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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2013 3:07:31 PM
This video is sort of long but well worth watching....................

BEN CARSON: Obama trying to 'destroy country'...
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Stirring Speech at CPAC 2013 - Complete
Published on Mar 16, 2013

3/16/13 - More Videos at

Watch Dr. Carson's Amazing National Prayer Breakfast Speech 2/7/13 -

Jim Allen

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2013 3:26:30 PM
Ben Carson is the man! I like this guy, I like the way he explains things and I hope he can be persuaded to serve this country.

This video is sort of long but well worth watching....................

BEN CARSON: Obama trying to 'destroy country'...
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Stirring Speech at CPAC 2013 - Complete
Published on Mar 16, 2013

3/16/13 - More Videos at

Watch Dr. Carson's Amazing National Prayer Breakfast Speech 2/7/13 -

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2013 3:28:12 PM
The resilience of the American people at work.............

Obama is running into not the chaos he counted on, but orderly, steadfast human resistance

Obama’s panic button still not working

By Judi McLeod Wednesday, October 9, 2013

When Marxists are rummaging in the bottom of their bag of tricks to drive the masses to panic, it’s only commonsense that you do the exact opposite.

It must be frustrating for a president waiting five long years for folk to panic when they are clearly standing their ground on not giving him his way.

It’s a frustration that’s so easy to read in consideration of yesterday’s Immigration Rally held at the closed National Mall, where lawmakers arrived in golf carts to hear a Nancy Pelosi speech. Halloween costumes were the only thing missing.

Right now the government shutdown/slimdown is a public exercise in pulling-the-wings-off-flies, with a look-how-much-pain-I-can-so-easily-inflict-upon-the-plebes kind of showcasing. But the only one really panicking is Obama witnessed in the outrageous lies dropped in yesterday’s presser.

Everyone but the gullible low-information voters knows that this is a cat and mouse game that must end one way or the other on or before October 17 when Obama’s threatening to default.

In putting all of his raw power out on public display during the current partial government slowdown, Obama could be basting the fatted calf for the Grand Finale called Imposition of Martial Law.

But even then, it’s highly unlikely that the masses will topple lemming-like into Obama’s go-into-panic-mode-on-order trap.

Notice how plain common sense and human ingenuity are trumping painful measures trotted out by a painted-in-a-corner, overreaching administration? When barricades were put up at the World War II memorial, vets coming from great distances to see them, merely moved them away.

When tourists wanting to see Mount Rushmore came upon the orange traffic cones put on the shoulders of the road in South Dakota, they merely got out of their vehicles and removed them.

When the government cruelly froze death benefits for the families of fallen hero soldiers, an organization stepped up to the plate saying they would pay them.

Wherever he turns, Obama is running into not the chaos he counted on, but orderly, steadfast human resistance. The Marxists call it Civil Disobedience. Citizens call it getting by with just a little common sense.

When Obama spoke directly to the White House Press Corps. yesterday, as columnist Greg Halvorson points out, not one intelligent question came from the cowed mainstream media scrum

The reporters called to Obama duty were likely as speech-stunned as anyone with the stomach to listen in, though they’d never have the guts to own up to it.

On the same day of the presser, Obama held an off-the-record meeting with five conservative journalists (Dylan Byers Blog).

“Present at the meeting were Charles Krauthammer, the Washington Post columnist and Fox News contributor; Paul Gigot, the Wall Street Journal editorial page editor; Robert Costa, the National Review’s Washington editor; syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker; and Washington Examiner columnist Byron York, according to a source with knowledge of the meeting.”

One day after and so far not one peep from the five conservatives about what they were told or how they were instructed.

Perhaps it is not only Republicans who have RINOs in their midst. Maybe some right wing scribes are RINO—right wing in name only—too.

Given that the Captive Audience White House Press Corps. asks no questions when Obama speaks directly to them, and that some of the RINOs in the so-called ‘conservative’ media are keeping mum, the masses should take up Al-Anon strategy on what to do when confronted by an alcoholic in a rage.

The strategy is “turn your back and walk away as soon as it is safe. NEVER provide an audience for an alcoholic in a rage”.

In order for Barack Obama’s temper tantrums against We the People to succeed, he needs an audience much wider than the college student and mainstream media captive audiences he now controls.

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Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/10/2013 11:20:23 PM

I love this guy ...and he`s blacker than Obama. So there, all you are sensitive about the race issues.

For those who have not heard Ben Carson`s story, you may find it interesting that his Mom who worked as a cleaning lady, one day decided to turn off the TV and send her 2 young sons to the library to read. She insisted that they write 2 book reports a week (I think it was 2) and submit them to her. She did not know how to read. Her boys did not know that. Not only did one of them end up being Benjamin Carson, the brain surgeon who is considered one of the top neurosurgeons in the world, but later he helped her get her education and she became a nurse. I am not sure about this part but I think she eventually also became a doctor. It`s quite a story. This is something we could all be doing for our children. We talk about the cost of sending them to college. Sending them to library costs us nothing. Remember, however, to insist on those book reports.


This video is sort of long but well worth watching..................

BEN CARSON: Obama trying to 'destroy country'...
Dr. Benjamin Carson's Stirring Speech at CPAC 2013 - Complete
Published on Mar 16, 2013

3/16/13 - More Videos at

Watch Dr. Carson's Amazing National Prayer Breakfast Speech 2/7/13 -

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
10/14/2013 12:46:19 PM
When I saw this, this morning, it actually turned my stomach. More people are waking up but there still needs to be more.
Our great leaders in Washington are afraid of these elderly veterans, many in wheelchairs. What a bunch of cowards!!! Sickening is an understatement.
Friends we are facing an uncertain future and these gestapo antics shows just how much. I just have to keep remembering and reminding myself that God is in control and we must pray for Him to heal our country.

by: Benjamin Franklin

police in riot gear

via redflagnews

Police in riot gear… Tear Gas On The Ready… Additional Snipers at White House… Veterans Storm Memorials… Remove Barricades, Bring to White House

A veteran paraplegic on a Segway is helping carry a barricade

BWd3EphIIAAsyPW.jpg large

ww2 vets


Get it together Washington!

Photoset: Veterans Storm Washington D.C. photos from twitter


obama bush

The corporate media is avoiding the significance of the latest developments in the “Million Vet March” in Washington, DC.

Vets have torn down “barrycades,” riot police have been dispatched, and snipers deployed, according to reports, as the number of protesters swell outside the White House.

Sarah Palin and Senator Ted Cruz, a Texas Republican, arrived to speak with the demonstrators. Police also responded.

“US Park Police have arrived in front of WH. Some in riot gear! Tea party/veteran protesters start booing,” wrote CNN’s Jim Acosta on Twitter.

The latest developments follow the closure of the World War II Monument following the supposed government shut down.

“Veterans this week were unwillingly pitted as pawns in this crisis. We feel that this should never be the case,” the Million Vet March On Memorials website states. “This is why we will go to Congress after the budget crisis and ask for a bill to be introduced that would prevent any member of the government from closing our memorials down to any American, except for maintenance purposes. In the meantime, we will have our March in Washington DC on October 13th! Our veterans deserve that!”


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