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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/17/2013 12:50:29 AM

In Other News: Obama’s collection of failures from around the world

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/17/2013 12:49:37 PM

@AllenWest “I want the American people to understand that tonight the Constitutional Republic we know as America has suffered a horrible defeat.”


by Allen West via Facebook

I’m watching the spectacle occurring on the Senate floor. They have passed the 60 vote threshold for ending cloture. I want the American people to understand that tonight the Constitutional Republic we know as America has suffered a horrible defeat. Obamacare is not the law of the land. It is an edict handed down by a tyrant, not a President. The US Senate has just voted to affirm a new precedent that the executive branch can amend law without Congressional approval, and Congress allows it. The waivers, exemptions, and delays implemented by President Obama have delineated a separation, not of powers, but between the political elite and their cronies – and you, my fellow Americans. This is reprehensible, and we can expect even more bad behavior from a President that continues to spit on our Constitution and in our eyes…and smile. The incessant government spending continues with no solution for economic growth. Anyone voting for this tonight owes some explaining to Americans….but maybe not. As Obama stated, “I won.”

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/17/2013 1:07:06 PM
I think this picture belongs here!

Photo: Get more Great Posts at : Put a Smile on My Face


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Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/17/2013 2:27:04 PM

Hello Evelyn ....and everyone

I know your post is a serious one but I just couldn't help myself.

Your article below says, "About Mt. Rushmore, Jim Hagen, secretary of the South Dakota Department of Tourism, said: “They won’t even let you pull off on the side of the road. I just don’t know what they’re trying to accomplish.” "

I am inviting you all to come to Canada. We'll let you see Mount Rushmore from our side. See picture below.


I guess when you can't get your way you just do petty things to the American people but still the kool aid drinkers keep supporting this vindictive fraud. Shame on you!!!

Halting communion, threatening tourists, closing ocean

In South Dakota, the federal government blockaded portions of a state highway during a devastating early season blizzard near Mt. Rushmore to prevent sightseers from snapping a picture of the storm-obscured landmark.

Priests have been threatened with arrest for, well, doing what priests do for parishioners on military bases.

Private businesses have been ordered closed down.

“Gestapo-like” rangers ordered tourists in Yellowstone, who had paid their admission, to get back on their bus and go to their hotel, where armed officers guarded the doors.

There even was an attempt to close an ocean.

This all would be preparation for a massive terror threat endangering millions?

Or maybe for a natural disaster?


All because the White House disagreed with Republicans over funding for a portion of the federal government.

The egregious federal government actions during the partial government shutdown, triggered when President Obama refused to even talk with Republicans about their compromise budget offers, have left Americans shaking their heads, from veterans at a World War II memorial in Washington that is open to the air but “barrycaded” by the Obama administration, to those wondering how a government could close an ocean.

One National Park Service worker quoted by the Washington Times said the orders from the Obama administration were to punish Americans.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” he said.

WND columnist Gina Loudon already has listed the “top 10 most insane moments” of the Obama-Reid shutdown.

They included:

1) “Not only did Obama include the National Institute of Health’s experimental treatments for children with terminal cancer in the shutdown, he has threatened to veto funding that Republicans have offered to reinstate. And all along we thought it was Republicans who wanted children to die.”

2) “Military suicides are at an all-time high. Obama’s answer to that? Remove their chaplains! The chaplains know the importance of their work for our service members during this tumultuous time in the throes of the Navy Yard shootings, Benghazi and the rest of it, so they offered their services for free. Obama’s response? He said chaplains can be arrested if they voluntarily serve our military.”

3) “The Library of Congress website was shut down until Oct. 4. was redirected to a notice that it was no longer available due to the shutdown. On Friday, one of the essential bureaucrats in Washington discovered that leaving the website up actually costs nothing. At last glance, the LOC website is back up and running. In related news, the FCC social media team announced they will not be tweeting due to the shutdown. What will we do without tweets from the FCC?”

4) “National Park Service employees descended onto the home of George Washington at Mt. Vernon to erect barricades after the government was shut down. But, just as Washington ran the British out of Boston after they barricaded the city, the staff at the estate turned the government employees away and removed the barricades. Mt. Vernon has been privately funded for 150 years, and the government had absolutely no authority to shut it down.”

5) “Although no funding exists to keep the World War II memorial open, somehow, funding was found to erect a barricade. Each day, as veterans in their eighties and nineties break through the barricades at the memorial like they did at Omaha Beach, federal employees are paid to come reconstruct them.”

6) “Just as Hitler posted troops at Normandy to keep the allied forces out, President Obama is now turning away those who wish to pay their respects at the Normandy American Cemetery. More than 9,000 patriots who gave their lives were laid to rest at the D-Day Memorial, and respecting their service and sacrifice is not allowed during the shutdown, thanks to the Barack Obama and Harry Reid.

7) “The Armed Forces Network will not be broadcasting sports programming to our troops overseas. While our troops on the front line in the war on terror will have their MLB and NFL games blacked out, you can bet that President Obama will still be watching Sports Center in the White House every night as he is known to do.”

8) “Although an automated camera has been posting pictures of Old Faithful’s eruptions on the web around the clock for years, it has been shut off. Teams of rangers have been busy erecting and maintaining barricades around Yellowstone National Park and running off anyone trying to enjoy the natural beauty of the park, but they took a break from all of that work to pull the plug on the geyser’s webcams.”

9) “We know the president’s priorities, and golf is at the top of that list. Golf courses at military installations remain open and funded while grocery stores at those sites are shut down.”

10) “WJLA is reporting that scenic overlooks next to roadways have been barricaded and signs have been erected telling passersby that they are closed due to the shutdown. These areas where tourists may stop to enjoy a scenic view of the nation’s capital cost nothing to keep open, but the Obama administration is trying to create a scenic view of its own – a city that he has shut down and seeks to blame Republicans.”

But there are so many other examples.

Katie Pavlich at Townhall reported the National Park Service blocked the road leading to “the sacred ground near Shanksville, Pa., where 9/11 Flight 93 crashed 12 years ago

“The petty and ghoulish Spite House strikes again,” she wrote. “Barrycades blocking WWII vets from their memorial, denying death benefits to military families and now this. The Flight 93 National Memorial is an open field for crying out loud.”

Loudon noted that Jeff Reed of American Family Radio put it like this: ‘The sad reality is … Obama sent more guards to keep WWII vets from entering their memorial than he sent to Benghazi.”

Here’s a representative list of the management of the federal government:

There were some things considered essential, however:

But the Amber Alert website was closed.

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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/18/2013 9:41:43 AM
Hi Evelyn,

Good to be back online again. As you know my new computer had a glitch in the BIOS and had to go back to be fixed.

You posted some great articles in my absence and I'm grateful for that.

During the shutdown B Hussein showed exactly what his intentions are and I believe the American people had a bellyful of his disgusting and vindictive behavior. For many of us it came as n surprise but for many of his supporters (not all) it was an eye opener and they too now realize that his ain agenda is the downfall of the United States of America. For many nothing will help and they're still lining up with their hands out waiting for some more freebies.

For those of them (his supporters) that already enrolled in Obamacare I wonder if they didn't get the shock of their lives when they finally realized it's not free but will cost them more then their previous plan did? And, for those that weren't insured they have nothing to compare it with BUT, it ain't FREE and the question will they join?



When I saw this, this morning, it actually turned my stomach. More people are waking up but there still needs to be more.
Our great leaders in Washington are afraid of these elderly veterans, many in wheelchairs. What a bunch of cowards!!! Sickening is an understatement.
Friends we are facing an uncertain future and these gestapo antics shows just how much. I just have to keep remembering and reminding myself that God is in control and we must pray for Him to heal our country.

by: Benjamin Franklin

police in riot gear

via redflagnews

Police in riot gear… Tear Gas On The Ready… Additional Snipers at White House… Veterans Storm Memorials… Remove Barricades, Bring to White House

A veteran paraplegic on a Segway is helping carry a barricade

BWd3EphIIAAsyPW.jpg large

ww2 vets


Get it together Washington!

Photoset: Veterans Storm Washington D.C. photos from twitter


obama bush

The corporate media is avoiding the significance of the latest developments in the “Million Vet March” in Washington, DC.

Vets have torn down “barrycades,” riot police have been dispatched, and snipers deployed, according to reports, as the number of protesters swell outside the White House.

Sarah Palin and Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, arrived to speak with the demonstrators. Police also responded.

“US Park Police have arrived in front of WH. Some in riot gear! Tea party/veteran protesters start booing,” wrote CNN’s Jim Acosta on Twitter.

The latest developments follow the closure of the World War II Monument following the supposed government shut down.

“Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis. We feel that this should never be the case,” the Million Vet March On Memorials website states. “This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes. In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th! Our veterans deserve that!”

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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