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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/17/2012 9:40:22 PM
Hello Friends,

After the devastating and tragic massacre in Newton, CT, I had no doubt that the progressive liberal MSM, Democratic party and all the liberal progressive groups and individuals would go on a new gun control rampage. I wasn't mistaken, unfortunately. They all seem to forget that it's not the guns that kill but people and in the case of massacres of this sort mentally ill people. The millions of law abiding gun owners aren't killing people daily just cos they own a gun or guns but the demented individual who decides to kill will find a way (and it's not difficult) to purchase a weapon illegally and do what his demented mind tells him to.

David Greenfield has written an in depth article on this issue and gets to the core of the gun control advocates, especially when it's the government that's behind the advocacy. A very interesting read.



Guns, Guns, Guns

Posted: 15 Dec 2012 09:08 PM PST

If you're the biblically minded sort, then the trouble began when a jealous Cain clubbed Abel to death, but if you're evolutionarily minded, then it's a 'chicken and egg' question. Violence had no beginning, except perhaps in the Big Bang, it was always here, coded into the DNA. If people are just grown-up animals, more articulate versions of the creatures who eat each other's young, and sometimes their own young, there is as much use in wondering about the nature of evil as there is in trying to understand why a killer whale kills.

But debating how many devils can dance on the head of a pinhead is largely useless. We are not a particularly violent society. We are a society sheltered from violence. No one in Rwanda spends a great deal of time wondering what kind of man would murder children. They probably live next door to him. For that matter, if your neighborhood is diverse enough, you might be unfortunate enough to live next door to any number of war criminals, all the way from Eastern Europe to Asia to Africa.

The issue isn't really guns. Guns are how we misspell evil. Guns are how we avoid talking about the ugly realities of human nature while building sandcastles on the shores of utopia.

The obsession with guns, rather than machetes, stone clubs, crossbows or that impressive weapon of mass death, the longbow (just ask anyone on the French side of the Battle of Agincourt) is really the obsession with human agency. It's not about the fear of what one motivated maniac can do in a crowded place, but about the precariousness of social control that the killing sprees imply.

Mass death isn't the issue. After September 11, the same righteous folks calling for the immediate necessity of gun control were not talking about banning planes or Saudis, they were quoting statistics about how many more people die of car accidents each year than are killed by terrorists. As Stalin said, one death is a tragedy; three thousand deaths can always be minimized by comparing them to some even larger statistic.

The gun issue is the narrative. It's not about death or children; it's about control. It's about confusing object and subject. It's about guns that shoot people and people that are irrevocably tugged into pulling the trigger because society failed them, corporations programmed them and not enough kindly souls told them that they loved them.

Mostly it's about people who are sheltered from the realities of human nature trying to build a shelter big enough for everyone. A Gun Free Zone where everyone is a target and tries to live under the illusion that they aren't. A society where everyone is drawing unicorns on colored notepaper while waiting under their desks for the bomb to fall.

After every shooting there are more zero tolerance policies in schools that crack down on everything from eight-year olds making POW POW gestures with their fingers to honor students bringing Tylenol and pocket knives to school. And then another shooting happens and then another one and they wouldn't happen if we just had more zero tolerance policies for everyone and everything.

But evil just can't be controlled. Not with the sort of zero tolerance policies that confuse object with subject, which ban pocket knives and finger shootings to prevent real shootings. That brand of control isn't authority, it's authority in panic mode believing that if it imposes total zero tolerance control then there will be no more school shootings. And every time the dumb paradigm is blown to bits with another shotgun, then the rush is on to reinforce it with more total zero control tolerance.

Zero tolerance for the Second Amendment makes sense. If you ban all guns, except for those in the hands of the 708,000 police officers, the 1.5 million members of the armed forces, the countless numbers of security guards, including those who protect banks and armored cars, the bodyguards of celebrities who call for gun control, not to mention park rangers, ambulance drivers in the ghetto and any of the other people who need a gun to do their job, then you're sure to stop all shootings.

So long as none of those millions of people, or their tens of millions of kids, spouses, parents, grandchildren, girlfriends, boyfriends, roommates and anyone else who has access to them and their living spaces, carries out one of those shootings.

But this isn't really about stopping shootings; it's about controlling when they happen. It's about making sure that everyone who has a gun is in some kind of chain of command. It's about the belief that the problem isn't evil, but agency, that if we make sure that everyone who has guns is following orders, then control will be asserted and the problem will stop. Or if it doesn't stop, then at least there will be someone higher up in the chain of command to blame. Either way authority is sanctified, control or the illusion of it, maintained.

We'll never know the full number of people who were killed by Fast and Furious. We'll never know how many were killed by Obama's regime change operation in Libya, with repercussions in Mali and Syria. But everyone involved in that was following orders. There was no individual agency, just agencies. No lone gunman who just decided to go up to a school and shoot kids. There were orders to run guns to Mexico and the cartel gunmen who killed people with those guns had orders to shoot. There was nothing random or unpredictable about it. Or as the Joker put it, "Nobody panics when things go according to plan. Even if the plan is horrifying."

Gun control is the assertion that the problem is not the guns; it's the lack of a controlling authority for all those guns. It's the individual. A few million people with little sleep, taut nerves and PTSD are not a problem so long as there is someone to give them orders. A hundred million people with guns and no orders is a major problem. Historically though it's millions of people with guns who follow orders who have been more of a problem than millions of people with guns who do not.

Moral agency is individual. You can't outsource it to a government and you wouldn't want to. The bundle of impulses, the codes of character, the concepts of right and wrong, take place at the level of the individual. Organizations do not sanctify this process. They do not lift it above its fallacies, nor do they even do a very good job of keeping sociopaths and murderers from rising high enough to give orders. Organizations are the biggest guns of all, and some men and women who make Lanza look like a man of modestly murderous ambitions have had their fingers on their triggers and still do.

Gun control will not really control guns, but it will give the illusion of controlling people, and even when it fails those in authority will be able to say that they did everything that they could short of giving people the ability to defend themselves.

We live under the rule of organizers, community and otherwise, whose great faith is that the power to control men and their environment will allow them to shape their perfect state into being, and the violent acts of lone madmen are a reminder that such control is fleeting, that utopia has its tigers, and that attempting to control a problem often makes it worse by removing the natural human crowdsourced responses that would otherwise come into play.

The clamor for gun control is the cry of sheltered utopians believing that evil is a substance as finite as guns, and that getting rid of one will also get rid of the other. But evil isn't finite and guns are as finite as drugs or moonshine whiskey, which is to say that they are as finite as the human interest in having them is. And unlike whiskey or heroin, the only way to stop a man with a gun is with a gun.

People do kill people and the only way to stop people from killing people is by killing them first. To a utopian this is a moral paradox that invalidates everything, but to everyone else, it's just life in a world where evil is a reality, not just a word.

Anyone who really hankers after a world without guns would do well to try the 14th Century, the 1400 years ago or the 3400 years ago variety, which was not a nicer place for lack of guns, and the same firepower that makes it possible for one homicidal maniac to kill a dozen unarmed people, also makes it that much harder to recreate a world where one man in armor can terrify hundreds of peasants in boiled leather armed with sharp sticks.

The longbow was the first weapon to truly begin to level the playing field, putting serious firepower in the hands of a single man. In the Battle of Crecy, a few thousand English and Welsh peasants with longbows slew thousands of French knights and defeated an army of 30,000. Or as the French side described it, "It is a shame that so many French noblemen fell to men of no value." Crecy, incidentally, also saw one of the first uses of cannon.

Putting miniature cannons in the hands of every peasant made the American Revolution possible. The ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution would have meant very little without an army of ordinary men armed with weapons that made them a match for the superior organization and numbers of a world power.

At the Battle of Bunker Hill, 2,400 American rebels faced down superior numbers and lost the hill, but inflicted over a 1,000 casualties, including 100 British commissioned officers killed or wounded, leading to General Clinton's observation, "A few more such victories would have shortly put an end to British dominion in America."

This was done with muskets, the weapon that gun control advocates assure us was responsible for the Second Amendment because the Founders couldn't imagine all the "truly dangerous" weapons that we have today.

And yet would Thomas Jefferson, the abiding figurehead of the Democratic Party, who famously wrote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants", really have shuddered at the idea of peasants with assault rifles, or would he have grinned at the playing field being leveled some more?

The question is the old elemental one about government control and individual agency. And tragedies like the one that just happened take us back to the equally old question of whether individual liberty is a better defense against human evil than the entrenched organizations of government.

Do we want a society run by the flower of chivalry, who commit atrocities according to a plan for a better society, or by peasants with machine guns? The flower of chivalry can promise us a utopian world without evil, but the peasant with a machine gun promises us that we can protect ourselves from evil when it comes calling.

It isn't really guns that the gun controllers are afraid of, it's a country where individual agency is still superior to organized control, where things are unpredictable because the trains don't run on time and orders don't mean anything. But chivalry is dead. The longbow and the cannon killed it and no charge of the light brigade can bring it back. And we're better for it.

Evil may find heavy firepower appealing, but the firepower works both ways. A world where the peasants have assault rifles is a world where peasant no longer means a man without any rights. And while it may also mean the occasional brutal shooting spree, those sprees tend to happen in the outposts of utopia, the gun-free zones with zero tolerance for firearms. An occasional peasant may go on a killing spree, but a society where the peasants are all armed is also far more able to stop such a thing without waiting for the men-at-arms to be dispatched from the castle.

An armed society spends more time stopping evil than contemplating it. It is the disarmed society that is always contemplating it as a thing beyond its control. Helpless people must find something to think about while waiting for their lords to do something about the killing. Instead of doing something about it themselves, they blame the agency of the killer in being free to kill, rather than their own lack of agency for being unable to stop him.

Daniel Greenfield is a New York City based writer and blogger and a Shillman Journalism Fellow of the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Peter Fogel
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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/17/2012 9:51:21 PM
Hello Friends,

Here's another perspective on the tragedy in Newton, CT. It too covers the tragedy and the gun control frenzy of the progressive liberal MSM et al. An interesting article and well worth reading.



Repeat After Me: Gun Control is NOT the Answer

by: Matt Vespa

The tragedy in Newton, CT should shake us all to our very core. Of the 26 who were killed yesterday, 20 of them were children. It's evil. It's grotesque. And I'm sure many mothers and fathers were holding their children a little tighter last night. Sadly, for twenty families, that will no longer be possible. Our thoughts and prayers should go out to everyone, especially to the brave teachers who sacrificed their lives to save their students. One teacher, Vicki Soto, shielded her students from the gunfire – and made the ultimate sacrifice. Recently, the police released the full list of the deceased:

Charlotte Bacon, 6
Daniel Barden, 7
Rachel Davino, 29
Olivia Engel, 6
Josephine Gay, 7
Ana Marquez-Greene, 6
Dylan Hockley, 6
Dawn Hocksprung, 47
Madeline Hsu, 6
Catherine Hubbard, 6
Chase Kowalski, 7
Jesse Lewis, 6
James Mattioli, 6
Grace McDonnell, 7
Anne Marie Murphy, 52
Emilie Parker, 6
Jack Pinto, 6
Noah Pozner, 6
Caroline Previdi, 6
Jessica Rekos, 6
Avielle Richman, 6
Lauren Russeau, 30
Mary Sherlach, 56
Victoria Soto, 27
Benjamin Wheeler, 6
Allison Wyatt, 6

Details are still being released about the shooter, Adam Lanza, but you have to be one mentally disturbed individual to kill your own mother, take her guns, and proceed to murder twenty children. These kids were no older than ten. What would possess someone to commit such an egregious act of depravity? We shall find out soon enough. However, while decent Americans mourn the loss that has devastated an entire community, the liberals in this country have seized on another tragedy to further their agenda.

Yes, the Hollywood Left, to show that they aren't a bunch of detached narcissists, called for more gun control over Twitter – with Cher eloquently telling the NRA to F**k Off. Mayor Bloomberg, Gov. John Hickenlooper (D-Co), and Mark Kelly, husband of former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, have all called for tighter gun regulations. After all, we know that criminals and those who are mentally disturbed follow tighter gun regulations religiously. Welcome to liberal logic 101. If you find it abjectly stupid, you're not the only one.

I'm starting to see liberals as core-less and depraved beings. Sustained and guided solely by emotion – and not fact – they’re right behind their Hollywood allies in the call for more gun control. Are liberals happy that this atrocious act occurred? I don't know. But if the narrative changes in this country in favor of more gun control, then this could be a turning point. Hence, a good thing for American liberalism – and the media is making it all the more easier for progressives to make their point. Some are already seeing this event as a 'tipping point.' As Breitbart contributor Warner Todd Huston wrote on December 15, the media has been consistently flawed in their coverage.
...from the beginning, the murderer was reported as having strode through the school with a .223-caliber rifle, often referred to by the media here as an "assault weapon." This also turned out to be untrue. In fact, he only had handguns with him in the school, not any "assault rifle." He did have a rifle but it was reportedly left in his car and not carried into the school.
Many media outlets reported that the school principal, and a victim of the murderer, was the one that let the shooter into the building. But it turned out that the killer broke glassto gain access to the school. He wasn't buzzed-in by the principal as was reported and there is no evidence he was recognized by anyone working at the school and allowed in as a result.

Lanza is also being said to have been wearing "combat gear." What does this even mean? Some reports say it was a black shirt, or maybe some sort of vest and "possibly a mask." Is a black shirt somehow automatically "combat gear," now? This "combat gear" claim, though universally picked up by the Old Media as a description of Lanza's appearance, is meaningless without any actual listing of that "gear." What does "combat gear" even mean, here? We have no idea. But it sure sounds menacing, eh? Quite emotional. Whatever he was actually wearing, this descriptive term was used before any hard facts were known.

The killer's mother was also reported to have been a teacher at the school and found dead on the premises. That also turned out to be untrue. The killer's mother was found dead in her home and it appears she was not connected to the school. Her name does not appear on the school's list of teachers. She may have been a substitute teacher, but even that isn't clear. But the Old Media definitively reported that she was a teacher and was killed inside the school.

Some reporters are calling the killer's mother an "avid gun collector." There is no basis for this label. It is an emotional phrase meant to make the deceased mother into some "gun nut." In truth there is no public knowledge about how many guns she owned and whether or not she considered herself a "collector." She may have been, of course, but we just don't have any knowledge to say so.

On the blogosphere, it wasn't much better.

As conservatives on Twitter and Facebook urged all of us to come together and pray for the victims, liberals were already launching salvos. The Huffington Post was dominated with pro-gun control posts. Jezebel was much more tasteful with their featured 'F**k You, Guns' column.

Whether it's done in a sarcastic tone or not – I tend to disregard 99% of the material on these abysmal sites anyway – Katie J.M. Baker, who wrote the 'F**k you Guns post, closed by saying:
F**k you, NRA. You guys are f**king murderers.
Today, we don't need prayers. We don't need thoughts. We need action. We need to politicize this, and we need to politicize this now. **** everyone who isn't ready to talk about gun control. You're the reason 27 people (and counting) died today. Don't forget it.

Well, liberals are the ones who booed 'God' during the Democratic National Convention last summer. So, no surprise to their aversion to prayer. The key sentence is 'we need to politicize this.' I don't remember the twenty-six who were killed ever signing up to be part of the left's campaign to curb liberty and stomp all over the Constitution. In addition, to slander/libel people who are proud members of the NRA, such as myself, and those who aren't pro-gun control, as complicit in mass murder is the reason why your argument fails.

People don't like to be yelled at, but that's what liberals have been relegated to do since the facts aren't on their side. More amusingly, the most recent comments on that post were from pro-Second Amendment individuals, or people who saw this tragedy as part of a larger problem. Lastly, since Jezebel is a women's site, it doesn't help them dispel the sexist attitudes towards female's monthly cycles by writing 'f**k you' posts, but I digress. Still, some liberals are convinced that gun control works.

CNN host Piers Morgan, a British citizen, had the temerity to give his opinion about guns in America saying, "there are nearly 12,000 murders a year from guns in this country... when are you guys going to focus on that, and stop telling me the answer is more guns? It is not the answer! How many more kids have to die, before you guys say, 'we want less guns, not more?"

However, the UK has strict gun control laws – and they're drowning in their own blood. Back in 2009, The Daily Mail reported:

the latest Government figures show [at the time] that the total number of firearm offenses in England and Wales has increased from 5,209 in 1998/99 to 9,865 last year - a rise of 89 per cent. In some parts of the country, the number of offenses has increased more than five-fold.

In eighteen police areas, gun crime at least doubled. The statistic will fuel fears that the police are struggling to contain gang-related violence, in which the carrying of a firearm has become increasingly common place. Last week, police in London revealed they had begun carrying out armed patrols on some streets. The move means officers armed with sub-machine guns are engaged in routine policing for the first time.

The UK has abjectly failed to curb gun violence. As in the U.S., crime is perpetrated by felons, who don't live by the rule of law, and it's the law-abiding citizens who are the ones impacted by silly legislation aimed at stopping violent crime.

Townhall's Katie Pavlich also noted the UK's abysmal gun control laws – but also pointed out that since the landmark D.C. v. Heller case, which struck down the District's handgun ban, "the murder rate fell below triple digits for the first time since 1963." On the other hand, Chicago, a bastion of corruption, liberalism, and anti-gun sentiment, had 436 homicides this year, which exceeded last year's total of 435. Let's open some champagne!

Dana Loesch, conservative activist and Breitbart editor, wrote on her blog – and gave a litany of reasons why gun control isn't the issue.

Between 2008 and 2009, the FBI’s preliminary numbers indicate that murders fell nationally by 10 percent and by about 8 percent in cities that have between 500,000 and 999,999 people. Washington’s population is about 590,000. During that same period of time, murders in the District fell by an astounding 25 percent, dropping from 186 to 140. The city only started allowing its citizens to own handguns for defense again in late 2008.

A three-year prison term for violating a gun-free zone represents a real penalty for a law-abiding citizen. Adding three years to a criminal’s sentence when he is probably already going to face multiple death penalties or life sentences for a murderous rampage is probably not going to be the penalty that stops the criminal from committing his crime.

Examining all the multiple-victim public shootings in the United States from 1977 to 1999 shows that on average, states that adopt right-to-carry laws experience a 60% drop in the rates at which the attacks occur, and a 78% drop in the rates at which people are killed or injured from such attacks.

Many have argued that it is the increased availability of firearms that has led to increased gun homicides, that the use of guns in the commission of violent crimes increases the likelihood of injury and lethality, or that decreased availability reduces homicide.

Although many of these positions seem intuitively obvious and have shaped arguments for increased control and restrictions on firearm availability and access, theoverall prevalence of handgun use in the commission of all violent crimes is relatively low. A handgun was used in approximately 9 percent of all violent offenses.

Furthermore, concerning Adam Lanza, Loesch wrote that this wasn't a case of not enough gun regulation. Conservative blogger for The Washington Post, Jennifer Rubin, put it aptly on ABC's This Week in the wake of the tragic shooting in Aurora – that our nation suffers a deficit when it comes to detecting and treating people with mental illness in this country. It's not about guns. It's about those who are mentally unstable, and the people ignoring their signs of disturbed behavior. As Loesch noted:

what did recent shooters like Adam Lanza, Jared Lee Loughner, and James Holmes have in common? They were disturbed young men that no law could deter from their intended destruction. Why were the warning signs ignored? All of these men were clearly troubled all three were on medication. Loughner’s warning signs went ignored. We don’t yet know if Lanza’s family knew he was experiencing problems or if they witnessedwarning signs. Holmes was severely medicated and apparently abused his regimen.

Lanza could not have legally obtained the firearms he used because it is illegal in Connecticut to purchase or possess a firearm under the age of twenty-one.Lanza was twenty. You must have a permit to purchase and carry a handgun in CT and pass a background check to merit a handgun eligibility certificate. He stole his mother’s firearms. That is not a failure of gun laws, it is a failure of personal responsibility. What will more, redundant laws do when the laws already in effect fail to stop a criminal — who, by the very definition of the word, has no intention of following the law anyway? More laws for criminals to not follow?

We're a nation where guns are an integral part of our socioeconomic fabric. We're suspicious of government, which has grown exponentially over the past four years – so don't expect any significant moves towards more legislation aimed at curtailing law-abiding citizens ability to defend themselves curbinggun violence.

It doesn't negate the fact that only 26% of Americans approve of a handgun ban, 47% of Americans own a firearm, and only 44% think guns laws should be stricter. Recently, the U.S. Court for Appeals for the Seventh Circuit ruled "Illinois' total ban on carrying firearms for self-defense outside the home or business is unconstitutional." So, if the liberals – and their allies in the media – want a war, I think we should give it to them. We'll easily retake Congress. How's that for politicizing the issue!?
Lastly, Gun Owners of America astutely pointed out that the "CDC admits there is no evidence that gun control reduces crime. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has long been criticized for propagating questionable studies, which gun control organizations have used in defense of their cause. But after analyzing 51 studies in 2003, the CDC concluded that the 'evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of any of these [firearms] laws.'(9)"

So, repeat after me: gun control isn't the answer.

Peter Fogel
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Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/18/2012 12:35:14 AM

And WORSE ! ! !


Expect much more of the same in the next 4 years.



Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/28/2012 2:57:30 AM
Another great video by Wild Bill..............
"Turn Around America!"
Rick Martin

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
1/1/2013 1:08:58 AM
Hey Guys,

I just came accross this article and do not know whether it has any validity but maybe some one here has some insite.

BREAKING NEWS: BREAKING NEWS: Clinton Injured, US Navy Seal Killed In Secret US Mission To Iran … By: Sorcha Faal. Foreword by Fred Brownbill.

This could explain a lot about how Hillary Clinton has been unable to make any public meetings and unable to give evidence of her guilt in the Benghazi affair. The Save America Foundation did an article a short while ago on the death of Navy SEAL Commander Job Price, and I made the point that due to the training these SEALs receive, and the type of strong men that they are, the reports of suicide seemed very strange and I did not believe it to be true.

This report which I just received and have printed below, makes a lot of sense to me. This administration, run by whom I like to now call the Butcher of Benghazi, otherwise known as President Barack Hussein Obama, is the most secretive, corrupt, extremist, left wing and lying administration that America has ever had the misfortune to run it. It has been built, intentionally, right from the beginning, prior to 2008, on a block of lies, fraud, treason and mis-information.

Corrupt and evil Federal Agencies like the CIA and the FBI, along with the DOJ (run by an extremist, racist and Marxist, Mr Eric Holder) and ATF, have been compliant c0-conspirators in the whole illegal, treasonous mess that we find ourselves in. I ask everyone to read this report (below) and to get it out. America must demand the truth, and we must get it from the usurper himself.

There have been too many unexplainedable deaths for which this administration is not taking responsibility for, from Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry, killed with guns supplied by this administration to Mexican Drug Cartels, to the Ambassador, Embassy employee and two former Navy SEALs murdered on Obamas command and watch while he enjoyed seeing it unfold on a live feed in the White House, before going out to campaign.

America, I am sick to death of the fraud, the lies, the murders of American hero’s and citizens here and abroad.

I am sick of all the lies surrounding this Obama family of whom we know NOTHING about, apart from the certainty that he is not legally able to be president.

I am sick to death of the continued destruction of my country by this Obama Marxist and Islamic lover.

I am sick to death of his contempt for America, Americans, the constitution, the Congress, our rights and liberties. AMERICA, IT IS ALMOST, IF NOT ALREADY, TIME TO RISE AND SAY NO MORE…NOT ON OUR WATCH…..Fred Brownbill. President. SAF

A new Foreign Military Intelligence (GRU) report circulating in the Kremlin today is saying that United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was injured, and a top US Navy Seal Commander killed when their C-12 Huron military passenger and transport aircraft crash landed nearly 3 weeks ago in the Iranian city of Ahvaz near the Iraqi border.

Iranian intelligence agents quoted in this GRU report confirm that the C-12 Huron aircraft is still in their possession in Ahvaz, but will only admit that the plane was “forced to land because of technical problems.”

The US Navy Seal member reported killed in this bizarre incident, this report says, was indentified as Commander Job W. Price who as a leader of this highly specialized American Special Forces unit protects high-ranking diplomats traveling in Middle Eastern and Asian combat zones.

Curiously, US media reports on Commander Price’s death say it being investigated as a possible suicide as he died from what the American Defense Department describes as “a non-combat related injury.”

Equally as curious, US media reports state that Secretary Clinton will return to work next week after her having suffered what they describe as a “nasty bout with stomach flu” and a “concussion” which have kept her missing from public view the past three weeks.

This GRU report, however, states that US military flight logs recorded by Russian air and space forces confirm that Commander Price, and other members of US Navy Seal Team 4, left their base in Urozgan Province, Afghanistan on a flight to US Naval Support Activity Bahrain where they met up with Secretary Clinton and all of them transferred to the C-12 Huron that began a flight path to Baghdad, Iraq.

Within minutes of leaving Bahrain airspace, this report says, the C-12 Huron carrying Secretary Clinton and her US Navy Seal protectors, “without notice,” deviated from their assigned flight path heading, instead, directly towards Iran’s Ahwaz International Airport where, coincidentally, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had previously landed on an “unscheduled” visit.

Important to note, GRU analysts say in this report, was that when the C-12 Huron entered into Iranian airspace neither American norIranair force units responded clearly indicating that this secret mission was sanctioned.

Upon the C-12 Huron landing at Ahwaz, however, this report says it encountered “extreme turbulence” causing it to leave the runway where its main landing gear then collapsed causing it to crash.

Within seconds of the C-12 Huron crashing, this report continues, Iranian emergency and security personal responded freeing the victims, including Secretary Clinton who was reportedly unconscious and “bleeding profusely.”

After emergency aid was given, GRU agents stationed in Iran state that another US military flight was dispatched from Bahrain to Ahwazwhich evacuated all of those wounded and killed in the crash including Secretary Clinton.

Strangely to note, this report says, is that in the aftermath of this crash, Iran’s main oil company announced today that they were buying the Ahwaz airport with the intention of moving it because, they say, oil was discovered beneath it.

To what the Americans mission to Iran was about this report doesn’t speculate upon, other than to note that with the Gulf State Monarchies rapidly approaching a union of their oil rich nations to counter Iranian power, and with President Obama signing a new law this past week to strengthen American borders against threats from Iran, and with the highly-publicized “Velayat 91” Iranian military exercises now taking place across a wide area from the Strait of Hormuz, a new and catastrophic war in this region is much closer to being a reality than many realize.

So if Secretary Clinton’s mission was meant to forestall such a war it is not in our knowing, other than to note, that with the United States continued backing of some of the cruelest dictatorships in the world, our entire planet is but one spark away from a fire that could very well consume us all.

December 30, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY and GFDL.

[Ed. Note: Western governments and their intelligence services actively campaign against the information found in these reports so as not to alarm their citizens about the many catastrophic Earth changes and events to come, a stance that the Sisters of Sorcha Faal strongly disagrees with in believing that it is every human beings right to know the truth. Due to our missions conflicts with that of those governments, the responses of their ‘agents’ against us has been a longstanding misinformation/misdirection campaign designed to discredit and which is addressed in the report “Who Is Sorcha Faal?”.]

About Fred Brownbill

Fred Brownbill was born and raised in Rhodesia in 1955 before moving to South Africa in 1970 where he continued his education graduating from Christian Brothers College in 1973. He then returned to Rhodesia and fought on active service attached to two special force groups for seven years in that Countries terrible terrorist war before taking the very good advice of others and leaving when Independence was announced and a Marxist Government under Robert Mugabe took over. Fred was Stateless and very unsettled and from 1980 travelled around much of the world on motorcycles while maintaining a residence in England for 14 years. He managed the largest motorcycle retail company in Europe during this period, and continued his travels as often as possible. Fred has raced motorcycles both as a drag racer and road racer, competing in Southern Africa and England . He immigrated to the United States in October of 1994, becoming a proud and legal U.S. citizen in 2003. Today, Fred works as a Deputy Sheriff in Florida. He is the President and a voting director of the Save America Foundation. He is also a member of Oath Keepers and various other local and national Conservative Patriotic groups. He is active as a public speaker at different groups and locations. He has been interviewed on various different radio and live internet radio and TV programs. His writings are published in many places and read and followed by tens of thousands of people in the States and aboad, and his message of freedom and liberty is an International message that gives hope to all those seeking freedom. He is married to Marty, an advisor to the Board of the SAF, and they have 2 daughters, one in California and the other in Florida. Both he and Marty are still each riding motorcycles, doing thousands of miles a year, and take as many trips both in the States and abroad when they can.
Always Ask What would Christ do and follow your heart.

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