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Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2012 3:26:06 PM
Hello Friends,

Below is an article by Barry Rubin an expert on the Middle East and like me an American with dual citizenship, Israeli and US. Politically he is more a liberal but for the past 4 years he's been very critical of B Hussein's Middle East policies and has written many articles on this subject.

The below article explains why he thinks B Hussein should be voted out of office and is an excellent read.



One Thousand and One Articles Later: Why Obama Should be Voted Out of Office Today

By Barry Rubin

For four years now–yes, I started before he was actually inaugurated–I have been chronicling the disastrous policies of President Barack Obama on the Middle East. I may have written as many as 1000 articles that deal with aspects of this issue. In the tradition of Scheherazade, perhaps the greatest of Middle Eastern story-tellers, that makes this my 1001th story.

And now the day has come when it will be decided if he will have the same period of time once again to do more damage, to help destroy more lives, create tens of thousands of refugees, and lay the basis for new wars.

I have written about how this administration has supported the bad guys–with guns and diplomatic help–in Syria, those who want to turn the country into an anti-American Islamic republic. Of how the nation’s leaders believe that helping just about every Islamist group except al-Qaida is a great idea because they will be moderate and good friends of America. Then there’s the disgraceful Benghazi incident where, whatever the precise details, the White House stood by as Americans were murdered and then rationalized the motive of the terrorists by blaming the United States. Benghazi is the perfect symbol for Obama Middle East policy. I’ve explained why apology, appeasement, flattery, and empathy won’t work in turning radicals and terrorists into moderates. I wrote of how the claim that Obama didn’t play a significant role in the empowerment of revolutionary Islamists is bogus. And of how by the standards Obama explicitly set down at the start of his term his policy has totally failed.

Perhaps most importantly of all I’ve explained why there is every reason to believe that another four years of Obama will be just as bad or worse, that the president has learned few lessons likely to change his approach to the region.

And all of the above–and more–was just in the month of October 2012.

None of this was done due to ideology–I’m not a conservative–or partisanship–I’m not a Republican–but out of a deep-seated belief that his policy in the Middle East is terribly dangerous because it nurtures the worst forces that want to seize power, create dictatorships, oppress women, terrorize Christians, commit genocide against Jews, set their countries for decades on a course of war and repression, and do everything they can to destroy U.S. interests.

Imagine a U.S. president in the 1930s or early 1940s helping fascists get into power and whitewashing their ideology and behavior. Imagine a U.S. president who in the 1950s or 1960s did the same for Communists. How would you feel about such a person and his effect on the world? Recently several readers have written me that they will be voting for Obama because they believe that he has learned his lesson, is a true friend of Israel, hasn’t done harm because he had no control over events. I can understand how people might say such things but not after they’ve read what I’ve written about these matters.

And now the day has come to make a choice.

There are many reasons why I’m thoroughly disgusted with all the phony Obama-loves-Israel or Obama has done a good job on foreign policy nonsense and the foolish things many American Jews and many Americans say about him on this topic. But let me reduce all of these points to one central–and indisputable by anyone who is honest–issue:

Obama has helped put into power in Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood, the world’s leading anti-American, antisemitic movement; has backed its coming to power in Syria (though he backed the equally anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Israel Bashar al-Asad dictatorship before the revolt); and helped maintain in power another Brotherhood branch, by pressing Israel to reduce sanctions and opposing Israel’s self-defense against it,, in the Gaza Strip. This group openly embraces genocide against Israel and Jews generally.

He has also backed a Turkish regime that loathes Israel, employs antisemitism, supports Hamas and Hizballah, and wants to kick U.S. influence out of the region. The leader of that regime is, according to Obama, his hero. The Obama Administration has not lifted a finger to press Turkey toward rebuilding relations with Israel. On the contrary, it has rewarded a Turkish regime that is doing the opposite. Only on the issue of continued aid and intelligence cooperation with Israel has Obama kept up the traditional relationship.

He has fought al-Qaida but helped or at least not done anything against other revolutionary Islamist movements. As a result of Obama’s policies, too, even more extremist Salafist movements have been unleashed in several countries. The Muslim Brotherhood is quite tolerant of these terrorist forces and uses them as part of its overall strategy.

As a result of Obama’s policies, too, even more extremist Salafist movements have been unleashed. The Muslim Brotherhood is quite tolerant of these terrorist forces and uses them as part of its overall strategy.

How can one lionize an American president who has given major backing and been an apologist for such a movement?

One can talk about Iran, the Jerusalem issue, and lots of other things. But whitewashing and helping five regimes or movements that openly and daily call for wiping Israel off the map, slanders Jews, and calls for their mass murder qualifies as sufficient in my book to laugh at any assertion that such a president is “good” for Israel. And whitewashing and helping five regimes or movements that call for hating America, murdering its citizens, destroying its interests, and even–albeit more fancifully–destroying the United States qualifies as sufficient in my book to laugh at any assertion that such a president is “good” for America.

Obama’s policies have placed the lives of Americans and Israelis in jeopardy, as well as the citizens of many other countries, and made war more likely. For the first time in many decades, Israel cannot depend on the U.S. government. Neither can a dozen Arabic-speaking states that have relied on U.S. support. Neither can Middle Eastern pro-democracy advocates, moderates, secularists, women, and Christians. Neither can Americans.

Something should be done about that. And today is the day to do it.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2012 3:29:59 PM
Hi Peter,

The fun-filled election day is already in high gear. Philadelphia is dominantly Democrat and as the article says, there are no cool heads there! (Most radio stations are afraid to carry Rush Limbaugh because of threats against station owners)

Judge issuing order to reinstate booted Philadelphia election officials, Republicans say

Read more:

A Pennsylvania judge is issuing an order to reinstate Republican election officials across Philadelphia who allegedly were ejected or refused entry by on-site Democratic voting chief judges, GOP officials tell Fox News.

One Republican official claimed that "just under 70" Republican election officials were blocked from Philadelphia polling sites Tuesday morning by Democrats on site. One of them, the official claimed, "was shoved out of the polling place."

"For this many inspectors to be ejected from polling places is rare, even for Philadelphia," the official told

Republicans claim they are obtaining a series of court orders to seat the so-called election "inspectors," and sheriff's deputies will be available to escort them.

Despite the high number of officials who were allegedly booted, the dispute itself is not uncommon for Philadelphia. Fred Voigt, legal counsel for the city commissioners, said these kinds of face-offs happen "with regularity" in the City of Brotherly Love.

"It happens all the time," Voigt said. He said court-appointed Republican officials typically show up on Election Day and end up squaring off against stand-in officials at the polling sites filling in the open seats.

"There are no cool heads here," Voigt said.

The on-site election officials are responsible for verifying the identity of voters, and monitoring for signs of fraud or disenfranchisement.

Peter Fogel

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2012 4:30:52 PM
Now why doesn't that surprise me. The Dem's dirty tricks is alive and well. Wonder if they had any new black panthers with batons there too?



Hi Peter,

The fun-filled election day is already in high gear. Philadelphia is dominantly Democrat and as the article says, there are no cool heads there! (Most radio stations are afraid to carry Rush Limbaugh because of threats against station owners)

Judge issuing order to reinstate booted Philadelphia election officials, Republicans say

Read more:

A Pennsylvania judge is issuing an order to reinstate Republican election officials across Philadelphia who allegedly were ejected or refused entry by on-site Democratic voting chief judges, GOP officials tell Fox News.

One Republican official claimed that "just under 70" Republican election officials were blocked from Philadelphia polling sites Tuesday morning by Democrats on site. One of them, the official claimed, "was shoved out of the polling place."

"For this many inspectors to be ejected from polling places is rare, even for Philadelphia," the official told

Republicans claim they are obtaining a series of court orders to seat the so-called election "inspectors," and sheriff's deputies will be available to escort them.

Despite the high number of officials who were allegedly booted, the dispute itself is not uncommon for Philadelphia. Fred Voigt, legal counsel for the city commissioners, said these kinds of face-offs happen "with regularity" in the City of Brotherly Love.

"It happens all the time," Voigt said. He said court-appointed Republican officials typically show up on Election Day and end up squaring off against stand-in officials at the polling sites filling in the open seats.

"There are no cool heads here," Voigt said.

The on-site election officials are responsible for verifying the identity of voters, and monitoring for signs of fraud or disenfranchisement.

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2012 4:41:20 PM
Here's a video, and also shows video of 2008 voter intimidation:

Helen Elias

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RE: The President That Hates His Country By Joan Swirsky
11/6/2012 5:16:01 PM

Hello Peter

Yes, I know you have talked about O'Bumble's Muslim agenda for a long time. I followed most of it and still do. Thanks for your hard work.

I was talking about the chatter 'out there' during this election campaign. Most of the talk we have been doing when we did it was made to people who already knew about it. Perhaps we might have worked harder to get the word out to Democrats et al. I am thinking mainly of myself when I say that. I hope that by the end of today I won't be sorry.


[quote]Hi Helen,

I've been writing about B Hussein's muslim agenda for four years now. His regime is inundated with radical muslims and muslim promoters. His closest adviser is Valerie Jarrett who is of Iranian lineage and one of the major reasons B Hussein didn't say or do anything when the Iranian people revolted and protested in the streets and were murdered and butchered for their efforts. They were begging for American support but B Hussein did nothing and said nothing other then stating it was an internal problem.

B Hussein is well known for his lies and is a pathological liar. You're right that taqiyya is permitted according to islam and B Hussein sure believes in that tenet if the so called muslim religion.

Thanks for your input and well said.


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