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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/6/2011 7:12:47 PM

ObamaPlan to rid Egypt of Hosni Mubarak and turn it over to the Muslim Brotherhood

Obama Gives UK Nuke Secrets to Russia—He MUST now be removed from office and power

By Sher Zieve Saturday, February 5, 2011

Talk about High Crimes and Misdemeanors! Barack Hussein Obama, the Usurper to the US Presidency, now appears to be pulling out all of the stops. With barely an initial protestation from the US’s so-called “leaders” (it took We-the-People marching on them to finally get their attention) Obama has already destroyed the economy of the USA and ensured no more jobs will be forthcoming for the middle-class; or anyone else for that matter. He and his minions (the “Co” in Obama & Co) fake unemployment figures to suit their agenda, while thousands and thousands of Americans continue to lose jobs each and every month. Did you know that February is the 19th month since the Obama machine declared the end to our recession?

Yesterday, I advised of the ObamaPlan to rid Egypt of Hosni Mubarak and turn it over to the Muslim Brotherhood—the Mother Ship of virtually all Islamic terrorism and the entity supported by the corrupt Obama to seize Egypt for and as an Islamic state. Obama’s Google also has Wael Ghonim, Google’s head of marketing for the Middle East, flying into Egypt to join the opposition to Mubarak. Ghonim is now reported to be the “spokesman” for the opposition.

Judi McLeod of Canada Free Press reports that in the last quarter of 2009 Code Pink was in Egypt (after wending its way through Gaza to get there) and were later joined by domestic terrorists and ObamaFriends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. They claimed it was a “coincidence.” Uh-huh. Sure it was. Were they assisting in planning the Egyptian revolution? Sure looks like it. Was Obama involved? C’mon…what do you think?

Today, however, the Drudge Report and The UK’s Daily Telegraph are reporting about something more insidious and far more menacing to the survival of the USA and the world. On 4 February 2011, Matthew Moore, Gordon Rayner and Christopher Hope reporting for the Daily Telegraph wrote: “Information about every Trident missile the US supplies to Britain will be given to Russia, as part of an arms control deal signed by President Barack Obama next week.” So, not only has Obama destroyed the USA’s defense system but, he is bent upon taking Great Britain down with it.

Folks, as he is allowed to get away with these crimes and continues to commit even greater ones, if this latest offense is being accurately reported by the growing multitudes of news sources The Obama’s offenses against humanity loom larger and more horrific every day. Please contact your Representatives and Senators and tell them Congress must stop Obama immediately. His High Crimes are now in the world’s eye and available for all to see. Soon, we may all look like Egypt.

Google Exec Who Went Missing In Egypt Now A Spokesman For Opposition Group (GOOG):
Obama’s Bundlers & Friends on front lines of Cairo protests:
US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets:
Did Obama’s US leak the UK’s nuclear secrets to Russia? This comes out the Friday before the Super Bowl, and no one reports it?:
America ‘sold British nuclear secrets to Russia:

Sher Zieve Most recent columns

Sher Zieve is an author and political commentator. Zieve’s op-ed columns are widely carried by multiple internet journals and sites, and she also writes hard news. Her columns have also appeared in The Oregon Herald, Dallas Times, Sacramento Sun, in international news publications, and on multiple university websites. Sher is also a guest on multiple national radio shows.

Sher can be reached at

Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/6/2011 9:36:12 PM
[if !mso]> Hello Evelyn,

In not many ways would I contradict what your posting says because I’m sure they tally and I agree whole heartedly that, to give away strategic information of an ally country to whoever is treason however one might look at it.

Having said that one needs to understand, - and I say this because no one is watching this forum, it’s totally private! lol – Russia is an ally of the western world. There are no Russian intellectuals in Western Europe that say anything different and they all are right winged people since far before the collapse of the USSR. A huge mistake would be, to not recognize this as it seems to be with American foreign policies, B. O’s or any other republicans. If in Russia it needs years for communism to die out, and it is, … a darned site faster than socialism, America needs also years to re-adjust to the reality – if I dare say – and understand that American democracy is not best suited to the world: Egypt being a prime example of this reality, after Yugoslavia, Iraq and many more.

There is no specific system that is right and good for all, and thankfully so for it would do away with culture and in its own way a globalization that inherently all seek for.

A new divide seems very much under way because of this “all for democracy” absolute that is being imposed as a religion. And not realizing that the other “religion” as they call it from Arabic countries is using this fallacious terminology to migrate freely as they please.

Europe has gone along this path since the last WWII, and the US with their “We The People” which is not all bad, but does provide for too much liberalism (not the liberalism of socialism but the free liberality of personal rights instead of duty) are invariably on the same road.

Briefly said: It is not by ousting B.O., even if he should not only be ousted but jailed, that a solution will be forthcoming. America needs to have a landslide rethink of where it is traveling to if they wish to avoid their own forthcoming collapse.

My two cents from not only across a pond but include the very wide English Channel as well ;-)


RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/7/2011 2:35:52 AM
[if !mso]> Hello Evelyn,

In not many ways would I contradict what your posting says because I’m sure they tally and I agree whole heartedly that, to give away strategic information of an ally country to whoever is treason however one might look at it.

Having said that one needs to understand, - and I say this because no one is watching this forum, it’s totally private! lol – Russia is an ally of the western world. There are no Russian intellectuals in Western Europe that say anything different and they all are right winged people since far before the collapse of the USSR. A huge mistake would be, to not recognize this as it seems to be with American foreign policies, B. O’s or any other republicans. If in Russia it needs years for communism to die out, and it is, … a darned site faster than socialism, America needs also years to re-adjust to the reality – if I dare say – and understand that American democracy is not best suited to the world: Egypt being a prime example of this reality, after Yugoslavia, Iraq and many more.

There is no specific system that is right and good for all, and thankfully so for it would do away with culture and in its own way a globalization that inherently all seek for.

A new divide seems very much under way because of this “all for democracy” absolute that is being imposed as a religion. And not realizing that the other “religion” as they call it from Arabic countries is using this fallacious terminology to migrate freely as they please.

Europe has gone along this path since the last WWII, and the US with their “We The People” which is not all bad, but does provide for too much liberalism (not the liberalism of socialism but the free liberality of personal rights instead of duty) are invariably on the same road.

Briefly said: It is not by ousting B.O., even if he should not only be ousted but jailed, that a solution will be forthcoming. America needs to have a landslide rethink of where it is traveling to if they wish to avoid their own forthcoming collapse.

My two cents from not only across a pond but include the very wide English Channel as well ;-)


Hello Robert, I always welcome a differing opinion and have no problem there.
Although there may not be a specific system that is right and good for all, I'll take ours over any other I have seen. I know it's not perfect and also a lot of improvements need to be made, but all in all, it is still the best in my opinion.
As to ousting B.O. - he should never have been elected and if more people had done their due diligence and taken a good hard look at this poor excuse for a human, of the thugs he had been associated with for years, and yes right down to the church he attended, we wouldn't be in this mess we're in now. But he promised change and most people realized, too late, just what the change was he had in mind, and a LOT of people now regret voting for him and that fact was proven in last November's midterm elections. I am sorry to say it took this situation to start bringing people out of their apathy and start questioning and asking for more responsibility from our elected officials and I am here to tell you that if these new people who were just elected do not do the will of the majority of the people, they'll be gone too. America has finally awaken, and as they say, most of us are madder than Hell at the shape things are in.
As far as Russian/Us relations, I'm not disputing what you say, but to be honest there is a lot I don't know about that situation. There is so much to learn and keep up with in this world of politics, it is mind boggling, to say the least and I don't think any one person will ever know all of it. I try to keep abreast of as much as I can, but sometimes it seems as though my thoughts just kinda run together because there is so much to learn and how do we decide what is true and what isn't. Do you know what I mean or where I am coming from on this?
And there are some cultures that have rituals or customs, however you want to say it, that definitely need to be done away with. I was just reading a couple of days ago where a 14-year-old Bangladeshi girl, who was reportedly raped by a 40-year-old married cousin, died after being publicly lashed for allegedly having an affair with him, according to news reports. One news report says the girl was raped by a 40-year-old relative and that a village arbitration ordered she be whipped 100 times. The report said she "fell unconscious after nearly 80 lashes" and died after being taken to a hospital. Now to me this is barbaric in the worst sense possible. This was a fourteen year old child that suffered this horrible death. Lashed to death for being a rape VICTIM!!! This link is only one of several you can find about what happened: And this is part of Sharia law.
I read this in an article a few days ago:

"If Egypt is lost to the Muslim Brotherhood as the result of the current insurrection and rebellion, the implications for the U.S. and the world would be a major game change. A lot of nations who found it fashionable to oppose and criticize the U.S. as a big military bully are going to be looking to it to avoid an ugly, expensive, and dangerous future."

So in other words, the US is damned if it does and damned if it doesn't in my opinion.



Robert De Merode

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/7/2011 9:02:36 AM
[if !mso]> Hello Evelyn,

Obviously, and how else would you as an American citizen appreciate anything else than what you yourselves have conceived for your country, “We The People” and fight hard to maintain it come what may.

Again, when I speak culture I do not consider culture to be killings and murders but I do understand that for instance the Ruanda horrors to have been a direct result of imposing majority rule according to Western standards with total disregard to tribal or racial hierarchies that are and still remain the way of life in many parts of the world. It is within the local system that work can be done and civilization can be developed.

It is this very principle that is the object of my posting, similarly to the US Obama’s “yes we can” sounded great to many but that change is simply not the US understanding of the “change” they want. Why should it be different to Serbia, Iraq, and Ruanda. Yes, and maybe even to Europe with our pathetic EU, and having the US pushing massively for Turkey to join the EU because they, the US, have a commercial interest on those lines.

American foreign policy is, I am afraid, hugely provocative directly or indirectly in every part of the world to the end advantage of Islam and with dire consequence for Christians wherever.

Obviously, the ins and outs of global politics do need volumes for full explanations but then who will write them? Whichever way we take our stance there is worthy opposition, I still stand to insinuate that Nelson made a suicidal attack at Trafalgar. Totally unethical and somewhat un-British, or was it? ;-)

Have a great week.


RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
2/8/2011 1:43:15 AM
[if !mso]> <![endif][if !mso]> Hello Evelyn,

Obviously, and how else would you as an American citizen appreciate anything else than what you yourselves have conceived for your country, “We The People” and fight hard to maintain it come what may.

Again, when I speak culture I do not consider culture to be killings and murders but I do understand that for instance the Ruanda horrors to have been a direct result of imposing majority rule according to Western standards with total disregard to tribal or racial hierarchies that are and still remain the way of life in many parts of the world. It is within the local system that work can be done and civilization can be developed.

It is this very principle that is the object of my posting, similarly to the US Obama’s “yes we can” sounded great to many but that change is simply not the US understanding of the “change” they want. Why should it be different to Serbia, Iraq, and Ruanda. Yes, and maybe even to Europe with our pathetic EU, and having the US pushing massively for Turkey to join the EU because they, the US, have a commercial interest on those lines.

American foreign policy is, I am afraid, hugely provocative directly or indirectly in every part of the world to the end advantage of Islam and with dire consequence for Christians wherever.

Obviously, the ins and outs of global politics do need volumes for full explanations but then who will write them? Whichever way we take our stance there is worthy opposition, I still stand to insinuate that Nelson made a suicidal attack at Trafalgar. Totally unethical and somewhat un-British, or was it? ;-)

Have a great week.


Hello again Robert, I understand what you're saying in regard to customs that are the way of life in many parts of the world in many cultures.

As whether the US is pushing for Turkey to join the European Union (EU) because they have a commercial interest, is also a matter of opinion. And if American foreign policy does prove to be an advantage to Islam,then yes, it does spell dire consequences for Christians everywhere, I agree.

The threat of Islam and Sharia law scares me very much. I worry about what kind of world my kids and grandkids are going to have to live in if things aren't turned around soon.




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