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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2011 3:52:08 PM

Political Correctness! Beware!

An Opinion on Life

By Dub and Deb Monday, February 7, 2011

Good morning everyone and welcome back once again to Miz Judi’s Kitchen! I hope all are well and thank you for droppin’ by!

If you remember back, Deb told ya’ll a story about her growing up and riding the school bus. Quickly she just stated she’d taken her brother’s shoes and dropped them out the window of the bus. They got home and she and her brother got a whipping…her for dropping them out the window, and Ted for not having them on his feet.

They both were disciplined for doing wrong, and the whole point to her story was the memories it brings back to her, and the hope it jars loose some memories for all you too. Happy memories… of times past.

Well, she received a comment from someone in Seattle, Washington. This column is just my opinion in their beliefs, and how they differ dramatically from my own.
This person never commented, not one word, only supplied her with links for her to read the articles. Once I got to looking, the links provided were on this subject…please take a look for yourself.

Recommended by professionals:

Plain Talk About Spanking
Spanking Kids Increases Risk of Sexual Problems
by Jordan Riak

Most current research:
The Sexual Dangers of Spanking Children
by Tom Johnson
Use of Spanking for 3-Year-Old Children and Associated Intimate Partner Aggression or Violence
Spanking Can Make Children More Aggressive Later
Children Who Are Spanked Have Lower IQs

First of all, this right here is one of the many, many problems we’re faced with as a nation. This, too is a form of political correctness. Don’t say Merry Christmas…you might offend someone! Don’t say God Bless America… you might offend someone! If you’re a child that lives somewhere like California…don’t fly the American flag on your bike…you might offend someone! Even Juan Williams, a respected LIBERAL (Juan’s only drawback), not conservative, writer, can’t state, that boarding a plane today that has passengers wearing “Muslim garb,” here in the United States, makes him uneasy after 9/11. Why? You got it, you might offend someone! If you remember Juan was fired as well! Now, it’s don’t discipline your children, or spank them in plain English. Why? Because you might offend someone…and possibly go to jail!

Well, Dub’s feelings towards the people we’re supposedly “offending?” Delta’s ready when you are!

I’m sorry, but our country was built upon morals, principal, values, and freedoms designated by our Fore Fathers and we were taught to respect and live by them. Also respect and live by our parent’s rules as well, and guess what…if we didn’t we were punished…spanked!

Take another look at the links this person provided, good gracious.

All jokes aside, we’ve got to stop the left in most all facets. They’re ruining our educational system, they’re controlling our media, they’re ruining or already ruined our economy, and now, actually for quite awhile, they’ve been ruining our children through literally taking parenting out of the parents’ hands!

I mean, they’re convincing large numbers of parents that they, the government, know best in our children’s upbringing! How… through political correctness.

Take Deb and I personally. Deb had a whipping or two growing up, and as far as me, shoot, if I didn’t get one every few days, I just felt I wasn’t living up to my part of the bargain. I always thought to a small extent, kids were supposed to create a little torment in their parent’s lives.

Take our grandkids as an example and how good we get along with them. Sometimes they get mad at their parents, and in the same breath, sometimes Deb and I get mad at our kids. Thus, the end result is this…the reason Deb and I get along with our grandchildren so well is simply because…we share the same common enemy! I am just kidding about this…kinda.

Deb and I feel this way in regards to disciplining children. We disciplined our children, the same as our parents disciplined us… because we loved them. If we hadn’t given a “hoot in h…,” about our children, we would never have opened our mouths, and just let them do whatever it was they wanted to do, or torment whoever they wanted! Why, because we wouldn’t have cared one way or the other.

On top of this, our children discipline our grandchildren as well. Are our grandchildren withdrawn, or do they show signs of any social or personal problems affiliated with being disciplined? Not in the least, and they all love their Momma’s and Daddy’s unabashedly! Any other parent or grandparent can see this clearly…it’s not something that can be hidden, and I’m sure you know this to be fact.

Take a look at some of the stories Deb and I write. They’re about childhood memories, memories that we love, and love sharing with you, hoping we can jog some of your own, and by doing this, possibly put a smile on your face. How could that possibly be the case, if we had had even the slightest effects from our being disciplined as children, as “Seattle” claims? Where do they get this from…pull it outta’ the air??

Being disciplined is totally on the other end of the spectrum from being beaten or abused, is it not? Yet these “people” twist and confuse facts and make it really tough just to be a parent! Take a child picking up the telephone and dialing 911…then telling the operator that their parents are beating and abusing them, and many, many times, that not being the case.

So what happens then? The parent, or parents are arrested, taken to jail, and many times the child, or children are taken out of the home. Why, not because they’ve been beaten as suggested, but simply that the “left or progressive thinking,” has labeled you as a “child beater,” and only because your child claims it. How’s that for teaching your children they don’t have to have accountability? Sounds a lot like most of our politicians today, doesn’t it?

My point to all this, simply being that disciplining your children is not a bad thing, as many would like you to believe. Quite contrary to their beliefs as well, is that by disciplining your children, it is done out of love for them, not disgust with them, or power trips! The Bible clearly states, “Spare the rod…spoil the child.”

Using Deb and her article “Droppin Shoes Off the School Bus,” as an example once more, it was written out of love and respect for both her parents, even though her Daddy whipped her and her brother both. The fact they were whipped caused no emotional grief for either one of them. In all honesty, both realized they had done wrong, and by doing so, were punished for it and accepted it as just that.

Back then people were living through tough times, and she stated they only had two pair of shoes apiece. There were NO welfare programs to subsidize your living. You either had the money or you didn’t, and if you didn’t, you had to make do. Back then though, people helped people, neighbors, families, and friends, whatever.

We didn’t need the government and its handouts , or in other words the “buying of votes,” along with destroying a person’s will to work, or to sacrifice in order to achieve something…back then people had pride! Add to this also the “brain washing” that goes along with it, such as leading people to believe what someone else has should be shared with them too…this is insane people, isn’t it?

So, in closing, I know that anyone can take ANY SUBJECT or TOPIC, and research it enough, twist and tweak it enough, to in fact make absolutely anything, be looked at in a negative fashion, anything at all. This I believe to be the case in regards to “Seattle.”

What do I personally call this…Political Correctness! Beware!

Please let us know your own opinions in regards to this. We’d love to hear from you all!

Thanks for stopping by, and God Bless!

Dub and Deb

Dub and Deb Most recent columns

Dub and Deb are both native Floridians, live in Central Florida, and run a small business as well. They have five children, and seven grandchildren.

Both love to cook, love to laugh, grow a garden, and generally try to “aggravate” most anyone around them basically…all in good fun, of course!

Dub and Deb can be reached at:

Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2011 5:18:46 PM
Hello Evelyn,

I can only subscribe to this no end, sorry, not for the lack of a debate except the I.Q. endangering with punishments, … if the parent uses a baseball-bat, or cradles the baby too close to the wall. That might sound cynical if not derogative of your well spend time writing that post but that is what socialism is all about, make a law only for reducing the liberties of those who have made an effort to achieve them on the ground that some exception out there is using this common liberty towards some pervert activity.

Socialism makes you guilty and charges you for it, of everything unless proved otherwise and then only grants bailout with the tip of the lips.



Jack Sunshine

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/9/2011 4:39:31 PM

At the very end, you will see small icons. At least click on the first one telling the story in Obama's own words that he is a Muslim. The other icons are also very enlightening.


A group calling themselves "White Roses" created a video to inform
non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things About Islam

White Roses is headquartered in Sweden . This version is in English.
The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die Weisse
Rose" in Nazi Germany . The group became known for an anonymous leaflet
campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active
opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

I urge all of you to view this video and forward it to your E mail
list. You may be familiar with the points made in this video but most
Americans are not, either out of a desire to avoid confronting the problem
or just unaware of the crisis we face.

This is the single most important video from the Internet I have ever seen

Subject: 3 Things about islam

Definitely frightenin


A group calling themselves "White Roses" created a video to inform
non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things About Islam

White Roses is headquartered in Sweden . This version is in English.
The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die Weisse
Rose" in Nazi Germany . The group became known for an anonymous leaflet
campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active
opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

I urge all of you to view this video and forward it to your E mail
list. You may be familiar with the points made in this video but most
Americans are not, either out of a desire to avoid confronting the problem
or just unaware of the crisis we face.

Sunshine Jewelry Trivita
Phillip Black

5931 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/10/2011 11:19:50 PM

Hi Peter,

Just got this in my email and just had to share it...


May God Bless America,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/11/2011 8:55:42 AM
Hi Jack,
Excellent video. I'm familiar with it's content but it should be an eye opener for those that are still oblivious to the threat of Radical Islam and Islam in general to the Western world ant their way of life. World domination is their goal and with the PC garbage the truth is not being told by MSM and in many ways they're submissive to the demands of the so called peace loving Radical Muslims.


At the very end, you will see small icons. At least click on the first one telling the story in Obama's own words that he is a Muslim. The other icons are also very enlightening.


A group calling themselves "White Roses" created a video to inform
non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things About Islam

White Roses is headquartered in Sweden . This version is in English.
The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die Weisse
Rose" in Nazi Germany . The group became known for an anonymous leaflet
campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active
opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

I urge all of you to view this video and forward it to your E mail
list. You may be familiar with the points made in this video but most
Americans are not, either out of a desire to avoid confronting the problem
or just unaware of the crisis we face.

This is the single most important video from the Internet I have ever seen

Subject: 3 Things about islam

Definitely frightenin


A group calling themselves "White Roses" created a video to inform
non-Muslims about Islam. The name of this video is Three Things About Islam

White Roses is headquartered in Sweden . This version is in English.
The name "White Roses" is based on a student resistance group "Die Weisse
Rose" in Nazi Germany . The group became known for an anonymous leaflet
campaign, from June 1942 until February 1943, which called for active
opposition to Adolf Hitler's regime.

I urge all of you to view this video and forward it to your E mail
list. You may be familiar with the points made in this video but most
Americans are not, either out of a desire to avoid confronting the problem
or just unaware of the crisis we face.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7