps increasing. Black Panthers are not charged with wrongdoing by the U.S. Department of Justice because their crimes are against whites. The bondholders of GM are stripped of their assets without due process by the government. Governmental leaders are bribed in full daylight only to have all investigation of the crimes stifled by the Attorney General. The U.S. borders are overrun with crime and illegal activity and the leaders in D.C. act as if it is important to protect the lawbreakers while the innocent are killed and overrun. When local communities attempt to enforce the law, they are ridiculed and threatened as racists and bigots. They are sued by the very administration entrusted with enforcing the law.

Without the rule of law the U.S. Constitution is a sham. Without the rule of law our beloved America is swiftly becoming a country where only the well connected and politically powerful will be safe. As Michelle Malkin has so eloquently explained in her recent book, a culture of corruption has replaced honest government.

The only way this problem will be fixed is by massive citizen action. All honest citizens that want to be treated equally must come together and demand that the favoritism, the bribes, the uneven enforcement of law end now. And yes, it can happen here.
A year ago I made the statement that "I didn't believe the President knows what he is doing. My friend said "Oh yes he does" Back then I didn't know what she meant. Today I realize she was right. He does know exactly what he is doing.

May God save the United States of America!
God Bless Everyone

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