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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/4/2012 9:17:52 PM

Peter this article is self explanatory to most, but not all.

Media blackout of black Chicago protesters marching against Obama

Anne Sorock Saturday, November 3, 2012
Black Chicagoans from the south and west sides took their message to what they say is the source of the problem when they converged outside of a fundraiser held by Mayor Emanuel for Barack Obama and then marched to the studios of ABC News.

Their message, “let us work in our own community,” was made all the more poignant as the ABC News crew ignored the news event outside their very studios. Not one camera was sent to cover the news that was, literally, placed at their doorstep.

The protest, which took place Thursday evening, addressed these community members’ growing desperation as their wartorn neighborhoods are redeveloped by political cronies, evicting residents and shutting out local investors, and use union labor from outside the community to do the work. It’s a corrupt cycle of government “work” that takes advantage of the poor, evicting them, and then redeveloping the properties to benefit anyone but the community.

In the video below, community members who say they are desperate for jobs and investment, focus their protest against liberal leadership, including Obama and Emanuel, so-called community organizations like ACORN, and unions:

In an earlier video published by Jeremy Segal “Rebel Pundit,” a community member elaborated on the issue the inner-city black community has with unions: they won’t hire black people. Therefore any work going to their communities for building sites, etc., shuts them out of jobs. Segal writes:

According to Mark Carter of the Broke Party, a newly formed group of black grassroots activists fed up with the destruction and blight brought on their community by the liberal agenda, the protest was “about bringing attention to the demolition of homes in Chicago’s black communities on the west and south sides.” These buildings, Carter says, “can still be saved, but the city is tearing them down,” leaving property values and the community in the gutter.

Carter told Breitbart News they chose the Obama fundraiser as the starting point for the protest in order to send a direct message to Rahm Emanuel and Washington, D.C. that they will not be voting on Tuesday for those politicians who are allowing their homes and community to be demolished.

In an effort to bring even further attention to the ongoing issues of the black community in Chicago, the protest ended up outside of ABC 7 News’s local broadcast studio on State Street. This studio can be viewed from the street and sidewalk. When the protesters arrived, they used a bullhorn to announce themselves and called on weather reporter Jerry Taft, seen through the window, not to pretend they weren’t there, prompting a wave from Taft to the protesters.

As the new jobs numbers show black unemployment has risen to 14.3 percent, this community is desperate for work. They are desperate to find a new way outside of liberal leadership. And they are desperate for the media to stop the blackout on the real stories happening in the inner-city communities.

What can the inner-city black community do to get ABC News and other outlets to cover their plight, if bringing news to their very doorstep is not enough for the media to pay attention?

RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 12:24:48 AM

Peter I posted this in one of my threads earlier but thought it should also be posted here too. You know I don't ever remember there being so much being said about a sitting president before, with the exception of the MSM, more and more have spoken out about this, the worst president we the USA has ever had.


As many of you know I was a life long Democrat until not long ago but when I registered to vote here in Florida I registered as an Independent. I'm not saying I won't vote for a Democrat in the future but if I do it will be after much research. I want to quote what one of my FB friends posted today and I thought he explained it perfectly.
For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.
I also hope the following article is a sign of things to come too, that many people have opened their eyes to just what we have let take control and on Tuesday will give him his walking papers.
by William Bigelow4 Nov 2012

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time -- never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.

But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.

As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:

Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama's speech.

And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.

Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 12:37:00 AM
Hi Peter & Friends,

I also heard that people walked out of a Madonna concert last week in New Orleans when she promoted Obama. She's been promoting Obama for years, and now recently, people are turning away! WOW.
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 1:23:18 PM
Hi Evelyn,

The information in your article shouldn't surprise anyone. It's not only Blacks that are disappointed with B Hussein and his failed policies, there are many who supported and voted for the fraud and great pretender in 2008 and are planning to vote for Romney this time.

The gall of the MSM and in this particular case ABC News is completely mind bogging but lets not forget that the rest of the MSM didn't cover this story either. They can't have unhappy blacks dissing their savior. Remember they've been calling conservative and Republican blacks Uncle Toms
and worse. The validity of their complaints and claims are all true and no one in the MSM is interested in the truth.

They know that 4 more years of B Hussein will destroy what little they have left and it isn't much. I am hopeful that come Wednesday we'll have a new president elect and then all we have to worry about is the damage he'll purposely do till he's put on the plane back to Chicago or Hawaii or Kenya.




Peter this article is self explanatory to most, but not all.

Media blackout of black Chicago protesters marching against Obama

Anne Sorock Saturday, November 3, 2012
Black Chicagoans from the south and west sides took their message to what they say is the source of the problem when they converged outside of a fundraiser held by Mayor Emanuel for Barack Obama and then marched to the studios of ABC News.

Their message, “let us work in our own community,” was made all the more poignant as the ABC News crew ignored the news event outside their very studios. Not one camera was sent to cover the news that was, literally, placed at their doorstep.

The protest, which took place Thursday evening, addressed these community members’ growing desperation as their wartorn neighborhoods are redeveloped by political cronies, evicting residents and shutting out local investors, and use union labor from outside the community to do the work. It’s a corrupt cycle of government “work” that takes advantage of the poor, evicting them, and then redeveloping the properties to benefit anyone but the community.

In the video below, community members who say they are desperate for jobs and investment, focus their protest against liberal leadership, including Obama and Emanuel, so-called community organizations like ACORN, and unions:

In an earlier video published by Jeremy Segal “Rebel Pundit,” a community member elaborated on the issue the inner-city black community has with unions: they won’t hire black people. Therefore any work going to their communities for building sites, etc., shuts them out of jobs. Segal writes:

According to Mark Carter of the Broke Party, a newly formed group of black grassroots activists fed up with the destruction and blight brought on their community by the liberal agenda, the protest was “about bringing attention to the demolition of homes in Chicago’s black communities on the west and south sides.” These buildings, Carter says, “can still be saved, but the city is tearing them down,” leaving property values and the community in the gutter.

Carter told Breitbart News they chose the Obama fundraiser as the starting point for the protest in order to send a direct message to Rahm Emanuel and Washington, D.C. that they will not be voting on Tuesday for those politicians who are allowing their homes and community to be demolished.

In an effort to bring even further attention to the ongoing issues of the black community in Chicago, the protest ended up outside of ABC 7 News’s local broadcast studio on State Street. This studio can be viewed from the street and sidewalk. When the protesters arrived, they used a bullhorn to announce themselves and called on weather reporter Jerry Taft, seen through the window, not to pretend they weren’t there, prompting a wave from Taft to the protesters.

As the new jobs numbers show black unemployment has risen to 14.3 percent, this community is desperate for work. They are desperate to find a new way outside of liberal leadership. And they are desperate for the media to stop the blackout on the real stories happening in the inner-city communities.

What can the inner-city black community do to get ABC News and other outlets to cover their plight, if bringing news to their very doorstep is not enough for the media to pay attention?

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/5/2012 1:29:37 PM
Hi Evelyn,

There are many disappointed Democrats and Independents who voted for B Hussein in 2008. We're all witness to the growing number that will not support him in this election cycle ....... and rightly so.

The polls are telling us that an increasing number of Independents are supporting Mitt Romney and in the end they might be the final nail in this administration's coffin.

BTW, Americans living in Israel have voted 75% for Romney and 25% for the fraud and great pretender B Hussein. Tomorrow the margin might grow even higher.




Peter I posted this in one of my threads earlier but thought it should also be posted here too. You know I don't ever remember there being so much being said about a sitting president before, with the exception of the MSM, more and more have spoken out about this, the worst president we the USA has ever had.


As many of you know I was a life long Democrat until not long ago but when I registered to vote here in Florida I registered as an Independent. I'm not saying I won't vote for a Democrat in the future but if I do it will be after much research. I want to quote what one of my FB friends posted today and I thought he explained it perfectly.
For all Democrats that I might of offended it is time for all to see being loyal to your party isn't the right thing to do.The current radicals that have hijacked the Dem. Party are a threat to our freedom and national interest. It isn't your Grandparents party anymore. It is time for critical thinking past party allegiance. I never called myself a Rep. before now, I always thought I would vote for the best candidate. Our country is not the same and I don't see it getting better soon but I believe 100% if Obama is in office again we are in for the worst 4 years ever and no chance of recovery at all. America will not be America soon and we will not be free nation. God help us all.
I also hope the following article is a sign of things to come too, that many people have opened their eyes to just what we have let take control and on Tuesday will give him his walking papers.
by William Bigelow4 Nov 2012

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time -- never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.

When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.

But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.

As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:

Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama's speech.

And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7

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