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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2012 10:09:36 AM
Hi Rick,

Sorry for the delay in replying to your post. There has been evidence against B Hussein since 2008 and as you mentioned in your post more is being revealed every day. There is no doubt that he is a fraud and has committed illegal actions before and during his fraudulent presidency.

It's hard to comprehend that our lawmakers from both parties haven't taken action against him but to our dismay they haven't and this guy's been reelected for another catastrophic 4 years.

Hopefully during this time action will be taken against him by Congress or legal actions like those of Orly Taitz will succeed through litigation.



Hey Peter and friends,

I had a conversation with a State of California Employee who has derect knowledge of the fact that both of Obama's grand parents were members of the communist party during the years that they raised Obama. There is more than adequate evidence that many of those around him over the years have been closely associated with fellow communists over the years. Obama's actions rather than association with the communist belief is probably not of much value as his actions speak louder.

I came here to paste in an article about the review of Obama's eligibility to hold his office or even be certified as a candidate here in California as well as other jurisdictions. Dr Orly Taitz's legal actions are getting closer to getting the results to remove Obama and his cohorts. In addition while the following article doesn't deal with his application for a Fulbright scholarship and the school records showing him to be a foreign student that were released yesterday it will ad to the relevant facts.

Oh and I got my editor back here at ALP! Yeh!

CA Supreme Court To Rule On Obama Eligibility
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 12:15

Press release from the Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz

Breaking news! Supreme Court of CA to rule whether Obama should be declared illegitimate for the U.S. Presidency due to his use of forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained CT Social Security number. Loss of 55 CA electoral votes will certainly mean new elections in the U.S.

After originally refusing to hear the case under the original jurisdiction, Supreme Court of California was persuaded by Attorney and Candidate for the U.S. Senate Dr. Orly Taitz to take on a case Noonan, Judd, MacLaren, Taitz v Bowen under the provisions of the California Constitution, which allow Supreme Court of California to hear special cases under the Original Jurisdiction. Docket excerpt is below. Case number is S 207078 Noonan v Bowen. Attorney Orly Taitz.

This case is brought on behalf of four plaintiffs, all of whom have perfect standing. Edward Noonan won the American Independent Party Presidential Primary in CA and certificate of his win was submitted to the court. Keith Judd is a Democratic Party candidate for the U.s. Presidency, registered with the FEC, he was a runner up to Barack Obama in West Virginia Democratic Party Primary with 40% of the vote, Thomas Gregory Macleran was a Republican candidate for President, registered with the FEC. Attorney and Doctor Orly Taitz was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in CA.

This case has two premises.

First. Plaintiffs provided the court with evidence of nearly One and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California. Such a large number of invalid votes justifies STAY of certification of the results.

Second. Plaintiffs provided evidence of Candidate Barack Obama committing massive elections fraud by using forged IDs and a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425, which was never assigned to Obama and using a name, which is not legally his, as he is listed under the last name Soebarkah in his mother’s U.S. Passport and there is no evidence of him ever legally changing his name from Barack Obama Soebarkah to Barack Obama. Additionally, in his school records in Indonesia his citizenship is listed as Indonesian, not American. There is no record of him relinquishing his Indonesian citizenship and gaining the U.S. citizenship. Even if one were to believe that he arguendo changed his citizenship from Indonesian to American later in life, he would be a naturalized citizen and not natural born. Additionally, plaintiffs provided the courts with a sworn affidavits of Maricopa county, AZ investigator Mike Zullo, who is currently conducting a criminal investigation of forgeries in Obama’s IDs, and who attested that Obama’s birth certificate, Selective Service certificate and Social Security card represent forgeries. Similarly, Plaintiffs provided affidavits of Sheriff Joseph Arpaio, Senior Deportation Officer John Sampson, experts Paul Irey, Douglas Vogt and Felicito Papa and investigator Susan Daniels, all of whom are attesting that Obama’s IDs are forgeries. Affidavit of Assistant Clerk for the City of Honolulu Timothy Adams attests to the fact that there is no birth certificate for Barack Obama in any hospital in Hawaii. Statement of the Minister of Health of Kenya, James Orenga attesting to Obama’s birth in Kenya and Obama’s own biography submitted by him to his literally agent in 1991, stating that he was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia. Plaintiffs are stating that if this court does not STAY the certification of the election results, this court will commit treason against the United States of America by allowing a foreign national, a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still citizen of Kenya to get in the position of the U.S. President and Commander n Chief by virtue of fraud and use of forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number.

Attorney Orly Taitz is a civil rights attorney, who is conducting this and a number of other cases pro bono and donations are appreciated, pay-pal link and address to send a donation are available on her web site Currently Taitz is suing Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Registrar Alvin Onaka, commissioner of Social Security Michael Astrue, “Obama for America”, Democratic Party and others in the state of MS in a RICO (Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations) case, Taitz et al v Democratic Party et al 12-cv-280.

While Citizens cannot contact the court and influence the decision of the court one way or another, they can write to the court and ask to expedite this case, as this is the most important matter of National security and time is of the essence. If the Supreme Court of California does not grant a STAY, the case will go to Supreme Court of the United States Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is in charge of the 9th Circuit.

Two well known historical figures that have hidden their birth records and used falsified records, were Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. We all know how that ended. Public is asked to support the plaintiffs and attorney Taitz in helping to finally adjudicate ON THE MERITS the issue of Obama’s forged IDs. Over 30 high ranking officials, including Attorney General of the US and White House Counsel were indicted and went to prison in Watergate. More corrupt and treasonous officials and judges are expected to go to prison in ObamaForgeryGate

End of Press release

Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz

29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100

Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

ph. 949-683-5411 fax 949-766-7603

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/15/2012 10:15:54 AM
Hello Friends,

John Hawkins came out with the best 40 political quotes of 2012. The list is both amusing and interesting. enjoy.



The 40 Best Political Quotes For 2012 (Fourth Annual)

40) Apparently, our jobless rate is so darned low because a bunch of people gave up on ever finding a job again. So consider us only halfway to Mad Max at Thunderdome and conducing cage fights to determine which of the remaining humans gets the privilege of eating tuna fish out of a can. Given the timeline, you should start praying for the zombie apocalypse now. — Emily Zanotti

39) Massachusetts is your *****y spinster telling you to sit up straight. — Tucker Carlson

38) “If liberals like it, it’s subsidized; if they don’t, it’s prohibited.” — Ann Coulter

37) Professing to being liberal and caring, after all, in this era, is more important than being so. — Victor Davis Hanson

36) Repeatedly asking for government help undermines the foundations of society by destroying initiative and responsibility. It is also a fatal blow to efficiency and corrupts the political process. When everyone gets something for nothing, soon no one will have anything, because no one will be producing anything. — Charles Koch

35) People in the leisure class have become so accustomed to affluence as the natural state of things that they no longer feel compelled to embrace any further industrial progress. — William Tucker

34) In placing our constitution in the hands of a black robed elite who can divine from thin air powers, rights, and duties neither contemplated nor easily extrapolated from the constitution, our republic has become a kingdom. Our king is Anthony Kennedy. Every argument advanced is advanced with him in mind. On every major issue he is the decisive vote. Put bluntly, the constitutional integrity of our republic has been ceded to one man in the third branch of our federal government. It makes him more powerful than the democratically elected Congress and President. It is not a sign that our system is too partisan. It is a sign that our system is broken in a fundamental way. — Erick Erickson

33) The wonderful fact of American life is that most American civil liberties and civil rights organizations have little reason for their continued existence. The NAACP, therefore, has to justify its existence. Which it does by manufacturing crises (and hopefully garnering media attention). Without major eruptions of racism, its raison d’etre disappears — along with its funding. — Dennis Prager

32) As a Catholic myself, and a supporter of Catholic institutions, what Sandra Fluke is telling me is that her birth control needs trump the needs of my family. She wants my hard earned dollars to go not to pay for my kids’ braces, their college educations or my retirement, but to subsidize her sex life. — Teri Christoph

31) More than that, the religious society rests on two fundamental principles: personal responsibility and belief in responsibility to future generations. Secularism rejects both principles. Personal responsibility becomes societal responsibility in the secular view; we are all shaped by our genetics and our environment, both of which are out of our control. How, then, can we be held responsible for our actions? — Ben Shapiro

30) People used to believe that human depravity was self-evident and democratic self-government was fragile. Now they think depravity is nonexistent and they take self-government for granted. — David Brooks

29) Rather, what immigration expansionists like Bush are doing, and have always done, is conflate immigrant policy with immigration policy. They’re saying that if you acknowledge that foreigners have souls then you have to support lax enforcement and unlimited future flows. But immigrant policy (how we treat people we have admitted to live among us) is distinct from immigration policy (how many such people to admit, on what terms, and how to enforce the rules). By conflating the two, expansionists engage in moral blackmail, asserting that those who want to change immigration policy are, by definition, anti-immigrant. By separating these two fields, we can make the case for a policy that welcomes foreigners — benevolently! — but limits their numbers, as you would guests in your own home. — Mark Krikorian

28) Leftism fills many of its adherents with contempt and hatred. It takes a person of great character and self-control to continually imbibe and mouth the mantras of the left — that everyone on the right is sexist, intolerant, xenophobic, homophobic, islamophobic, racist and bigoted — and not become a meaner human being. If I believed just about everyone with left-wing views was despicable, I would be meaner, too. — Dennis Prager

27) A 2,700-page law is not a “law” by any civilized understanding of the term. Law rests on the principle of equality before it. When a bill is 2,700 pages, there’s no equality: Instead, there’s a hierarchy of privilege micro-regulated by an unelected, unaccountable, unconstrained, unknown, and unnumbered bureaucracy. It’s not just that the legislators who legislate it don’t know what’s in it, nor that the citizens on the receiving end can never hope to understand it, but that even the nation’s most eminent judges acknowledge that it is beyond individual human comprehension. A 2,700-page law is, by definition, an affront to self-government. — Mark Steyn

26) This contraception thing, my gosh, it’s [so] inexpensive. You know, back in my days, they’d use Bayer aspirin for contraception. The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly. — Foster Friess

25) I feel like I’m a feminist, and you want to know why? Because I’m enabled to do things for myself. If I don’t like what someone says, I argue with them. If I’m in the mood for a cocktail, I pay for it myself. If I’m in the market for some sexy-times, then I hit up Rite-Aid on the way home. You want to know why? Because it’s my life, and I can do that, and I don’t have to ask Daddy’s permission first or hit up his wallet. — Wollstonecrafty

24) That’s to say, the unsustainable “bubble” is not student debt or subprime mortgages or anything else. The bubble is us, and the assumptions of entitlement. Too many citizens of advanced Western democracies live a life they have not earned, and are not willing to earn. Indeed, much of our present fiscal woe derives from two phases of human existence that are entirely the invention of the modern world. Once upon a time, you were a kid till you were 13 or so; then you worked; then you died. That bit between childhood and death has been chewed away at both ends. We invented something called “adolescence” that now extends not merely through the teenage years but through a desultory half decade of Whatever Studies at Complacency U up till you’re 26 and no longer eligible for coverage on your parents’ health-insurance policy. At the other end of the spectrum, we introduced something called “retirement” that, in the space of two generations, has led to the presumption that able-bodied citizens are entitled to spend the last couple of decades, or one-third of their adult lives, as a long holiday weekend. The bit in between adolescence and retirement is your working life, and it’s been getting shorter and shorter. Which is unfortunate, as it has to pay for everything else. This structural deformity in the life cycle of Western man is at the root of most of our problems. — Mark Steyn

23) Our society chooses to pay for bastards and wonders why the number of bastards increases. Our society refuses to support poor families with married fathers in residence, and wonders why the number of single mothers increases. Our society pays for single motherhood, and wonders why we get it. Our society gives stipends to unemployed and/or homeless males, and wonders why we get more and more of them. — Bill Quick

22) My working poor parents told me that I could do better. They taught me that I was as good as anybody else. And it never occurred to them to tell me that I could just rest comfortably and wait for good old Uncle Sugar to feed me, lead me and then bleed me. — Mike Huckabee

21) The IMF calculates that to maintain present spending trend the United States will have to nearly double (88 percent increase) all federal taxes to maintain theoretical solvency. — Kevin Williamson

20) An armed man is a citizen – a disarmed man is a subject. — Allen West

19) If you tried to hold a series of potluck dinners where a majority brought nothing to the table, but felt entitled to eat their fill, it would probably work out badly. Yet that’s essentially what we’re doing. In today’s America, government benefits flow to large numbers of people who are encouraged to vote for politicians who’ll keep them coming. The benefits are paid for by other people who, being less numerous, can’t muster enough votes to put this to a stop. Over time, this causes the economy to do worse, pushing more people into the moocher class and further strengthening the politicians whose position depends on robbing Peter to pay Paul. Because, as they say, if you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can be pretty sure of getting Paul’s vote. — Glenn Reynolds

18) Democracies end when power is moved farther and farther from actual democratic processes. First, the state governments (standing closest to the citizen) is diminished in favor of a centralized government that answers chiefly to bureaucrats, lobbyists, and the permanent Washington government establishment; then the elected members of Congress are diminished in favor of unelected bureaucrats in the Executive (who, in many cases, really can’t even be fired). — Ace

17) As government becomes bigger, it becomes more lawless. — George Will

16) I think this election result has shocked everybody, and our side is no different. I think they’re running around shocked and surprised, they can’t figure it out, and so they’re doing what Republicans always do. The Democrats never do, by the way. When they lose, they never say, “Man, you better become anti-abortion. You know what, we better oppose gay marriage.” The Democrats never do that. We do. We start beating ourselves up. — Rush Limbaugh

15) General Motors has decided to focus on pure Electric Vehicles and Plug-ins–i.e., the types of cars most dependent on government subsidy–rather than on conventional hybrids like the Toyota Prius. Makes sense. In a market every firm specializes in what it does best. Toyota is good at making cars. GM is good at getting government subsidies. — Mickey Kaus

14) Black liberals must be protected. Their honesty and their competence cannot be questioned. No criticism, no matter how reasonable and legitimate, is permitted. And so, their detractors must be slandered as racists. Liberal African American officials – especially those of the highest rank — can’t be held accountable precisely because they’re African Americans. You get the impression that simply being a black liberal is a kind of get out of jail free card? Oops, is that racist? Is this what the most important movement of the 20th century — the great Civil Rights Movement — has come to? — Bernard Goldberg

13) As my father-in-law once said, when they talk about taxes it’s always for teachers, firemen, and police — but when they spend your taxes, it always seems to go to some guy in a leather chair downtown you never heard of. — Glenn Reynolds

12) But that’s the funny thing about Big Government: the bigger it gets, the more of life it swallows up, the worse it gets at those very few things it’s supposed to be doing. — Mark Steyn

11) In a country of children where the option is Santa Claus or work, what wins? — Rush Limbaugh

10) Unlike Mitt, I loathe Sesame Street. It bears primary responsibility for what the Canadian blogger Binky calls the de-monsterization of childhood – the idea that there are no evil monsters out there at the edges of the map, just shaggy creatures who look a little funny and can sometimes be a bit grouchy about it because people prejudge them until they learn to celebrate diversity and help Cranky the Friendly Monster go recycling. That is not unrelated to the infantilization of our society. Marinate three generations of Americans in that pabulum, and it’s no surprise you wind up with unprotected diplomats dragged to their deaths from their “safe house” in Benghazi. — Mark Steyn

9) We are very much supportive of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that. We operate as a family business … our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that, Cathy emphasized. We intend to stay the course. We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles. — Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A’s president and chief operating officer

8) Stay informed because stupid people are ruining America! They are! — Herman Cain

7) (If the rich are evil) why are you sitting in their library? Why are you sitting in their hall? Why did I just listen to a whole show on orangutans with no commercials that they paid for? — Adam Carolla

6) The real story is that our social safety net was supposed to be like one of those, ‘Take a Penny, Leave a Penny’ tills that depend on the honor and neighborliness of a community. And we don’t have that community. What we have is a fragmented mess of givers and takers who are not the same people. — Daniel Greenfield

5) It’s a cancerous cocktail where on the one hand everyone is supposed to be free to do whatever they wish, but on the other we all expect protection from the consequences of our actions. — Nick Crews

4) The thing we adore about these dog-whistle kerfuffles is that the people who react to the whistle always assume it’s intended for somebody else. The whole point of the metaphor is that if you can hear the whistle, you’re the dog. — James Taranto

3) This whole thing with Obama saying the rich don’t pay their taxes is f—ing bull****. First they say to you … ‘The United States of America, you can do anything you want — go for it! So then you go for it and you make it and everyone’s like, ‘F*ck you!’ — Jon Lovitz

2) The GOP needs modernization, not moderation. — Matt Lewis

1) If government is as wonderful as Obama says it is, why doesn’t he ask us to pay what it costs? Why doesn’t he raise the price – taxes – to a point where the deficit is zero? — Kyle Smith

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/16/2012 7:51:55 PM

Hi Peter and friends, I guess some of the liberals think we have forgotten but we've not.

I'll tell you what kind of gun control we need...the kind that shows us the truth from gunrunning to Mexico. 

How about that Obama and Holder?

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/16/2012 7:59:02 PM

Seems there is no end in sight of the killings during this administration or should they be called murders??.

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46 (TWO WEEKS AFTER MEETING WITH BARACK OBAMA)
Aug 17, 2012

Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today.

The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at Century theater, is widely suspected to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine or the Sikh Temple shooting) based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in the media and political arena. See for example…

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty, Susanne Posel (July 16)
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged, Natural News (July 20)
James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun grab?, Mike Adams (July 21)
Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman Massacre, YouTube, (July 21)
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater, CNN/ (July 22)
Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre, Paul Joseph Watson (July 23)
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science, Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24)
Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’ Massacre, Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25)
Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged (July 27)
James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27)
Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30)
The Batman op expands: you shot those people, Jon Rappoport (Aug 3)


Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre. On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen.

A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama. This was just over two weeks before her death.


Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th. Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car.

Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local media outlets. It read:

Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake

OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa.

The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.

The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.

On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press release (cache) identifying Gallagher as the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details:

Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning

Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30

On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by family.

A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Assisting the DCSO were:

Milford Fire/Rescue
Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.

The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily in Iowa, where she was found dead, and in Denver, Colorado, where she lived. However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her. The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]


Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.

This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s and the Irish-America, as well as the UK-based Belfast Telegraph. However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media.

Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has reportedly lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s.


To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members. “A short time later, a family member located Galagher [sic] underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.”

Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado. According to his curriculum vitae posted to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack.

Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article says (cache):

Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.

He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.

“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.

“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”

Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation. For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”. The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver.

With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number of questions:

1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000. Recently, she and her teammates on the Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Fransisco and Dallas. A tribute published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been there”.

2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”?

3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest?

4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports?

5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even later – “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote on Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews recieved a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)? Why did this apparently not happen?

6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”?

7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was “missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily Reporter, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Resuce teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Galagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city of West Okoboji.”


In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday).

The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald. The woman referenced the August 8th press release posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report.

When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”.


Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis. This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media.

According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what happened to her.

The source of this report is The author can be reached by e-mail at the Information about how to help support The End Run can be found here.

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46 (TWO WEEKS AFTER MEETING WITH BARACK OBAMA)
Aug 17, 2012

Jenny Gallagh
er, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today.

The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at Century theater, is widely suspected to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine or the Sikh Temple shooting) based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in the media and political arena. See for example…

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty, Susanne Posel (July 16)
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged, Natural News (July 20)
James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun grab?, Mike Adams (July 21)
Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman Massacre, YouTube, (July 21)
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater, CNN/ (July 22)
Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre, Paul Joseph Watson (July 23)
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science, Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24)
Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’ Massacre, Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25)
Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged (July 27)
James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27)
Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30)
The Batman op expands: you shot those people, Jon Rappoport (Aug 3)


Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre. On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen.

A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama. This was just over two weeks before her death.


Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th. Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car.

Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local media outlets. It read:

Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake

OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa.

The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.

The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.

On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press release (cache) identifying Gallagher as the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details:

Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning

Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30

On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by family.

A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Assisting the DCSO were:

Milford Fire/Rescue
Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.

The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily in Iowa, where she was found dead, and in Denver, Colorado, where she lived. However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her. The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]


Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.

This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s and the Irish-America, as well as the UK-based Belfast Telegraph. However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media.

Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has reportedly lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s.


To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members. “A short time later, a family member located Galagher [sic] underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.”

Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado. According to his curriculum vitae posted to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack.

Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article says (cache):

Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.

He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.

“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.

“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”

Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation. For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”. The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver.

With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number of questions:

1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000. Recently, she and her teammates on the Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Fransisco and Dallas. A tribute published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been there”.

2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”?

3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest?

4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports?

5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even later – “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote on Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews recieved a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)? Why did this apparently not happen?

6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”?

7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was “missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily Reporter, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Resuce teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Galagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city of West Okoboji.”


In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday).

The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald. The woman referenced the August 8th press release posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report.

When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”.


Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis. This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media.

According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what happened to her.

The source of this report is The author can be reached by e-mail at the Information about how to help support The End Run can be found here.

Peter Fogel

7259 Posts
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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
12/17/2012 9:34:29 PM
Hi Evelyn,

Nothing after Benghazi gate surprises me about this administration. That's just the latest in their nefarious actions and in this case a pathetic attempt to covr it up and it didn't work.

Expect much more of the same in the next 4 years.




Seems there is no end in sight of the killings during this administration or should they be called murders??.

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46 (TWO WEEKS AFTER MEETING WITH BARACK OBAMA) Aug 17, 2012 Jenny Gallagher, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning. “She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today. The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at Century theater, is widely suspected to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine or the Sikh Temple shooting) based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in the media and political arena. See for example… Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty, Susanne Posel (July 16) Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged, Natural News (July 20) James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun grab?, Mike Adams (July 21) Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman Massacre, YouTube, (July 21) Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater, CNN/ (July 22) Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre, Paul Joseph Watson (July 23) Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science, Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24) Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’ Massacre, Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25) Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged (July 27) James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27) Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30) The Batman op expands: you shot those people, Jon Rappoport (Aug 3) U.C.H. HEROINE MEETS OBAMA Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre. On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen. A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama. This was just over two weeks before her death. WHEN AND WHERE: THE SCANT EARLY REPORTS OF GALLAGHER’S DEATH Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th. Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car. Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local media outlets. It read: Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa. The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday. The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning. On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press release (cache) identifying Gallagher as the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details: Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30 On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by family. A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene. Assisting the DCSO were: Milford Fire/Rescue Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office. The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily in Iowa, where she was found dead, and in Denver, Colorado, where she lived. However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her. The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.] DELAYED REVELATION Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora. This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s and the Irish-America, as well as the UK-based Belfast Telegraph. However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media. Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has reportedly lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s. CAUSE OF DEATH: THE ALLEGED DROWNING To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members. “A short time later, a family member located Galagher [sic] underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.” Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado. According to his curriculum vitae posted to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack. Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article says (cache): Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned. He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake. “She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat. “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.” Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation. For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”. The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver. With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number of questions: 1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000. Recently, she and her teammates on the Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Fransisco and Dallas. A tribute published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been there”. 2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”? 3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest? 4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports? 5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even later – “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote on Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews recieved a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)? Why did this apparently not happen? 6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”? 7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was “missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily Reporter, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Resuce teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Galagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city of West Okoboji.” THE SHERIFF’S OFFICE IS MUM; APPARENTLY GALLAGHER’S DEATH IS STILL UNDER INVESTIGATION In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday). The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald. The woman referenced the August 8th press release posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report. When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”. CONCLUSION Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis. This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media. According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what happened to her. The source of this report is The author can be reached by e-mail at the Information about how to help support The End Run can be found here.

Nurse Who “Saw Everything” At Hospital After Suspicious Batman Shooting Found Dead at 46 (TWO WEEKS AFTER MEETING WITH BARACK OBAMA)
Aug 17, 2012

Jenny Gallagh
er, a nurse who treated victims of the highly suspicious “Batman” shooting in Aurora, Colorado last month, is dead at age 46. The reported cause of death: drowning.

“She worked the morning after the Batman massacre in a very busy unit of the hospital — so she saw everything really, some really bad injuries,” her husband Greg reportedly told Ireland’s Herald earlier today.

The mass-shooting, which left 12 dead and 58 more injured at a midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Rises at Century theater, is widely suspected to have been a black operation (akin to Columbine or the Sikh Temple shooting) based on the available evidence, numerous inconsistencies and implausibilities in the “official story”, the timing, and the way the event has been framed (some would say exploited) by certain powerful interests in the media and political arena. See for example…

Obama Seeks US Congressional Ratification of UN Global Gun Control Treaty, Susanne Posel (July 16)
Colorado Batman shooting shows obvious signs of being staged, Natural News (July 20)
James Holmes Batman shooting to justify UN small arms treaty gun grab?, Mike Adams (July 21)
Eyewitness: Second Shooter in Batman Massacre, YouTube, (July 21)
Witness: Someone let gunman inside Colorado movie theater, CNN/ (July 22)
Colorado University Had Identical Drill On Same Day As ‘Batman’ Massacre, Paul Joseph Watson (July 23)
Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science, Kurt Nimmo/Wayne Madsen (July 24)
Fox News Channel Questions Narrative Of ‘Batman’ Massacre, Infowars/WXIX-Fox19 (July 25)
Gun Owners of America President Larry Pratt: Batman Shooting Could be Staged (July 27)
James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 27)
Why Are Republicans Calling To Disarm The American People?, Paul Joseph Watson, (July 30)
The Batman op expands: you shot those people, Jon Rappoport (Aug 3)


Jennifer Ann Gallagher (“Jenny”) lived in Denver and worked at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), where the largest share of the victims of the shooting were taken in the aftermath of the July 20th theater massacre. On July 22nd, Barack Obama personally visited the hospital to meet with the victims and staff. In a speech, Obama praised the UCH staff for their “extraordinary efforts”. As he spoke, he was flanked by Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, Aurora Police chief Oats, and several Congressmen.

A photo taken during Obama’s visit shows Gallagher just feet from Obama. This was just over two weeks before her death.


Gallagher was actually found dead ten days ago, on August 7th. Despite recent conflicting and incorrect reports about the location (multiple reports say it was in Colorado, while another says Ohio), The End Run has determined that she was actually found dead in Okoboji Lake, which is in Dickson County, Iowa, about 700 miles from her home town of Denver by car.

Within 24 hours or less of the discovery of her body, a short blurb about the death, which did not identify her by name, was published by the Associated Press and picked up by several local media outlets. It read:

Drowning reported at West Okoboji Lake

OKOBOJI, Iowa (AP) — Authorities say someone has drowned at West Okoboji Lake in northwest Iowa.

The Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office said officers responded to a report of a drowning a little after noon on Tuesday.

The office hasn’t released the victim’s name or any other details about the drowning.

On the morning of August 8th, the day after her body was reportedly discovered, the Dickson County Sheriff’s office issued a press release (cache) identifying Gallagher as the victim (although they misspelled her name) and providing a few additional details:

Victim identified in West Okoboji drowning

Published on Wednesday, 08 August 2012 06:30

On Tuesday, August 7, the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office responded to a drowning on West Lake Okoboji. An investigation found that Jennifer Galagher, age 46, from Denver, Colorado, had been swimming the previous night in West Lake. On Tuesday morning, Galagher was reported missing by family.

A short time later, a family member located Galagher underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.

Assisting the DCSO were:

Milford Fire/Rescue
Arnolds Park/Okoboji Dive Team
Lakes Regional Healthcare Ambulance
The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.

The AP then published another blurb based on this press release, which was reworked and/or republished by numerous local media outlets, primarily in Iowa, where she was found dead, and in Denver, Colorado, where she lived. However, none of the short stories published in the local press at the time appear to have mentioned her connection to the then-highly-topical “Batman shooting”, or virtually any biographical information about her. The death of this national heroine does not appear to have been picked up at all by the major U.S. national media. [Note: If this is incorrect, please send in links to the relevant stories by e-mail.]


Yesterday, nine days after her body was found, an article was published by Ireland’s Herald which finally revealed some information about Gallagher and broke the story of her status as a UCH nurse and witness to the bloody aftermath of the carnage in Aurora.

This revelation has since been picked up and reported on by several other Irish sites, such as Ireland’s and the Irish-America, as well as the UK-based Belfast Telegraph. However, as of this writing there still do not appear to be any reports by the major U.S. national media.

Gallagher grew up in Ireland, but has reportedly lived in Denver since moving there for college in the 1990′s.


To review: According to the initial press release by the Dickson County Sheriff’s office, Gallagher went swimming in West Lake Okoboji on the evening on Monday, August 6th, and didn’t come back. The next morning she was reported missing by her family members. “A short time later, a family member located Galagher [sic] underneath a nearby dock. Medical personnel responded and she was pronounced dead at the scene.”

Ireland’s, who, again, revealed the Gallagher/Batman shooting connection yesterday, apparently conducted an exclusive interview with Gallagher’s husband Greg Pinson today, and they have now published a second article based upon it. Mr. Pinson is a surgeon with Surgical Specialists of Colorado. According to his curriculum vitae posted to the firm’s website, he received his undergraduate degree from Yale in 1994, his Doctorate from GWU in 1998, and did his residency at the University of Colorado School of Medicine through 2003. He is quoted by the Herald as having been married to Jenny for seven years. They have a five year old son, Jack.

Regarding the question of how Jenny died, the new Herald article says (cache):

Greg explained that the family had travelled [sic] to nearby Ohio [sic] for a holiday when Jenny tragically drowned.

He and Jack had gone to sleep when Jenny and her friend decided to take a boat out on to a lake.

“She wasn’t a very strong swimmer and I suppose she just wasn’t able to stay afloat.

“The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny.”

Before analyzing this, let’s get a critical caveat out of the way: It is very difficult to discern the truth when dealing with second-hand media snippets like these, which are liable to contain misquotes, out of context quotes, misleading statements, and other misinformation. For example, the first Herald article incorrectly said that Gallagher drowned in “a lake close to her home”. The second article says that it was a lake in “nearby Ohio”. Besides the fact that Ohio is 1000+ miles from Denver, and thus not “nearby” at all, Gallagher was actually found in a lake in Iowa, which is also nowhere near Denver.

With that said, taken at face value, these two short accounts of Jenny Gallagher’s death (Sheriff’s Office and The Herald) seem to raise a number of questions:

1. Was she really not “a very strong swimmer”? Is her husband even correctly quoted on this matter by the Herald (who seem to have misquoted him elsewhere)? Jenny was 46 years old and a formidable athlete. She had been playing Gaelic football for over a decade, having competed in the North American finals in 2000. Recently, she and her teammates on the Denver Gaels ladies football team competed in a tournament at the Colorado Irish Festival, which they won, beating teams from San Fransisco and Dallas. A tribute published in the club’s newsletter says that “memories of trips with the Gaels” such as “surfing in Costa Rica” would not “have been so fond had Jenny not been there”.

2. Why, while vacationing out of state, did Jenny decide to take a boat out onto a lake, at night, after her husband and son had already gone to bed, especially if she “wasn’t a very strong swimmer”?

3. If she did decide to do that, wouldn’t she at least wear a life vest?

4. Who is this friend that was allegedly with her? Why is this friend not identified by name? Why has this friend not been mentioned in previous reports?

5. If she did drown at night while boating with a “friend”, why were police and rescue crews not notified until the following day? The original Sheriff’s office press release said that she was “reported missing by family” the following “morning”. The initial AP report put the time even later – “a little after noon” — and The Spencer Daily Reporter wrote on Aug 9th that, “Emergency crews recieved a 911 distress call at 12:45 p.m.” If a “friend” was out on the lake boating with Jenny and she disappeared in the water, wouldn’t this friend immediately rush to notify her husband and/or any other family member that may have been present, and wouldn’t they immediately alert rescue crews (assuming the friend hadn’t already)? Why did this apparently not happen?

6. If Jenny was out boating with a friend, disappeared in the water, and was later found drowned, why would her husband say, “The hardest thing is I may never know what really happened to Jenny”?

7. Who was the family member that located Jenny’s body under the dock? He or she apparently did so shortly after notifying authorities that she was “missing”, possibly even within minutes. The unnamed family member was apparently able to find her before professionally trained rescue crews. In fact, according to the Spencer Daily Reporter, this family member may have even “located” her before the crews could even begin searching: “Arnolds Park/Okoboji Fire Chief Christ Yungbluth said his department’s dive team did not have to conduct a search. … Resuce teams were on hand for nearly an hour but once they arrived at the scene, Galagher was pronounced dead.” West Okoboji Lake is approximately 3,847 acres in surface area. The Daily Reporter said that she was specifically found “in the area near Wheeler’s Beach just off of 1st Street in the city of West Okoboji.”


In an attempt to obtain answers to these questions and clarification about the facts surrounding Jenny Gallagher’s death, The End Run contacted the Dickson County Sheriff’s Office by phone this evening (Friday).

The woman who answered the phone was familiar with the case, but refused to answer any questions about Jennifer Gallagher’s death. This included a direct question as to whether or not Gallagher was boating with another individual that night as reported by the Herald. The woman referenced the August 8th press release posted to the Sheriff’s website, firmly stating that she could not provide any information besides what was contained in that report.

When asked if she could at least confirm whether or not the incident was (still) under investigation, she again referred me to the press release from nine days ago, which says, “The incident remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office”.


Given the suspicious nature of the “Batman” shooting, Jenny’s (heroic) involvement in the rescue operation at the hospital, and the timing of her unnatural death, it is only logical for researchers who understand government black operations (and corresponding cover-ups) to treat it as a potential homicide, and seek further information that confirms or refutes this hypothesis. This does not mean that it was a homicide. Accidents happen. This may have been a heartbreaking example of one. However, the publicly-available information about this death is relatively thin at this point, and it contains significant apparent contradictions and problems. Further investigation is needed by the independent media.

According to accounts written by those who knew her, Jenny Gallagher was an amazing woman; a loving mother and wife, an excellent nurse, and a person whose personality and kindness brought joy into the lives of those around her. Regardless of the cause, her untimely death is a tragedy, and my condolences go out to the many friends and family who knew and loved her. Hopefully others who investigate her death feel the same, and hopefully her family can understand our desire to seek further information about what happened to her.

The source of this report is The author can be reached by e-mail at the Information about how to help support The End Run can be found here.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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