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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 1:32:12 PM
Yep, I saw that too Kathleen. I'd say she's far from what she was and is at a point that her political statements are ridiculed and the walk out is proof of that.



Hi Peter & Friends,

I also heard that people walked out of a Madonna concert last week in New Orleans when she promoted Obama. She's been promoting Obama for years, and now recently, people are turning away! WOW.
Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 3:27:11 PM
Hi Peter,

Have you seen this new ad by the RNC? I wonder if Obama's revenge remark will hurt him on election day? There's about a half-percent margin between them, it's a virtual tie, the news is calling it "razor thin" in most state polling.

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 3:37:21 PM

Hello Evelyn, Peter and everyone else ....

especially those who are thinking of voting for Obama and the Democrats,

I like the "Quote" which Evelyn quoted. I would like to know who wrote it so I can say thank you for putting my thoughts into words so eloquently....

Namely this "Quote" > > > > >

For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.

I would like to add and ask you this, "If there is even the slightest chance that Obama is a Muslim, would you vote for him?"

Before you answer, think about these things....

Has Obama not shown us his true colors (and it is not black) through his actions in the Middle East concerning Libya, Egypt and other countries? He is not in the US to help the US. He is here to ruin the US thus making it easier for Muslims to take over the US. The Muslims have made it no secret that they plan to take over from within and by keeping your mouth shut about it (AND voting for Obama), you are helping them do it. Go to YouTube and see the many videos that say exactly what they have planned for Israel and the United States and it comes out of their own mouth.

Obama has done everything from bow to the Arabian Sultantate to bringing thousands of Palestinians into the country, ...without a background check, I might add. How many was it? Was it 20,000 Palistinians? These people are terrorists! They have been taught to hate since babies. You can see that on YouTube, too. Just type in Muslims into the Search box. They make lots of babies ...about 8 from each wife and some have more than 1 wife. Those 20,000 will be millions in a short time.

The worse thing Obama and his henchmen/henchwoman are doing is trying to get Israel to give terrorists more of Israeli land!! Even worse, they want Israel to divide Jerusalem with these terrorists. There are Bible scholars who believe that if that happens, God will divide the United States of America using a big earthquake that would go all the way from their northern border down to the Gulf of Mexico along the Madrid fault and the Mississippi River. It would be something the likes of which has never before happened, they say. The Bible says God will bless those who bless Israel and CURSE those who curse Israel. My understanding is that Obama has been cursing Israel.

All the other things Obama has done such as putting the country in debt and just generally mismanaging everything has alread been discussed over and over again.

Are you sure you want to vote for Obama and the Democrats?

I am going to stick my neck out and say this... IF OBAMA IS ELECTED FOR ANOTHER 4 YEARS, THE USA WILL BE A MUSLIM COUNTRY BY THE TIME HIS TERM IS OVER ...or soon thereafter, thanks to Obama. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

So little has been said about how Obama has done so much to rub in our faces that he is a Muslim, and a radical Muslim at that. He has lied to the American people about that but then, oh, I forgot, his religion not only allows him to lie but tells him to do so if it advances the causes of Allah of which, by the way, he can make himself the sole judge.

Watch these two short videos; then tell me if he is Muslim or not....


There are many more videos on YouTube about Obama and Muslims and others.


Hi Evelyn,

There are many disappointed Democrats and Independents who voted for B Hussein in 2008. We're all witness to the growing number that will not support him in this election cycle ....... and rightly so.

The polls are telling us that an increasing number of Independents are supporting Mitt Romney and in the end they might be the final nail in this administration's coffin.

BTW, Americans living in Israel have voted 75% for Romney and 25% for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Tomorrow the margin might grow even higher.




Peter I posted this in one of my threads earlier but thought it should also be posted here too. You know I don't ever remember there being so much being said about a sitting president before, with the exception of the MSM, more and more have spoken out about this, the worst president we the USA has ever had.


As many of you know I was a life long Democrat until not long ago but when I registered to vote here in Florida I registered as an Independent. I'm not saying I won't vote for a Democrat in the future but if I do it will be after much research. I want to quote what one of my FB friends posted today and I thought he explained it perfectly.
For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.
I also hope the following article is a sign of things to come too, that many people have opened their eyes to just what we have let take control and on Tuesday will give him his walking papers.
by William Bigelow4 Nov 2012

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time -- never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.

But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.

As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:

Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama's speech.

And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.

Spend $4 and get back $10 every time you spend. Contact me (Helen) at this email »»»
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 4:18:24 PM
I sure did Kathleen and posted it yesterday in this thread. But this one should be repeated over and over again.

It might be close but I think Romney will win.



Hi Peter,

Have you seen this new ad by the RNC? I wonder if Obama's revenge remark will hurt him on election day? There's about a half-percent margin between them, it's a virtual tie, the news is calling it "razor thin" in most state polling.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 4:28:32 PM
Hi Helen,

I've been writing about B Hussein's muslim agenda for four years now. His regime is inundated with radical muslims and muslim promoters. His closest adviser is Valerie Jarrett who is of Iranian lineage and one of the major reasons B Hussein didn't say or do anything when the Iranian people revolted and protested in the streets and were murdered and butchered for their efforts. They were begging for American support but B Hussein did nothing and said nothing other then stating it was an internal problem.

B Hussein is well known for his lies and is a pathological liar. You're right that taqiyya is permitted according to islam and B Hussein sure believes in that tenet if the so called muslim religion.

Thanks for your input and well said.




Hello Evelyn, Peter and everyone else ....

especially those who are thinking of voting for Obama and the Democrats,

I like the "Quote" which Evelyn quoted. I would like to know who wrote it so I can say thank you for putting my thoughts into words so eloquently....

Namely this "Quote" > > > > >

For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.

I would like to add and ask you this, "If there is even the slightest chance that Obama is a Muslim, would you vote for him?"

Before you answer, think about these things....

Has Obama not shown us his true colors (and it is not black) through his actions in the Middle East concerning Libya, Egypt and other countries? He is not in the US to help the US. He is here to ruin the US thus making it easier for Muslims to take over the US. The Muslims have made it no secret that they plan to take over from within and by keeping your mouth shut about it (AND voting for Obama), you are helping them do it. Go to YouTube and see the many videos that say exactly what they have planned for Israel and the United States and it comes out of their own mouth.

Obama has done everything from bow to the Arabian Sultantate to bringing thousands of Palestinians into the country, ...without a background check, I might add. How many was it? Was it 20,000 Palistinians? These people are terrorists! They have been taught to hate since babies. You can see that on YouTube, too. Just type in Muslims into the Search box. They make lots of babies ...about 8 from each wife and some have more than 1 wife. Those 20,000 will be millions in a short time.

The worse thing Obama and his henchmen/henchwoman are doing is trying to get Israel to give terrorists more of Israeli land!! Even worse, they want Israel to divide Jerusalem with these terrorists. There are Bible scholars who believe that if that happens, God will divide the United States of America using a big earthquake that would go all the way from their northern border down to the Gulf of Mexico along the Madrid fault and the Mississippi River. It would be something the likes of which has never before happened, they say. The Bible says God will bless those who bless Israel and CURSE those who curse Israel. My understanding is that Obama has been cursing Israel.

All the other things Obama has done such as putting the country in debt and just generally mismanaging everything has alread been discussed over and over again.

Are you sure you want to vote for Obama and the Democrats?

I am going to stick my neck out and say this... IF OBAMA IS ELECTED FOR ANOTHER 4 YEARS, THE USA WILL BE A MUSLIM COUNTRY BY THE TIME HIS TERM IS OVER ...or soon thereafter, thanks to Obama. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?

So little has been said about how Obama has done so much to rub in our faces that he is a Muslim, and a radical Muslim at that. He has lied to the American people about that but then, oh, I forgot, his religion not only allows him to lie but tells him to do so if it advances the causes of Allah of which, by the way, he can make himself the sole judge.

Watch these two short videos; then tell me if he is Muslim or not....


There are many more videos on YouTube about Obama and Muslims and others.


Hi Evelyn,

There are many disappointed Democrats and Independents who voted for B Hussein in 2008. We're all witness to the growing number that will not support him in this election cycle ....... and rightly so.

The polls are telling us that an increasing number of Independents are supporting Mitt Romney and in the end they might be the final nail in this administration's coffin.

BTW, Americans living in Israel have voted 75% for Romney and 25% for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Tomorrow the margin might grow even higher.




Peter I posted this in one of my threads earlier but thought it should also be posted here too. You know I don't ever remember there being so much being said about a sitting president before, with the exception of the MSM, more and more have spoken out about this, the worst president we the USA has ever had.


As many of you know I was a life long Democrat until not long ago but when I registered to vote here in Florida I registered as an Independent. I'm not saying I won't vote for a Democrat in the future but if I do it will be after much research. I want to quote what one of my FB friends posted today and I thought he explained it perfectly.
For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.
I also hope the following article is a sign of things to come too, that many people have opened their eyes to just what we have let take control and on Tuesday will give him his walking papers.
by William Bigelow4 Nov 2012

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time -- never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.

But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.

As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:

Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama's speech.

And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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